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Posts posted by Veridiano.8659

  1. 9 hours ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

    Again you just gave Arenanet $79 dollars for their newest expansion as a new player to get caught up on the story to play said new expansion.  You got to level 80 and went into HoT and got confused because you didn't have said content.  How is it their fault?  And why should they be punished monetarily?

    I can spend $60 on FFXIV and get a complete story with only adding maybe $30 more on my sub fee and again that's being conservative with the amount.  It's still like what 50 cents a day.


    I don't care how much it costs.  I care that it does cost.  If it's so integral to that story it should be free.  I'd be more willing to buy season 4 and Icebrood if they showed me some good faith.  But they'd rather flip us over and shake the change out.

    I'm not arguing to pay structures.  I'm arguing the integrity.

    Excuse me. But a new  FFXIV player here. I started a month and half ago. Already on the last expansion, but I'm not lvl 80 with any job (max is 75 DNC) and, while loving the game, I spent 20 bucks for the game, almost 40 for the expansions, then 40 for the last one (Endwalkers) and 35 for the 3 months suscription. That makes 135 for the content FFXIV currently has. Give 115 for the one month suscription

    As right now, for 99.99 (100 bucks) you can buy all the expansions (including the last one) of GW2 plus 4000 gems. All of living season packs costs 4160 gems, which means, for 110 bucks you have all the content of the game. For ever. 

    Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with FFXIV, I'm enjoying it a lot and have no buyer regret at all, game's worth every cent, but the price for a new player to catch up is the same for both games, however GW2 doesn't requiere suscription. 

    Now, with that said. I started playing GW2 since it came out, but I left and came back to really play the game a year after PoF lanuched. Got the the first quest to get the raptor, loved what I saw of Elona (I played Gw1 so I loved to see Elona again). When I was at the 4th PoF story quest I said to myself. OK, I know who Balthazar is, obviously, but why is he so angry, and who the hell is this annoying voice in my head that calls herself "Taimi". So I decided to start with a new character and do the entire story from the start. I did the personal story, and once I completed Orr I got a mail, saying to go to Lion's Arch for a recap of Living season 1. A lunatic engineer tried to destroy the world, and thanks to help of the lovely kitten detective couple (I love Kasmeer and Jory, best couple ever, big fan here), the viking wannabe brute and the little mad Tiny Tina with a hearth of gold I stopped her, but in her dying breath she awakened Mordremoth, the dragon of the jungle. OK, got it, thanks story recap. 

    Then they told me "story continues on living world season 2" Ok, let's see. Looked on the "my personal story" menu. I have to buy those things, I clicked and send me to the gems store. Bought it. Played. Then HoTs, same for Living season 3, the PoF, then same for Living season 4, and icebrood saga, which I had for free since I was already playing when those launched. Which of this part os confusing? I mean, I'm not gonna talk for nor against paying for content, or the way ANet has choose to price tag stuff, but confusing? It's all pretty straight forward. It's not confusing at all. You have to pay a DLC to see this chapters, this ones comes for free, and this one with the expansions packs. It's quite obvious which is which, where to buy them and how. I mean... I don't know what part of it you find confusing. Again, if those content should be free or not... That's not something I want to consider or talk about. But it's not confusing at all. 

    • Like 3
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    • Confused 1
  2. Nope. Not at all. All my characters of all MMOs and RPGs have a backstory and a full developed psyche. My Guild Wars: Prophecies main warrior tank has now a 124 pages story. Followed by my SWTOR smuggler with a 58 pages story and my Star Trek Online Federation Fleet Admiral with a 34 pages story. And I have an entire trilogy of 400+ pages of my own Fallout story. So... No, they are not me. I'm the player, they are characters that I play with. Like Geralt or Link.

  3. HoT is hard. I mean, it is. It's not a walk in the park. However I just did it everything on my own, totally solo with my engineer but I also learn to play with the game mechanics aswell. I learned about interrupting some enemy attacks, counter the rest, avoid areas, etc. I mean, I've played Dark Souls I and III, and I've was recently playing Remnant: From the Ashes (very souls like with guns, basically) in max difficulty before jumping over GW2. And the HoT part take me by surprise, but after some wipes, some yelling and a new keyboard and screen I finally became a holoartisan and learned how to play, and I've taken down solo Mordremoth itself. Learned the masteries, etc.Being hard may shock, but it's the way to learn the mechanics of the game and prepare you for the endgame, at least a bit. It makes you ask other people, group with them and learn, watch tutorials and guides, search for builds and learn and master your own set of skills, know what is good for where and against who.The problem with Hot is, sometimes is too annoying. And annoyance it's not always the same as hard. That's a problem too obvious on souls games, many people use "hard" when it's not hard per se, it's just annoying. Dark Souls III Guardian of the Abyss, for instance, wasn't hard, rather than annoying. Too much health, too many hits in unpredictable combos, and 2 fases that resets every time you die. That's annoting because you just have to repeat the simple mechanics of "evade-attack-evade" to many times and without mistake. It's plays with your pacience rather than with your skill. It becomes tiresome real quick. With Hot Is more or less the same. Too may layers, too many roots that makes you fall, too many "instakill" enemies that makes you go down your mount (like those mini killer dinos, what the hell they eat? They are harder than Mordremoth) etc, and two maps without waypoints. One because simply there's no waypoints at all and the other because they are always in conflict. That makes the expansion tiresome to play. And that's not good at all, for anyone. So hard is good, but annoying is not.

  4. Well, don't know what the planning to release, but if it's in anyway similar to factions, it's not going to be similar to WoW: MoP in any way possible. I mean, I still remember Kaineng City. A place to hate, a place to love. It was a city so massive that covered more than one game zone. I mean, the main hub was just a plaza in that city, and the first two or three zones are just the city itself and some ninja weird cult constant ambushes. I remember how it was not just big, but also tall, as a fantasy/asian version of a Warhammer 40k Hive city.Also, If I recall correctly, there was racism and some hate over rival gangs, some ninja cults, assassins and slayers, and a throne and something about the emperor of Cantha being petrified or something. Can't remember much despite that city, but factions was not at all similar to MoP, so if they take the same lore we had on factions, it will be nothing like it. Of course they could just say "dragons did stuff" and remake everything, but... Well I just hope to have some of factions back.

  5. The dervish they should have given us in PoF expansion.

    Ninja themed stuff

    More progression, with less grinding.

    Actually usefull rewards.

    Hard fights. And I mean hard. Not frustrating, but actually hard. Less inmortal mechanics, more skill.

    Less Deux Ex Machina

    Actually some control over what my toon does. At least some margin of choice.

    Auras gone (or at least a way to deactivate them so my elementalist look human again, and not the frozen spirit of winter)

    Braham gone (some one find a commissar and shot this one in the head, for the grace of the golden throne)

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