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Posts posted by Gunslinger.7031

  1. 5 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

    Tbh this new daily design reminds me like a badly copy pasted version of ESO's endeavors and these are just as bad because some require you to have all DLCs. 
    The dailies in gw2 were fine. They should have jsut brought back monthlies and weeklies instead. 

    Nah, chose one and just get improve the rewards instead of adding more weekly and monthly chores.

    Preferably, I would rather we get rid of dailies and just have a weekly OR monthly in case you can't login everyday with improved rewards but I doubt any game dev would do that as it plunges their daily player count.

    • Like 1

    The easiest improvement would be to keep the Secrets of the Obscure format with the 3 dailies and the blue coins while also giving you the option to choose each daily from a large pool.

    Or you can go with the second easiest to implement reroll option where you have a limited number of RNG rerolls on each of the 3 daily quests with a feature to go back to previous options. 

    And get rid of the weekly lock. No one wants that.

    • Like 1
  3. Let me get this out of the way, given that the price of the coffers at the moment is priced at 21.97s which is lower than the price of 25 pieces of zhaitaffy (0.88c x25=22s total sell price), no one in the right mind would bother to exchange zhaitaffies for coffers via the gobbler.

    This means everyone that bought the gobbler only bought it for the buff it provides. The deliberate change from being able to have multiple and separate Festival Gobbler Boosts active depending on the different gobblers used as seen on the release day it came out to only being able to stack in duration of a single Festival Gobbler Boost a day later was disappointing.

    Not to mention the amount of zhaitaffies needed for each Festival Gobbler Boost cost five times more than the snowflake gobbler is outrageous. We're talking about 48g (22s sell price per buff x4 to get to an hour x24 hours) for a one day buff from the zhaitaffy gobbler vs 6g (1.25s sell price x5 x4 x24 ) for the same duration (24hr) .

    The zhaitaffy gobbler is eight times more expensive than the snowflake gobbler at the moment.

    Unless Anet changes the Festival Gobbler Boost to stack separately AND lower the cost of the zhaitaffy gobbler to something that a lot more sane and in line with the other festival gobblers like 5 zhaitaffies I guarantee you most people will refund this including myself.

    • Confused 1
  4. I hope the new legendary trinket don't require an absurd amount of rank maybe a couple hundred but not in the thousands, otherwise it's not going to be appealing and hardly anyone would make it. With the availability of pseudo-legendary trinkets like the Mist Trinkets and Bloodstone fulfilling the function of stat swapping and the fact that hardcore PVP/WvW player seldom bother make legendaries due to lack of gold or time, you're down to nobody who would craft it.

  5. Okay, I should clarify some things.

    First, you don't have 2 equipment templates, you only have one. The first tab is an active screen that changes as you change equips ; think of it as the equipment screen pre-patch.

    Second, the3 traits+skills loadouts =prepatch 1 wvw/ 1 pvp/ 1 pve traits+skills loadout.1 active equipment screen = pre-patch 1 active equipment screen (tab 1)1 equipment loadout = pre-patch 1 wvw gear loadout (tab 2)

    This is the reason why the 3rd tab of the equipment template isnt given to you free since pvp had no traditional gear loadout prepatch. Meaning you got diddly squat except more buttons to click (traits+skills and gear loadouts) when entering wvw.

    Of course, Anet gave 3 more traits+skills loadouts from the gemstore but they arent as useful as the equipment loadout since it's the more time consuming process and the more important of the two.

  6. Wardrobe Templates/Build

    Having a set wardrobe when switching a set of legendary armor to another character of the same weight class. This allows for different themed characters using the same set and helps differentiate the outfits of different gendered characters of the same weight. It's understandable a female outfit has a male counterpart, however, it's very uncommon that the designated legendary armor set's design will look the way you want it to look on its male counterpart especially, if it has been transmutated.

  7. Legit Problems (even after you fix pricing issues):

    1) Legendaries Unfriendliness

                      If you have legendary armor, you are penalized for using the equipment templates because switching the gear to                   another character of the same weight class erases the gear from all existing equipment templates.                    This also applies to legendary weapons.

    Solution: add legendaries to an account wide equipment storage.

    2) Separation of Templates

                        A proper build templates/managers should remember the customization of stats of all weapons and armor (runes,                     sigils , infusions) along with associated traits used in the build which can later be loaded out on the go for different                     situations, occasions and bosses. An example would be a build called "Ranged Deimos" and another called "Melee                     Deimos" which requires different weapons, traits and possibly armor.                     Instead of a convenient one button on-the-go loadout we have...... (queue drumroll).....                   ....Separated trait templates and equipment templates in order to double the monetization.                     Please take a look at how ARCDPS did this or look at how The Secret World (TSW old version) handled their build                     manager.

    Solution: Merge equipment templates with traits+skills templates.

    3) Missing Clear Save and Load Buttons

                         A clear save and load button for user UI friendliness. I know some people that didn't know/understand how to save                      and load these templates properly or accidentally overwriting things or misunderstanding overwriting for loading... 
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