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Sonic the Hedgehog.5169

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Posts posted by Sonic the Hedgehog.5169

  1. @Danikat.8537 said:

    @gurkoz.3284 said:Omg i was so excited about a Steam release and then 5 seconds later i realized this trash. Seriously. Look at SWTOR that just did the same transition. All to the BENEFIT of both developers and the players..

    This effectively makes me want to play LESS since i want to play through Steam and i eventually have to start over..

    Why would you want to play through steam? What's the difference?

    I mean you're going to be launching the same game (probably with the same launcher) as you are now but by clicking on an icon on steam.

    I don't get it either. I know Steam has it's own friends list so I guess it makes it a bit easier to add people you know in real life or from other games, but I don't see why it would be so important to some people to go through a 3rd party to launch the same game they've already got.

    That's like saying want to give up over 100+ Games on steam because there is no point in using it. Unless someone pays me 1 million dollars to re-buy all my games. I am not moving away from steam. Not everyone even use Discord, How can you keep track of friends online? Emails? I already cannot keep up with the 100+ emails I get so that's not gonna work. I TRIED to get a friend to convert to Discord but they are not used to it and they prefer to just use something there comfortable with to chat to me with. Who can blame them? You have to teach a friend ho to use Discord sometimes and I won't force anyone to have to learn it if they don't want too.I am a instant Messenger Person, I cannot stand Emails and Text Messages, I need chats that has the person on the other side than wait on there message to text back.

  2. @"Donari.5237" said:I avoid Steam for the most part, though I have to use it to try out New World shortly, and I think Baldur's Gate 3 will be on it only as well. So I can't give direct warnings. But note that people who have ESO on Steam have had numerous problems over the past years per the forums, to the point that playing ESO via Steam has been a source of regret for many. Glitched patching, blocked logins, etc. Any time someone there asks for advice on using Steam for ESO, they get a lot of "don't do it" replies.

    I hope this newer partnership goes more smoothly. Getting new players in that wouldn't have tried the game without Steam will be wonderful -- so long as they don't get such a terrible connection experience that they decide the fault lies in ANet rather than Steam and turn it into negative press.

    I personally own ESO and never once had launcher issues. Maybe during it's Pre-One Tamerial Launch day. But not in today's year. The only "Issue" I get is that steam does not close the ESO Launcher after quitting out. Other than that I never had such issues that's said here.

    I am not denying the issues don't exist, But I been on the Steam version for years, I joined the game just right after the game put Subs as an optional thing before One Tamerial Update.

  3. @Pifil.5193 said:

    @gurkoz.3284 said:Omg i was so excited about a Steam release and then 5 seconds later i realized this trash. Seriously. Look at SWTOR that just did the same transition. All to the BENEFIT of both developers and the players..

    This effectively makes me want to play LESS since i want to play through Steam and i eventually have to start over..

    Why would you want to play through steam? What's the difference?

    I mean you're going to be launching the same game (probably with the same launcher) as you are now but by clicking on an icon on steam.

    So friends can see you play Guild Wars 2? I mean if your super Anti-Social to show friends your playing the most amazing game ever that I preach to friends to try this game out (Because it's free to play is the best I seen level 80 and all Race Story? That's a steal) I don't know what they are doing with there life on having steam if they don't want friends to see them play a game.Steam is still useful to a lot of us who have friends on Steam and still use Steam Overlay to chat with friends, Not everyone has discord and is why I still use Steam Friends despite having Discord Installed.

  4. @Corpus Christi.2057 said:To ArenaNet,

    While this news is generally great, as I'm also one of those many that use Steam for most of my games, when I realised, if I understand it correctly, that you will not be able to use your current Account that I have had since the game's premiere on Steam, it became pretty much pointless to introduce it for me and the alikes. I mean, it is really smart to have new players attracted via the most popular gaming platform, Steam, let's be honest here - the majority would still be the existing or returning players, not the new players. Therefore, not allowing to use an existing account on Steam with tens of thounsands of hours spent and achievements unlocked, is extremely bad an idea. I'm rather confident the majority of playerbase would really like the idea of transfering the account and progress from many years to Steam and at the same time they're unlikely to create new accounts just for the sake of having a game on Steam with a new account. MMORPGs are games that like the idea of continually developing an existing account and having it progress further and further, and that's why not allowing us to have our accounts used on Steam would seem pretty illogical.

    I can only hope that You guys, as great as you are, will re-evaluate your position and introduce the Steam version for the existing ArenaNet client users so we can continue the progress of our accounts on Steam.

    Best regards,

    Your 8th-anniversary account User and devoted Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 player, Corpus

    100% could not have said it better myself. I don't want it to turn into how Final Fantasy 14 did things when it came to accounts. If they gave us an option to convert are accounts permanently to steam as a one way street and once you migrated to steam you cannot go back to a normal GW2 Account I would convert my account in a heart beat and never look back.

    Migrations has been a distanced past these generations and few and few companies uses this method. If not converting then linking.

  5. @Knuckle Joe.7408 said:

    @Sonic the Hedgehog.5169 said:That:s not a solution. My build on my Dragonhunter is Soild but its no match up a boss that can heal as effectively as I canThat's your problem right there, I'm assuming you're using defensive gear... he will outheal you, you need overwhelming DPS. I did this on a Zerker staff Ele on the first try, surely a dragonhunter would have a waaaaaaaaay easier time.

    And im not gonna spend a lot of gold on Zerker Gear forget. If i have to buy shit to win. Then well im dobe with this darn boss for good. My survivablity isnt the problem.

  6. Well I know I dont suck at my class. Using the broodmother tactics in HoT in this mission is unacceptable. Someone owes me gold If i had to buy any of the freaken gear to get past it. I stick with 1 build and gear and I never swap it out because we never have anything to save builds and gear in a Profile to swap between them.

    Melees was doomed from the start when facing the Broodmother in HoT Hero Point, Reapers was at a disadvantage. Its bad game design to be forced to swap builds alll the dam time to beat something, If you want to encourage build swapping give use Profiles to save are setups for each battle. Its hard enough that it takes long to click everything.

    If this soul Eater was a request by the community to add a Broodmother Mechanic from that Hero Point in this story as a good idea I say it was the worst idea, They fucked over Guardians as all we have is a wimpy staff to stay at long range from getting too close, Melee is a death sentence.

    My Guardian is a shout Build and it gets survivability from Signates and Shouts, It took me freaken 30 days to get someone to help me with a Broodmother in a large group as a reaper because being to close and lack of range puts me in a bad position. Call me cheap but I am tired of spending a lot of gold on exotics and wasting a few mins of my time on swapping traits and skills for a build to pass something.

    You know how long it takes to get that gold back via TP with Materials? Looooong!

  7. Easy for you to say. Not everyone's a Holosmith and some of us wants to advance in are main characters first not alts. Using a alt of a different profession JUST to pass a single boss in story? Thats just the worst and the sad truth is that all the characters have to progress the story independently.

    So back to Prologue alllllllllll over again just to get back to where you was on a alt. That:s not a solution. My build on my Dragonhunter is Soild but its no match up a boss that can heal as effectively as I can, Like really? Is that really necessary? Best keep that boss healing siphon ability exclusive to broodmothers in HoT Map I don:t want it in a story.

    But still aside from this annoying boss I liked how the story went. I just hope they adjust the boss to let us pass more easily or at least remove the healing and give us I don:t know something in the environment to stun him as a way to beat him instead.

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