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Bobbeh Kai.5476

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  1. For many reasons 1. Some of the time these people do this in areas where specific mobs need to be killed to accomplish tasks and their persistant nearly afk farming means no mobs to kill. 2. For some players it completely removes the immersion of the game world. The unsightly cluster of players nearly afk or afk farming totally breaks with the narrative/feel of the games world. 3. Some players view it as lazy/scummy behavior that is to be discouraged because youre not actually playing the game just abusing mechanics, or loose TOS guidelines. 4. This type of behavior negatively affects the market on certain items making them super cheap when they shouldnt be, and gives players who arent actually actively contributing to the games community a decent income for what many consider slumming. 5. A portion of semi afkers and afkers are RMT traders who are running as many accounts as they can to earn money efficiently with very little input so they can then sell the Gold online to other players. This type of player is 100% against the TOS, and also by most gaming community standards absolute scum. So when players see someone 'botting', afking, semi afking, they assume they are RMT traders and that they need to be banned permanently.
  2. A certain percentage of the community thinks it isn't a problem because they do it while at work, or school, or while playing other games. They are 'semi-afk', casting their own spells and watching the game on a second monitor. This means they aren't breaking the tos/eula. They certainly are breaking the spirit of the agreement but not the specific wording. The rest of us find their behavior wrong and problematic. Thus the debate continues.
  3. All the Devs have to do is have area timers. The longer a character doesn't move the more delayed the spawns around then become, this is multiplicative if there are more players doing it. Say player x is farming an area by semi afk or afk farming.... Well if they character never moves they will start to incur a increased timer for spawn timers. Eventually that timer will get so large that mobs will for all purposes cease spawning. People could still semi afk farm but instead of sitting their character down in a single spot for countless hours they would need to come up with a rotation of spots and a schedule of when to move that would minimize the impact of the spawn timer penalty. I would recommend starting at 30 minutes, for characters to be considered afk/semi-afk. This also could not be defeated by simple mouse movements or a small movement every few minutes. Basically the timer would count for a not so small area of say 50 to 100ft. So the people who are standing still but at their computer (stupid loophole) while manually clicking their skills... Could still do that but they would have to move to a different area every 30 minutes. Otherwise spawns would start to slow down.
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