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Posts posted by ProjectSoul.6513

  1. Please consider adding a Chinchilla mount skin for [springer]

    Chinchilla > https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a2/32/63/a2326338d246980e8ab4edfda3d676e6.jpg

    • It's a perfect fit skin for [springer].
    • They're both rodents. Chinchillas are mountain rodents though. They jump incredibly high, are intelligent and adorable!
    • Sales> would be positive - priced at the average gem 1200-1500 skin.
    • Popularity > Many other players have already also suggested this too.
    • I would love to have the ability to own a chinchilla in-game too, they're wonderful pets. I unfortunately lost mine early this yr to an unknown illness.

    Previous Thread > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1396333#Comment_1396333

  2. @"Randulf.7614" said:I'd avoid bumping your own thread - that can risk a thread removal and that would be unfortunate since the suggestion is perfectly reasonable. It might be worth posting in the below thread which is often viewed by the devs. They are also on holiday, so a solitary thread might get buried and missedhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again-merged/p97

    I think this is likely something they'd add as one of the random choice packs they do rather than a premium, but either way works.

    As for your question, no there is no known discount or reward for suggested features being added to the game. But there is precedent for suggestions being added - as an example the Weaver elite spec was taken from a rather well thought out player idea

    Ah I didn't know it could get removed for doing that. Thank you for the heads up and the gem store forum link! I shall post there too :]

  3. Hello o/ I'd like to bump this thread.

    Please consider adding [springer] Chinchilla Mount Skin I think it would be a perfect addition to Springer's skin collection!

    The two creatures share extremely similar features and I must add chinchillas are absolutely adorable.

    I saw some other players throughout the forums also suggested this mount skin so I think it's something that could be popular. Please add!

  4. Hi everyone!

    I'd LOVE to announce a mount skin suggestion that I think not only makes sense but it's super adorable. [springer - Chinchilla Mount Skin]

    Why Does This Skin "Make Sense" ?

    • The Springer Rabbit-like creature is unique to GW2. I think it's physical appearance and overall skills more closely relate to a Chinchilla's.
    • Chinchillas are rodents just like rabbits. They're one of the longest living rodents, living up to 20+ years.
      • They have extremely long, skinny back legs that allow them to jump to insane heights.
      • Intelligent and fast little creatures.
      • Chinchillas are unfortunately endangered in the wild, they are hunted for their velvet-like fur. Adopting a domestic chinchilla is something to feel proud of.

    Standard Grey Chinchilla https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a2/32/63/a2326338d246980e8ab4edfda3d676e6.jpg

    Sales ?

    • I believe this skin would sell very well. [1200 Gems] or [% sale upon release] - Question: [Do suggestion winners get it for free or discounted?]
    • I owned a chinchilla for many years, unfortunately he suddenly fell ill with an underlying condition in early August... the Springer naturally always reminded me of him and I have it dyed the same color as him. I think owning a Chinchilla mount skin would be absolutely adoring.

    New Emote/Skill Maybe ?

    • Perhaps the Chinchilla Mount Skin could possess 1 unique skill or emote unique to it.
    • The Skin could either look exactly like a Chinchilla OR look like a Chinchilla and have an adornment. Chinchillas love bells and dangly little things like ribbons for example <3
    • I'm an artist, I have many ideas on this too :D

    Chinchilla Mannerisms

    • Rolling around in dust is something unique to them. Volcanic ash/dust is used to keep their fur clean and dry.
    • Being a rodent they have similar mannerisms to most of them. So, nothing has to be completely renewed to the Springer.

    Is there any way this feedback could be passed along?I think it would sell great bc it's cute, it's new and another skin to add to our collections and ppl can relate if they have one too! It just makes sense!

    Let me know what you all think! :]

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