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Seven Star Stalker.1740

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Posts posted by Seven Star Stalker.1740

  1. Honestly this actually feels a bit close to the jackal in functionality if you ask me. It basically already has that ground/sand theme, shifting into portals which is functionally similar to digging about. The only thing missing would be the whole "digging things" mechanic but I feel like that's probably either going to be really useless or really broken, and kind of dabbles really close to the Nuhoch detection from HoT which can fullfill the same function.

  2. I don't know if that's necesaarily true though. Like if you look at WoW for example there's undoubtedly a simila4 pattern where patch/raid releases aren't nearly as hype as an expansion there either. I think that's a lot more a case of general consequence related to the dynamic between expansions and non expansions rather than a flaw of gw2. Do also keep in mind that while I lack numbers I also feel gw2 is quantifiably not as expansive as say ff14 and WoW as far ad their communities go, so hype always ends up fundamentally smaller and takes more effort to build

    Edit: Various spelling and punctuation.

  3. This is pretty baseless but I have a feeling the episode content levels are not supposed to be consistent and I actually think we'll get one more map between bitterfrost and Marches where whatever final battle will occur will take place in.

    Which is to say, my speculation is chapters 1 and 2 of champions will be drms. And then we'll get a new map for 3-6 ideally that'll be a) really big and b) chopped up into chapters that'll lead to the final confrontation.

    Based on the fact that they gave us skimming the depths, which seems pretty bizzare without any real need for it, my expectation is a map that'll be directly between bitterfrost and marches and will include the flooded valleys to the northwest of the latter with some kodan sanctuaries. That seems similar to the older ls seasons too, and consistent with some IBS maps.

    Though this is puuurely and mostly baseless dreaming if we're being honest.

  4. I think if they wanted to be really clever they could go for spear, but mutliple different versions. Unsure of the functionality but it'd be cool if we got a Naginata-esque wieilding warrior 2h spear, something else that uses spear and off hand to throw them like javelins like in gw1, and spear/pike and shield ala. Hoplites and spearmen.

    Plus, not all classes have spear as a good thematic fit imo so keeping it more limited that way will make it nicely varied without oversaturating.

  5. @leila.7962 said:All that I would care about on home instance nodes would be an update so players could place them wherever they wanted (like a guild hall decoration), instead of spreading them all over the place.. it would be neat to have them all balled up at the door ready to be gathered :3

    Related to this: Jade Shards from LS3 in Asura home instance are located in an obscure corner at the very edge of the map. I hate it.

  6. Good day: For the least week, I've been experiencing strange issues. I was playing in Siren's landing when my game crashed. No audio pixelation, no graphical distortion. The game simply stopped working. This was Tuesday or monday, roughly.

    Since then, the longest I've been able to log in for is once, for about 10 minutes. This didn't crash, I stopped it manually as I had to do some things, but that only worked when I had every single other program on start-up and non-microsoft service disabled. Nothing has changed in my PC before that, and otherwise any attempt to start the game up rarely gets further than the log-in screen, with it seemingly randomly allowing me enough time to check my mail and no more.

    When the game crashes, there isn't any prompt afterwards either. It simply shuts down, as if forcibly terminated without any lag or delay. Has anyone ran into something similar? I've tried repairing it as well, but to no avail. I'm also not sure what services on my PC would even interfere with it as since July I've been playing the game with no issues until this week.

  7. this is pure speculation but:

    I want to baselessly believe the patches are deliberately uneven. In that this one will be small, the next one might be similar sized, but then after that we'll get maybe a new map, and the other patches will unlock sections of the map that culminate in the ending or lead-in to EoD. It's pretty unlikely though given they said they were aiming for that S1 feel. But I also think the whole dynamic of fire vs ice doesn't work in any of the maps the game currently has, unless they actually revamp one to have destroyers in it, which I guess thematically gives incentive?

    Though this makes the countdown seem unnecessarily confusing and bizzare given it literally lad to nothing. They should've just made it longer, or limitless, with maybe some bonuses for how quickly you reach it or something to that effect.

  8. I think between ebonhawk and Highlands is the potential for an interesting badlands patchy map with a branded strip flowing down, though with S4's completion I don't imagine we'd have much way to tie the locational direction in.

    I would reeeally enjoy a map between bitterfrost, Marches and Drizzlewood. I think it'd have a lot of water which'd functionally tie nicely to the addition of Skimming the Depths. But we can also have a dynamic of like. Alpine Marshlands. Given the enemies from the newest patch it can be kind of a reverse maelstrom kind of theme where instead of a volcano that's heated up the local area for some time, this is just the beginning of it. In fact it could make a really interesting Dragon's Stand equivalent for IBS to end on with what is a massive super-map that is split across Champions.

    I doubt it'll happen, but still!

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