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Posts posted by Crann.1342

  1. @Megametzler.5729 said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:@Megametzler.5729@"Zeesh.7286"you know that ele can retarget glyph right? you know what knocking back does nothing against good ele as they just retarget and rez anyways? and you waste just another skill in hopes of securing a kill in vain attempt to stop no counterplay-rez

    You have to stow and wait for the recast though. When corrupting, they just break fear and re-stab. it is still counterplay.

    Btw. I am being only half serious here. :wink: I just want to point out that the counterplay argument is often pointless.

    With instant ground targeting the glyph is cast wherever your cursor is at the END of the cast, so you can "retarget" if the body gets knocked. So vs mistform glyph you basically gotta knock the body out of LoS or out of range, or rupt them the milliseconds between they click glyph and then mistform. That's the only counterplay, Other than cleaving fast/poison ofc :)

  2. I'm honestly convinced that they made it a channel instead of a transform as an easy lazy way to fix the minions dying bug and not for any balance reasons.

    Being able to stow to end early/use instant cast utilities during Obsidian Flesh is in no way more valuable than being able to use Obsidian Flesh while stunned or to res/stomp, huge nerf that just removes a hype proactive play-making potential. Don't know why they felt the need to do this 2ND nerf.

    You already had to click F to stomp before you could invuln, unlike Elixir S or Distortion being free to interact while invulnerable. Hopefully they bring the other invulns inline to this new design choice, since everyone seems to want all classes to be the same and not unique :)

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