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Posts posted by djmasa.9123

  1. One thing I'd like to ask, is how many players can actually be on the same map at the same time? For example, Server A. There's four maps, 3 borderlands and EBG. We constantly see high queue times on EVERY MAP almost consistently every Friday for a near-full to full server. We've seen the kinds of numbers waiting at the LA gates on Friday resets. It seems to me like only 1 to maybe 2 full squads can make it into a map with fairly good chances if no PUGs are also going in at the same time. If PUGs are involved, the chances obviously decrease.  This saying that even if a full WvW Guild (500 roster) does like to play WvW all the time (not likely, but just read on), over 85% of them won't get in to ANY map. Now, I suppose it would be possible for a guild to split squads up to different maps each with their own commander, but at this point, you're literally splitting ONE 500 person guild up into four and each running their own squad in the maps. While it's HIGHLY unlikely that a 500 roster guild would play each and every day, you can split that up however you want over across a few guilds on each server and see the result.  Somebody is going to get left out and not be able to play at all. If world restructuring is going to happen and be effective, they need to be able to scale the system to allow for these players who 'get left behind' simply for not being fast enough to enter the gate or come late.

    The biggest other problem I see surrounding WvW even in it's current system is two items. One is a skills design problem and one is a technical problem. 

    The skills problem is: Immobility condition. Immobility makes sense if it's 1 second or less and cannot be stacked. The problem is today if an entire zerg bombs on you and you get hit with immobility, you get hit with way more than a 1 second interval. That limits you from doing ANYTHING. You can't even clear that condition quick enough before another is slapped on or stacked on you, not only holding you in place for more than 1 second, but making it so you can't ever clear them. What happens here is you are effectively taken completely out of the battle. You can't move. You can't do anything, All the while this big zerg knows it and is beating you down until you're dead, and lets be honest, it happens fairly quickly. Those precious few seconds can mean a lot in a battle. It needs to be reworked. 

    The technical problem is: Lag. We've seen it. It's been frustrating. How many times have you been in a map, get in range of a zerg and all of the sudden the lag spikes up to levels not seen since dialup internet days. This is a big problem. Many people say, oh it's your graphics card or your system can't handle processing that many people at once. I disagree. I've seen top of the line video cards with options set to the lowest levels STILL have major problems with lag. What happens with lag? Your skills roll. They don't work. You're effectively taken out of battle. You can't see anything. You move, but you can't hit anything. After awhile (could be anywhere from 1-30 seconds), the lag dissipates and you've found out you're dead in a ditch or gully somewhere because you have no idea how you actually got there. If the lag goes on for a super long amount of time, you ultimately get disconnected, meaning the same thing happens. You're taken out of the game. Your fun has been squashed, and if you're experiencing full queues, might as well give up for the night and go do something else. That's a horrible way to have to go out. It's even worse when it happens to a commander of a squad. Your entire squad is left to fend for themselves if no other person can take over being a commander, and even then, it's a huge change because that commander might do things differently. 


    So to end my post, the three things needing to change in WvW are: Immobility condition, Lag, and the queues.

    Maybe ArenaNet has plans for the queues, but so far even during the world restructuring betas I've been in, I've almost always got separated from my group and put on to another server which is also disheartening because you can't play with your fellow guildies and teammates. I hope they do. But the others need to be sorted out or all of this will be for nothing.


  2. 6 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

    I like your idea for the sixth slot, one just for the alliances. There was a simple work around for your situation though, that my WvW guild was suggesting ahead of the beta. Anyone who didn't have a free slot for our alliance's umbrella guild was told they could temporarily leave the WvW guild to open a slot and then rejoin that guild later, after the beta.

    Yeah, that had come up to, but I think I would have lost some influence points or however that works out. It just seems a little unfair to have to do all of that.

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  3. Suggestion for ArenaNet:
    Make a 6th guild slot available that is for alliances. The problem I had with World Restructuring Beta is that all of my guild slots are full, and unexpectedly I was asked to join a guild alliance that my regular WvW guild and Friendly Guilds on our server had made in order to make sure we were all able to play together. Since I no longer had that option, I had selected my main WvW guild in the restructuring list of guild selections. Initially on the first night, it looked like I would get in with everyone else, and then got changed to a different team about 10 minutes later, yet the panel still showed the names different. When I logged out and back in, everything was refreshed, and I was not able to play with my WvW teammates because of the alliance guild they had made specifically for this reason, which I was left out of because I had no more guild slots available and didn't want to leave any of the guilds I have already spent time invested in to. It's just a suggestion. I will not be playing much in the beta because I've been separated from my teammates and there's really no reason to play when it's temporary for a week. I'll happily rejoin my teammates after this week is over, which means you lose valuable beta player data from someone like me who played almost every night for 3-6 hours.

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  4. I appreciate all of the changes that arenanet is doing and that they're actively listening to our feedback. In spirit of this, can we please have the Elementalist/Weaver class fixed so that we can swap weapons in combat with a a cool down like every other class can? It really sucks that we can't move from sword to staff for example when the situation calls for it. We're locked to a single weapon for the duration of the battle which seems a bit unfair. This would make playing this class a little bit better.


    Thank you for listening!

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  5. You could also just use 2FA like Google Authenticator to protect your account. That's what I did on day 1 of playing GW2. They're never going to get my authenticator, so even if by some chance they did get my password, they'd never get in. sure, a little inconvenience for account security. no big deal.

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