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Posts posted by Morphman.6312

  1. You should go back to NA. I used to play from 2012-2015 in wvw all the time in EU. Stopped due to severe burn out. Came back in 2020 to see what was happening. The state of EU wvw has really changed, it's such a bad environment now, the elitism is off the charts. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty of elitism back when GW2 first came out. But back then, there was server pride and a community to set some sort of server foundation which relied on public commanders helping to coordinate and train pugs. However now, the guilds really do think they're gods gift to mankind and it is no longer an environment for a new player, let alone a new person to join the community

    The reason you're seeing a lot of "Pve" players is because:1) you joined the latest bandwagon, there are no proper communities in EU wvw anymore, there are only wandering guilds, wandering pugs and static pugs. If there are communities, they are tiny and the large majority of them are not loyal and will login to their alt accounts at the first sign of losing or if they get wiped2) every time these guilds create the latest bandwagon server, they snap up all of the semi-hardcore/hardcore players from that server and then these players are only seen with their guild and don't care for playing under a public tag again because the elitism of the guild they joined rubs off on them3) Once more bandwagoners find out where the next great server is, they'll flood it. Guilds complain that people have followed them over. Massive queues happen. Guilds leave with the players they sucked up

    Rinse and repeat and you'll see the issue and you'll see why playing without a guild absolutely sucks. There's no proper community guilds to get involved with because there is no loyalty, the players who have some commander potential are just being taught to enjoy fights and not fighting for the server, nobody is training new commanders, there's no incentive to bother to become a pug commander - even when some people try to tag up publicly, they just get yelled at by toxic guild members and elitists for taking up precious space, nobody is training pugs to become better. Pugs just get called pve players and get tricked into changing maps so that guilds can fit their very average players in. Maybe these things happen in NA as well. I'm just speaking from my experience after returning.

    Ive gone on a bit of a tangent but while it can and should be blamed on the players, really, the majority of the blame lies with anet. They really messed up. This game mode had great potential but they've ruined it with their stale decision making and it's now rotting.

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