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Posts posted by Darkblade.7634

  1. Quote
    11 hours ago, nutri.1385 said:

    Ok, I calmed down a bit. I still don't think this thread is an overreaction though. 

    I've watched Mukluk's thoughts on the balance update and the damage it caused to a lot of established playstyles. I can't stop wondering why the balance team doesn't organise closed beta tests with the ANet partners before such changes? I'm 200% positive that there are players who would be thrilled to be given this opportunity, even for free, because a shitload of us cares deeply about Guild Wars, we've played it during it's lows and highs. It's not perfect, never was, but we effin love this game. 

    Please think about organising closed beta tests before blowing up the meta like this. Revolutions can be great, but for real. This is not the way of designing and communicating changes, especially after the overwhelming negative feedback coming from the players. That feedback should be an orange flag (at least!) before hitting the "release the Kraken" button.

    We don't flame on the forums for the fun and out of spite or hatred (at least most of us aren't, I hope). Please start treating us like your game community, we continue to be loyal (a lot of us are), we're excited for the new expansion (can't wait to finally reach that tower, after so many failed attempts with my skyscale 🙃), but such situations like that patch are like a knife to the heart! 


    As long as they only make the beta servers and the feedback they listen to exclusive to a small group of players that have intensive game knowledge and experience when it comes to endgame, pvp and wvw.

    I really hope they dont ever listen to the biggest part of the community in the forum and on social Media platforms like reddit because most people lack basic understanding about the game and show it always again in the postings when it comes to responses to balance patches.

    • Like 2
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  2. Quote
    6 hours ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

    I don't think you understand the implication of what's going on. By giving Every class Quickness and Alac, and removing their unique abilites, Anet is not adding diversity, They are standardizing each and every class so every skill, trait, and mechanics are the same.

    Boon corruption being removed as an option from Necromancers is a huge foreboding example. If a class, Known for corruption, have their corruption abilities removed. It means Necromancer are being set by example, and any other class has Boon corruption are not safe.

    It also mean any unique form of Condi cleanses will be removed. To set the this to standard, and make sure every class has access to such a thing. Guardian's Condi to boon conversion? Getting removed from the game. Engineer's potion that convert a good chunk of condi into boons? Get it out of here.

    This is what's going to happen if you keep giving classes everything. Once everyone is special, No one will be. And we're left with a stale, boring combat system that has been homogenized for no good reason, all because people want stuff like quickness and alac.


    Because Scourge's wasn't a "OP Rezbot". The content that the scourge was used on simply allow them to brute force mechanics and fight. That's not scourge's fault. That's the Devs fault for designing a raid/strike encounter without adding systems in place to prevent players from brute forcing it.

    Even then, Who cares. Use the "Op rez bot" On Cm content like Harvest temple. You are not going to get away with the rezzing, I promise you. There are systems in place to prevent it, so to say Scourge's rez was op is tone deaf at best, because scourge was never the problem. The Encounters You get into simply allow them to do what they do without consequences.


    Just because you give every class access to quickness and alacrity doesnt mean that their style of gameplay will be the same. 

    You can obviously make the style of generating those boons different between the classes like with the style of how Berserker or Scrapper generate quickness now.

    The removal of booncorruption didnt have anything to do with the introduction of alacrity on scourge outside of being in the same patch so i dont see how that relevant.

    Only the rez and barrier potential on scourge was reduced because otherwise the combination with alacrity would have been too strong. Also note that they not removed it but just nerfed it to not be too broken in combination.

    Obviously some numbers still need tweaking, but i cant understand how people dont like the overall idea of giving necro/scourge alacrity and removing some of the op carry-potential of old healscourge for it.

    It just gives you way more options in endgame-content to joint groups because you offer something valuable to all groups and not just something gimmicky to Training groups.

    In all the experienced groups i joined for endgame content in the last year I seriously saw a maximum of a handful of scourges on support-positions because it just doesnt offer much for a experienced group outside of some gimmicky fights like boneskinner.

    You take up a healerspot without offering alacrity/quickness which means one of the dps has to play boondps instead of full dps and the overall group dps is lower while also not offering that much to the group because there are a ton of endgame fights where even 1 normal healer is enough and you dont need the carry potential of healscourge at all.

    So basicly anyone who wanted to play scourge and Support in better endgame-groups was screwed because noone wanted to take a healscourge there. 

    Now with alacrity you have the real option to play Support scourge in endgame content with better groups.

    Regarding your last column I just gotta say the following: 

    First of all those oneshot-mechanics are more then rare in the endgame-content of gw2. There are basicly only a handful of bosses were you have something like that.

    Mostly the community doesnt like those mechanics at all since they are really unforgiving and annoying in some part so adding even more of them in fights would most likely result in a ton of complaints from the community.

    And you would really prefer to rework a ton of bosses and add instagib-mechanics while getting a ton of backlash from the community for it over just nerfing a gimmicky and op build which basicly only shines in some niche situations and doesnt have much to over outside of that.

    • Confused 4
  3. Quote
    2 hours ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

    But back then, Classes can add something to the table. It wasn't nearly as stagnant as it was now. Druid should be the best Raw healing elite spec in the game, Scourge Should be the best at getting people up at downstate and giving them sustainability, just like Scrapper should be the best at Barrier, or how firebrand should be best at protecting the group and buffing and clensing players with condi.

    They weren't define by two generic boons that Anet is giving to Every class in the game. They were define by what they can do and what they offer. Homogenization leads to a FAR worse stagnant meta, and the fact Players can any use elite spec weapon they want without being stuck in said elite spec, will cause even MORE stagnation than you even realize. Not diversity like they're aiming for. You can just Look over elder scrolls online during the update 35 patch to see how bad things has gone.

    Anet lost sight of how class SHOULD work, and are doubling down on Quickness and alac as being their defining trait. These two boons caused nothing but harm and it needs to be removed asap.


    Personally I like the overall idea to give Alac and Quickness to all classes so there are more options and everyone can play as many roles as possible with his favourite class.

    That is imo a way better idea of balance then to give every class classspecific buffs and boons like we had with banners and spotter. Either those classspecific features are strong and desirable so every group wants that class in the group but only 1 time since it is best to stack as many of those classspecific features in your group or they are terrible and noone wants that feature and so doesnt want that class in his group at all.

    Basicly the extreme version of " Bring the class and not the player".

    The balance we had since last year with basicly only 2 alac and 2 quickness with 1-2 healers between them and then 6 dps were you could basicly play anything as long as your dps was fine is way more desirable imo.

    Wouldnt ever understand someone who prefers to be a op rezbot to carry terrible players through content too hard for them while being useless in a good group over having the option to actually be a useful contributor to a good group.

    Doesn't change the fact that the current patch ist terrible and needs a lot of fixing of numbers and some concepts how boons are generated.



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  4. In my opinion the system is perfectly fine the way it works with infusions and normal runes/sigils not being easily shared among characters. Imo you shouldn't be able to just buy a set of agony infusions for like 120 gold and share it easily among all characters and being set for every alt with enough agony resistance. 

    Or for example buy a set of 18 stat infusions for for example power and then being fine on every character when it comes to that. It's still bascily the ultimate endgame-goal when it comes to maximizing your character since compared to legy equipment it actually gives your character a power-upgrade instead of just an QoL-Feature. 

    And having that upgrade on any newly created character on your account isn't really something I would consider right. 

    Atleast if it's easily done without alot of hassle like it's still possible now. 

  5. The big question is what kind of synergy-bonus are we talking here? 

    If it's only a small Dps/Stat-boost noone would really care about it since you already clear cm+t4's really easy if your group knows what it is doing and if your group doesn't know what it is doing a small Dps/Stat-boost won't save you typically. 

    I could still see some more toxicity because specially in lower kp-groups people won't just look for kp now but also the perfect group set-up to increase the chances and that way you will even have exclusivity when it comes to Dps-roles because atm at least that position is really wide open for most classes. 

    If we are talking about huge Dps/Stat-buffs or even new/significantly better rewards like stated in the first post it will lead to a new meta every time the buff changes since people will try to abuse it and you will only see people looking for the currently synergistic team comp to be as effective as possible. 

    That will lead to a lot of toxic behavior and even more exclusivity since everyone will try to run the current most effective team comp. At the same time the quality of your average run will go down a lot because a lot of people will run on classes they barely know and they just put some AR and a build from discretize on to get into groups. If I look at the average pug even with high kp-groups I see a lot of people not getting even close to the maximum performance out of their classes and that's even on their main ones. I don't really wanna imagine a group with half the people on classes they barely play. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"Fuchslein.8639" said:Along with all these reworkings you can't do fractals+recs as casual within 30-40min anymore....Of course you can. As long as nobody runs pepega builds like MM necro, scourge or druid."as casual". Running those builds is very much part of being casual.

    Casual doesnt equal bad. There are countless easy to play builds which allow for fast clears. Reaper, no kit holo and firebrand are very simple. casual is used way too often as an excuse for not having to read skills or traits. T4 is basically pve endgame. T4 shouldnt even be completeable by random builds.a meta team can clear t4 + recs in 15min without cms. 20 with longer fracs and less optimized strats. 40 should be very doable for casuals which use decent builds.

    Sry, but in which world people can complete T4´s+Recs in 15 mins ? Might be possible with a record- team grinding it + waiting for the perfect combinations of fracs and good instabs for it but no way as an normal time for a daily clear.Even without looking at the team-comp or how serious your approch is that is way too low.The average record- time for most t4-fraks is around 3- 3:30 with the faster ones being 2- 2 1/2 and the slower ones being 4 1/2 to 6 Mins.And then there are some even longer ones where noone bothers with records like Sirens or Sunqua.And those records are with perfectly optimized team comps for every fractal + skips + good instabs + alot of grind.So even with a good cm-group you are probably looking at 15-20 Mins for t4´s alone + another 8-10 mins for recs since even on t1-t3 most fracs cant be done under 2-3 mins.Obviously with a good team you can get fracs done pretty fast but no way in hell you gonna do them that fast.I would say you can probably say something around 25-30 Mins is your average for t4+recs with a solid cm-group. Including CM´s before you are looking at around 1 hr.With your average T4-Pugs its more like 45 mins for t4+recs if instabs/fracs are good and more like 1 hr if the fracs/instab are rather bad.

  7. I mean seriously, this is just out of control in GW2 at this point. These kinds of KP pings that people want to see before letting others into raid or CM groups is kind of the equivalent of if I made a post on craigslist that said:

    "Grocery Run Walmart - Need 5 world class athletes - 3 Olympic Gold Medals Required"

    Will it be the fastest grocery run ever? Probably.

    Do I need 5x world class Olympic athletes to complete this grocery run? No, I don't lol.

    You don't need to possess Olympic gold medals to complete a grocery shopping trip. Stop acting like it matters. The grocery trip is easy.

    Find the 2s, let them in, stop discriminating with KPs.

    I have nothing else to say here.

    Sry, but you apparently don't have a lot of experience with lfg if you think nowadays the kp-requirements in lfg are way too high.Gonna focus on fractal cm's here since I got more experience with that.The highest level of kp-requirement you normally see in lfg is 250-300 kp (outside of the troll 1000 kp lfg sometimes) and let me tell you, that even that is not enough to guarantee a clean run.My friend and me are lfging 2-3 people daily for our daily cm+t4-clear and we mostly are looking for 200 kp.It's just supposed to be a clean and considerably fast daily clear with hfb and just the basic strats like portaling in on a few bosses, solid precast and stuff but even that's not working out more often then I like.Out of 7 daily runs per week probably 2 or 3 are really clean and fast runs without problems while in the others runs we get 1-2 people not being able to play their role (bad boon-uptime/no bane-signet or even any cc at all/no aegis or stab on hfb, no cc/boonstrip/boons and no dps on alac, being outdpsed alot by bs and/or the other dps on dps) and not being able to play mechanics, apparently never heard of portal use and when to properly precast, instastarting the boss all the time, starting discussions when you start 98 instead of 99 for food and so on.So even 200kp won't guarantee you a solid and clean hfb clear so I don't think 250-300 kp is such a outrageous amount to look for.Often enough when someone joined and pinged only 70-100 kp instead of the 200 kp we were looking for and we wanted to start we accepted it and let him stay.95% of those you noticed it immediately in the run that he lacked experience and had trouble to keep up with the other guys.And depending on what role he played that led to a lot of really sloppy and unfun kills and I would have preferred to w8 another 10 Mins to have cleaner kills.And btw it's not about the 5 Mins I save because we never wipe or the kills are faster because you can obviously carry 1 dude through that's lacking on his role alot and we will finish the run even with that.Clean kills are just so much more fun and satisfying and specially if you wanna practice a class that isn't your main it's annoying if you have to adjust everything and can't practice a proper rotation at all.And I can tell you how it is with me and everyone I know who runs fractals:If kp and even a site like killproof.me got removed we would just focus more on building discords and guilds and stack them with good players we already know and only run with people from there.And i don't mind waiting 20 mins for a group from discord/guild and doing something else in the meantime in-game to get a clean run.And if I can't get that going I would rather skip the dailies and just call it a day since it's just a daily and no big thing to skip a daily here and there then join some random group and get annoyed by a terrible and sloppy run with pugs.

  8. Obviously depends on a lot of things.How long the phases are.How good the cc is.How good the boons are.How good/bad the instabs are.How high your ar and titles/attunements are.How many Mechanics you get at curtain Bosses.Average Numbers for me with 200 kp hfb-pugs, average instabs, 222 ar and fractal champion are :Final Target Dps NumbersMama ~ 20 kSiax ~26-30kEnso 23-25kSkorvald ~10-12kArt ~10-13kArkk ~19-20k

    And no, I can't agree that you should go all in on cc and sacrifice your own Dps too much for cc like playing with mace/Mace on second set at bosses outside of art.You obviously should do your part and for example bring wild blow for Mama or swap to axe/mace for tremor for adds at Mama despite it being a dps-loss, but playing the cc-bot for your team just so your dps-players can greed dps and don't do their part of the cc isn't the right call imo. I do my part of the cc and if someone else won't or slacks and doesn't do their part I rather fail and do it clean again or leave the group after a few tries if people can't properly cc at all. The times were warrior is the cc-bot for greedy dps is over since berserker bs and you can actually outdps a lot of Dps-players on curtain bosses without slacking on your cc-part at all.

  9. Very good timing that it's starts "bugging" 1-2 weeks before the huge nerf to cc-consumables.Sounds less like a bug and more like a nerf of that phase in advance of the removal of cc-consumables because anet knows pretty good that the phase would be terribly annoying and a waste of time without consumables.Obviously they don't communicate it that way and removed them in advance to spare themself the comments about "people should adjust their build and just bring more cc-skills if there are break-bars".

  10. Im against an easy mode for raids since i doubt that it will help raids in the long run.It wont work as a sort of "training" for the normal mode, since it would have to be dumbed down so much for your casual pve-player, that it wont have much similarities with the normal raids.Since mechanics like Instakills and stuff like that would be removed anyway you would have a meta-build in a few hours to days which would dumb down the fight even more by ignoring any mechanics and transform it into not much more then world/story-bosses.Anyone who really wants to get into raids nowadays has a ton of options to do it since there are a lot of helpful raiders and even whole raidguilds you can join to train and get into the raids.Obviously they expect you to not just demand to get into experienced groups and get carried but instead to be proactive, read guides, get the equipment and learn the rotation and show that you really want to learn the content instead of having your eyes on the rewards only.I firsthand got the experience by getting into raids and fractal CM´s starting somewhere around April/May this year and roughly half a year later clearing fractal CM´s daily, basicly fullclearing raids weekly and did my first Raid CM last weekend with more coming soon.Basicly the thing with most people wanting an easy mode is, that they arent really interested in the content itself.The thing about raids they want isnt the raids and the difficult content itself but the rewards and everything around them.If they took away the legendaries from raids im pretty sure 90%+ of the people advocating for easy mode would suddenly stop caring about the topic raids at all.And actually after seeing raids and getting into them i personally would prefer to not get any more raids and keep the community somewhat only players with a sort of raid mentality. If raids die out slowly then its okay for me and imo better then dragging it out by something like a easy mode. Imo if i look at gw1 and how active the speedclear-community is there even nowadays i think that probably no matter how old the raids get you might always have a small community doing them just because they like the content.The only way i would support an easy mode is if anet put a massive focus on raids and basicly make gw2 to a raid-centric game with raid-releases like wow and additional harder difficulties with epic unique rewards.Which wont happen ever, since it doesnt fit to the general idea and playerbase of gw2.

    And regarding rewards:If there should ever be an easy mode raid it obviously shouldnt give the unique raid rewards because higher difficult content should always give better and in a case like gw2 this means unique rewards since there is no statwise better gear as reward like in most other mmos.

  11. And by that losing a ton of dps since a power-war without banners and with additional cc-Skills on his bar, who gotta camp mace/mace for cc half the fight on an Bossfight which also moves alot will deal around the same dps as your average rev.Instead of that waste of a slot in your group people will continue to stack Fb´s and bring sanctuary + maybe even hammer of wisdom on all of them.1 Cfb could even solo the Sorrow with Hammer of Wisdom+ Sanctuary and when you got 4 of them (including the Hfb) you basicly just gotta drop 2 Sanctuarys on each add and it will die in time while you can continue to dps the boss.Sure, it will cost dps on the cfb´s since you lose signet and sword but dps is still easily good enough to always phase boss in time.All the cheesing you can do doesnt change the fact, that the cc-bar is just too big compared to alot of cc-bars in raids and the other cm´s.And at the end it wont hurt the good and experienced players because they will easily clear it still with a bit more of coordination (outside of the fact that some might stop playing because the game becomes more and more less interesting for the hardcore players since it looks like anet doesnt have any clue how the highend-player-community works and what they appreciate about the content ) but newer player will struggle and become frustrated by it since less and less experienced players will play in lfg thanks to changes like this.Does really anyone in his right mind think that players with 1500kp that want to have a clean run from lfg will start to explain cc-bars to randoms when stuff doesnt work out ? Nope, people will just focus more on playing through guilds/discords and maybe dont do another run if they cant find some people they already know.Will just work out on the same level aus the removal of kp worked out to make the content more accessible for new players.

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