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Posts posted by Moonlight.1985

  1. @"birdboy.6509" said:In the spirit of full disclosure, I will preface this post by saying for those of you who don't know me or my main account (anonymouse.4760), every season I have played I get to legend with thief. I will write this objectively and with as little bias as possible. It's important to know moving forward in this post that thief has 4 viable ranked specs SCROLL DOWN FOR TLDR

    1. Condi Thief
    2. Deadeye
    3. Staff thief
    4. Core Power

    I just want to point out a few things. . .

    1. Anet already addressed condi thief is getting nerfed, you can see it in the most recent suggested patch notes - deadly ambition ( the recently reworked trait ) is getting hit so that it has less burst and forces thieves to apply more sustained pressure. I anticipate post-season-update the aforementioned specs will become more popular among thief players. I am aware condi is disliked and frowned upon by a lot of players, ( a big reason as to why this thread has gotten so much attention ) so i'm sure a lot of you will be happy to read this.

    2. There's a lot of talk about condi thief being easy to use or broken yet of the players that make up the top 10 on the leaderboard not one of them is a condi thief, while the majority is holosmith / dps firebrand. In fact, the two thieves currently on it are a deadeye and a staff thief. In the top 25 - none of the account names I recognize belong to condi thief players. I can't speak for condi thief's effectiveness or rarity in gold or low plat which i'm assuming many of the players posting here reside in, as I am typically around 1770-1820 - but I'm sure it is more prevalent there. My point is that it's "ease of use" drops off heavily against more experienced players. Sound familiar? This is how thief has been since launch. every viable thief spec always garners complaints, because of the mechanics of the class being difficult to understand / counter.

    3. Be patient, the patch usually hits mid season, which is only a week or two away from now. In no time at all you'll be back to the forums reading complaints about how a perma stealth deadeye just one shot someone for a 13k deaths judgement, or a staff thief just survived a 1v2 and evaded ten times in a row. No matter how you look at it, thief mechanics will always be hard to deal with - sorry but that's just the nature of the class.

    Pick your poison

    • Kat


    • condi thief confirmed getting nerfed soon, u wont c it as much because of how competitive the other options are
    • easier in silver / gold vs plat / legend
    • condi always gets more complaints than power, hence why there is more attention here than on deadeye which are both equally good in ranked IMO
    • thief in general gets alot of complaints because its burst is low counterplay and hard to understand not bc its more op than other meta classes
    • just as many guardians holos revs ect as there are thieves proves it isn't out of line with other meta classes*

    The main issue is the deadly ambition trait + panic strike the former which is getting a change although it's definitely fake news that's a nerf since it's going from (3stacks of poison traited) 5sec icd ->(2stacks of poison traited) 2sec Icd. Basic math = every 10 sec thief applies 6 stacks of poison(traited) and after change(nerf hahaxd) applies 10stacks of poison . All they need to do is add an icd for the immob on poison in panic strike and condi thief won't be able to spam sword 2 and have ridiculous poison up time. Wrote this with "as little bias as possible" btw.

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