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Syvaris Laskaris.5247

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Posts posted by Syvaris Laskaris.5247

  1. 8 minutes ago, Neo K.9145 said:

    If you consider removing homophobic, racist, sexist, and other hate speech censoring than so be it. That's on you if you think that kind of speech is okay. The subreddit mod team does not, and I'm pretty sure you'll be banned from here as well using speech like that.

    Guild Wars 2 is a game that prides itself on diversity and inclusion from the game itself, to the developer, and to the community. Anyone acting against that openness is a threat to the community. 

    I very much love the GW2 community but like every online community, especially given the current state of real life politics there are evil people who become part of that community and in order to make it safe for everyone, the bigots have to be removed. Intolerance can not be tolerated. 

    Case and point, someone who sniffs their own farts and thinks they should get to play shepherd with a community.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Cyanophyta.6345 said:

    And personally, I don't believe most reddit mods moderate out of the goodness of their hearts. Maybe you do, but for most, it's because they're addicted to both the website and the feeling of power they get from being moderators. Moral grandstanding and all that.

    Their stated reason for becoming a mod is that they wanted to censor the community because of "hate speech", They literally state that they don't like the community. 

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  3. 11 hours ago, Neo K.9145 said:

    Hello there. As you might have guessed from the name I am one of the moderating team over at r/GuildWars2

    Hurry up and cash in your Jannie paycheck while you still can, I'm sure there are a ton of zero's on it.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:


    Yet another "be careful what you wish for from Anet" thing.  Seems like some players pine for certain things in game and when Anet deigns to produce them, they're never what the players wanted.

    Still can't believe after 10 years they finally decide to sell a Shiro set in the gem store and they decided to make their own OC donut-steal design.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

    See, I think it's the exact opposite. All other mounts, with the possible exception of the Skyscale, fill very specific niches and have clearly defined, useful, everyday roles.

    The turtle simply doesn't fill a niche at all, and therefore there's no reason to use it.

    It can be used to break gates in Drizzlewood and people seem to be using it to break bars such as in Dragonstorm. If they add more siege damage objectives in new meta's it could have a real use/niche, but it probably won't ever be "naturally" useful like the movement based mounts are.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    How about we don't change GW2 UI into WoW with all raid addons UI?

    Imagine conflating making it easy for players to tell what Instanced PvE content there is and it's group sizes, entrance locations, summary of paths, wither you have or have not cleared it or finished the daily and drop/vendor rewards by adding a menu like PvP/WvW do with coving the screen with Addons that tell you what the boss is about to do and kitten.

    It always astounds me how GW2 the game marketed to casuals and for being accessible has people come out of the woodwork to defend old outdated systems that needlessly hide essential information that even "Endgame" focused games have decided were good idea's. 

    Just go to a third-party Wiki for all essential information bro! Ain't that just the most accessible thing?

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  7. The fact the standing still animation is "correct" with the offhand "mostly" in-front of you so if your using a shield it is actually at the ready but then someone decided to make the run animation just a jog with your fore arms flailing up and down is incredible. Somehow Todd Howard and Bethesda's clowns they have on the animation team can get it right but Anet who actually do generally have decent animations completely screwed the pooch.

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  8. 20 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    just as respecting player time.

    So clearly they forgot about this when they fully jumped aboard the collection train, or designed the WvW skirmish tickets/pips.

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    • Reinforced Potency: (PvE only) Bonus damage per boon increased from 1% to 1.5%.


    Time to press 1 on power Herald again boys, why would you buff actual active skills?

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  9. 15 hours ago, Opopanax.1803 said:

    Makes you wonder how many raids you could pull off with:

    10 warriors

    10 elementalists

    10 thieves

    etc etc.


    This would really reveal the ability of classes to pull off group content by tools that they have alone.

    I'm guessing that all Guardian and all Revenant raids would fair pretty well...

    10 warriors would just end up being a mix of Shoutsworns and Bannersworns.

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  10. 15 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    The ironic thing is, the "no roles" concept ended up taking players' autonomy away. Because each profession wasn't inherently associated with a primary role, but instead with a specific function, that concept just ended up degrading into which professions can perform that function the best. In that way, players are limited in what they can choose. (Thus enforcing a "meta")

    gw2 started off with the pseudo-trinity of: dps/control/support.

    A warrior was not really a warrior, but a "dps" who can "control" and sorta-kinda "support". (Never mind the fact that other classes could do those better! ) I remember the "stack on the boss" dungeon days, those sucked. How people thought this thought-less game play was ok is a mystery. Anet reneged on their previous philosophy by adding support specs later on(HoT).

    So, all that's really missing is now a full-on tank spec along with some aggro-controls for the game. Which brings the next question: "Ok, you now have all the conventional trinity functions: dps, heal, tank, so why not just scrap this specialization thing altogether as it stands and just bring back class roles?" Oh right!...that would prove to Anet that they failed to reinvent the wheel and that this is what should've been done in the first place!

    All they have really managed to do is turn everyone into a Paladin and the better your Profession is at being a Paladin the more meta you are (funnily enough GW2's actually Paladin stand-in has been choking Profession diversity in every game-mode except PvP which it had to be forced out of). Who would have thought that being decent to good at everything and then being able to gear toward one role would just create a mess.

  11. Just now, Eugchriss.2046 said:

    It's not about him being good or bad, nor him playing an op class or not. It's about getting hit by a skill you dodged. learn to read kitten.

    He has to defend the e-spec that is carrying his kitten, please understand.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, ThunderX.6591 said:

    If you consider that Mecha come only with EOD expansion (and that Anet sayd they double the number of people in the game), you can assume that 25% is more about the new people EOD get than old veteran players playing it. Veterans have other class to play that do more dps like Virtuoso, Harbinger, Soulbeast or the Untamed surprise top dps.

    Obviously new people choose an easy class to play, (expecially if a Robot is in the window login of the game that easy point to a class in game).

    They are new to the game, and considering Anet try many new ways to get people to do end game contents (raids and all with the "easy raid a week" bonus) i think is totally normal to see so many Mecha there, mean a lot of new and casual people are doing that contents (normally, you would be happy to have more people doing it, no?).

    3 Mechs in the World first Harvest Temple CM and 4 in World Second, but I'm sure they are just new players.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

    It's not an issue, people are just jumping on a bandwagon for the outrage of the week. "30%+ self quickness uptime and brings 25 vuln" that's both outclassed by similar builds and partly wrong, you only get 13-19 vuln and thats with celestial gear so pure damage builds offer considerably less in that regard. 30% selfish self quickness is also nothing to write home about, Harbinger has more uptime on pulsing AoE quickness. This is not about "effort vs. performance" or content "getting trivialized" as otherwise things like Mirage and defensive support should have been constant sorces of bigger "outrage" but as always in that regard: crickets, which (in combination that people constantly move the goalpost with their complaints, e.g.: "I'm perfectly 100% fine with LI builds being decent the only issue I have is that this is literally "0 APM" ... and all the utility you also have by using all your other skills") tells you everything you need to know about the true nature of these complaints.

    Almost 25% of the raid playerbase jumped on the Mechanist train for no reason, Thanks for the insight. /s

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