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Posts posted by Nihil.9817

  1. On 4/9/2024 at 6:40 AM, XECOR.2814 said:

    My grievances with the skills in game is:

    Warhorn#5: No impact, useless effect when required.

    Warhorn#4: Tracks like kitten during the cast. Fear is inherently an extremely difficult cc to apply and get value out of.

    Focus#4: Too slow, does nothing. No impact, Fluff skill which just give numbers in life force to do something else. Might as well be a skill that u press and your hp+1000. Not a game skill, an excel sheet skill.

    Core Shroud Autos: Auto attacks not worth casting in any gamemode, 2013 design. A 1sec cast time with even more pre cast and post cast wind up times. Whew.

    Core Shroud#2: Extremely slow projectile that never reaches its destination because gets intercepted by an unintended target or ran away from. Super speed enemy player is faster than this projectile, and if they use a movement skill u will never hit target. The core effect is bad, only becomes good with path of corruption.

    Core Shroud#4: Too high channeled cast time makes the skill have a ton of risk, which is not paid of in its reward. Both power damage on this skill and condi duration on bleed is very low in all gamemodes. Its a bleed. You can give it double the durations and it still night not be the best skill to use in any scenario.

    Dagger OH#5: Dogshit skill and now super low impact after  corrupt is removed. Needs an additional effect if they want it to be useful in any capacity in all gamemodes. Feels void to use.

    Dagger OH#4 projectile based, high cd for its effect. 3->2 condi transferred change was bad because it de powers the skill way too much and the spam has not gone anywhere. Also inconvenient in pve because 2 transfer is not enough when you actually need it. 3 has always been perfect.

    Greatsword: Slow, deliberate like how its supposed to be. Too bad other classes greatsword are not slow but still do more damage its kinda funny. Gravedigger needs to do more damage in competitive gamemodes and Autos need to be faster. In any case its nerfed to oblivion anyway in wvw cause of zerg settings. Theres no saving this weapon. If they add movement component to gs#3 then it might be something but that will never happen.

    Reaper Shout Trait: Useless in every capacity. Needs new effect. Lise steal is bad effect. Devs use excel sheet to calculate max value one shout will give in the most calibrated scenario but too bad the unlikeliness of that scenario of happening is astronomically  high. Probably could make Shouts give 5might to self and self fury in melee and call it a day.

    Blood Magic: No reason but F U to remove movespeed in the traits. Warhorn improvement trait useless cause the initial effect on warhorn skills is bad. It doesnt give u with anything that you might need for survival, just fluff effects for excel sheets. Transfusion gutted to oblivion, better just remove the port to player and buff the skill like a normal skill and stop being binded by some rp reasons. Devs stop giving a f about rp reasons when they gutted every other aspect of the class flavour, why let this one toxic thing continue. 

    Death Magic: Posion damage buff trait not useful cause very low poison application sources on necromancer, other than harbinger or something which makes very niche builds which also do very bad performance wise. The grandmaster with carapace on condition application is the only good carapace producer. Other sources of carapace production are very low performance and also dont interact with high carapace stacks. Minion traits and minions all useless for every gamemode. One fan think of 10 different ways to make it better and non toxic but it would be a waste of words.

    Spite: Single ceanse on heal, joke trait compared to its contender which arent that great except vuln on chill for reaper specifically, otherwise everything is just stale. Funny part is it says"heal based on conditions consumed" and then says conditions consumed 1 lol. Spite signet trait just ruined. Epitome of dogshit changes worth quitting the game over cause its a display of being disconnected with community and display of incompetency. Changed Corrupt to boon remove on Grandmaster trait lol while also being nerfed in number of boons removed while also having the effect based on enemy % and also nerfed power damage into tickle damage while also having extremely low cripple and resolution bonuses to make use of. Clap

    Scepter: Autoattack nerfed to oblivion in condi damage, Scepter#2 low impact in current scene. Scepter#3 nerfed to oblivion in every aspect, even the base skill that is single target lol. The whole scepter is made to be bad because it needs to be bad so that the curses gm trait can make it actually usable and worth taking. Peak design from incompetent devs.

    Harbinger: Shroud#3 is very low speed in its movement and clunky to use because it has animation clunk at the beginning of skill. Shroud#4 has less time of evade than its animation time, i get they want to make interval where its intractable but this is not the skill where u want to do that as this is the sole survival skill for harbinger. Lack of leap and blast finishers on these two skills is also confusing.

    Swords: They really want you to purchase the expansions but what can you do, they are hamstrung by their own incompetency. The inability to see how the things they create will turn out is especially what forces me to lavel them as such. In any case its strong at something and bad at somethings but it will be just bad as soon as they fix the range on leaps to intended distance. Sword autos and #2 still do low damage and the flip skills are not worth using cause damage is extremely low. The weapon doesnt provide any pressure on enemy. Again an excel sheet weapon. Compare that to axe, focus lol, you have high impact skill that actually create pressure. Where does the pressure in sword comes from? Even if its a hybrid weapon for self sustain, where does the impact on sustain comes from? Nowhere yo cant name it cause its trickled down which is useless.

    The underline with all these changes is that everything core is nerfed and bad and only things playable and better are expansion ones. Which is the push they are doing which most people might not realize but its making the experience very frustrating. Its not so bad rn that its evident to casual players, but im sure in time everyone will see cause these type of behaviours ramp up automatically with time even if the company dont plan to.

    i dunno homie, core is like the best in terms of setting kitten up,  thats like half of the fun is chaining cc with tainted shackles and dark path, u just need to use wh more, if you use skill 5 for anything other than the long kitten swiftness i dunno, dagger wh was the tits but dagger is bad, gs is litterally the cleaving tool for reaper, u just night fall and grave digger until whoever is ressing is dead, thats what gs is its like the "u cant res" weapon u can open with nightfall into gs5 or vice versa but ppl arent always stupid.


    focus 4 is for lf generation, maybe for ghastly claws but usually u dont have time to chain them. core should be readable.  some of the kitten ur complaining about is true the rest is like, who gives a kitten you know, not to be that guy but u just need more hours in necro to appreciate core, i would sit and play apm reaper and then move on to like the blue cheese of necro which is core, its an acquired taste, it isnt as horrible as ppl make it out to be, u just are slow as kitten and have no real forms of sustain other than shroud.

    also core does stupid damage if you have quickness and deal split damage, u just need like a support, ppl dont talk about it but fear reaper on sinister does disgusting damage, super difficult to like kite or sustain but its disgusting, out of all the cores i think core guardian and core necro are the ones sitting pretty, maybe core thief i dunno i dont know whats been going on with those disgusting freaks, then core mesmesmer, necro has always been lucky with patches, were always in them getting changes, almost always, even if they blow kitten and someone who doesnt play necro makes the changes and has a frame of view of a warrior main who talks like "ug ugg me me want boon boon" and buffs banners for some reason, think of core warriors, they were like the pinnacle of pvp for the longest time and their traits got kitten into oblivion, were lucky, we like showed up and got our paycheck not doing a kitten thing, warrior got like screamed at and let go, outside of the warrior v necro matchup that kitten sucks, thats primarily why i listed the changes in the first place, its almost like someone wants to use rampage and no no touch necros.

    5 hours ago, Flumek.9043 said:

    u forgot the core fear not being instant cast anymore,   yet steal and mesmer rupt are fine cz skilled 

    u can chain fears, the staff mark 5 is 3/4ths of a second and the animation is subtle enough most people cant tell, thats why you dont open staff mark 5 unless its like a thief and ur ready to tainted shackles them. mesmer sucks kitten i dont mind the instant daze, same with thief usually tiefs and mesmers are mentally unstable and my relationship with christ can carry me through the encounter.

    17 hours ago, Shadowpeixera.2918 said:

    To me, it was the loss of old Foot in The Grave. Having that small ammount of Stability was imperative when i was playing Core Necro in SPvP because else you would just get ragdolled throughout the battlefield without ever being able to use your shroud.

    It's removal completely destroyed Core Necro to me.

    that kitten was busted and u know it, i didnt even use it and to me it sounds unfun, what i dont like is that the alternative was nerfed into the ground, eternal life is like what 3 seconds of prot and 10% life force over 10 seconds or something like that, i kinda wish they would just make it a poison trait or something, i dunno kite more, use terrain, u legit have to take spec walk or wurm or ur going to get knocked around, its ur own fault if u dont abuse the disgusting movement options necro has in the middle of a fight, bc thats what prevents you from being chain cc'ed in the first place

  2. On 4/2/2024 at 5:43 AM, GuriGashi.5617 said:

    some classes essentially don‘t have any counterplay against stealth.

    i hate to be the contrarian redditor, but ermm... what would be the point in stealth if you could just reveal them?


    i am hijacking this thread, the real issue is mobility, superspeed should be kitten into oblivion, ports are cringe unless its dark path then its wholesome big chungus.


    i would suggest trying wh and that cpc'esque skill https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_of_the_Avenger to stop blind spam or de from murdering you or eating through ur aegis, as willbender, or just play dh and spam trueshot; i dunno what guardians thought process is when they choose utilities.



    when im playing reaper, and im dealing with stealth i just sit on gs and try to los or get on terrain so they dont steal from me, i just always assume the thief is near me if i dont see him on the mini map or if my team or i have killed them.



    • Dark Pact: This skill now also inflicts bleeding on the target and grants life force to the caster for each boon removed. This skill now removes boons instead of corrupting them in PvP and WvW. Increased the number of boons removed from 1 to 3 in PvP, 1 to 2 in WvW, and 2 to 3 in PvE.

     i hate this change bc its previous version was superior, interacting with warriors or revs was super duper easy, u would either rupt fury or stab when it was out and you could generate enough lf to do   whatever you wanted to do, but you would have to swap to dagger, giving dagger like 2 interactions it was good at now its good at none, legit leaving dagger as it was would have been better, whoever is taking condi damage on dagger doesnt understand what or why, its a niche weapon that does niche kitten, thats awesome, but taking dagger in the first place meant you knew your matchup and what you would be doing that game, which isnt always the case every game.


    • Unholy Feast: This skill now removes boons instead of converting them into conditions. Increased power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.2 in WvW and from 1.3 to 1.5 in PvP.

    oh dear god i hate this, boon rupting is like what? maybe 2 seconds, if anything you throw this out there on someone whos sitting on the node or in downstate potentially rupting one of the nine billion boons on someone ressing, i dont care about damage i enjoy having the ability to kite some freak that wants to murder me with rampage and all it takes is 1 stun and i cant get out, i have 2 stunbreaks maybe 3 if im lucky and they can just bullcharge to me and im dead p much.

    • Spiteful Spirit: This trait now removes boons instead of converting them into conditions.

    it was good at dealing with ele or maybe a warrior that is ontop of you, sometimes willbender but nine times out of ten your already blinded and you are hitting into aegis, (there seems to be a pattern) maybe boon removal is better than boon rupting? no i will take my three seconds of garbage because of rp reasons over removing a boon that will enevitably be reapplied in 10 seconds anyway, theres alot of boons and like no consistent way to deal with said boons, also why spiteful spirit, now its legit dog kitten, the resilience was garbage, the damage is garbage, the cripple was garbage, now its a dead trait that serves to just give you a guaranteed blind free entry into shroud.

    • Enfeebling Blood: This skill no longer converts boons into conditions. Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 18 seconds in WvW and PvP.


    • Signets of Suffering: This trait has been reworked and causes signet skills to remove boons from affected foes.

    signets were nice in that niche situation where you wanted path of corruption (in conjunction with the other forms fo passive boon rupt) over master of corruption so you could situate some utility in shroud which otherwise wouldnt be possible now its just trash, because signets blow, the sigents themselves gave little to no utility, plague signet sucks kitten, signet of locus is never an option because it litterally has no utility outside of movementspeed, which would otherwise be provided by a rune, but when you use it its like not there anymore? but its like a cheaper way to get movementspeed in shroud but it doesnt stack...

    • Signet of Spite: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 40 seconds in PvE and from 40 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced the duration of cripple, blind, and weakness to 4 seconds in PvP and WvW. Adjusted the duration of bleeding, poison, and torment to 8 seconds in PvP and WvW.

    no legit the cripple blind and weakness were the only reasons to take this, you put it on a high prio target in a teamfight or when you plus one someone and they cannot act, and the cooldown reduction that you got from being in shroud incentivized you to be in shroud more than you otherwise would want to be, so you would roll up in a place with little to no lf but you would pop a signet and they would panic, the damaging conditions on the signet might as well not exist other than poison.

    • Lesser Enfeeble: This skill no longer converts boons into conditions.

    a trait that was once arguably the best for necro, giving weakness and forcing good trades simply because of the weakness and adding extra utility when you go into shroud when someone is ontop of you, i hate this change most of all, i really do, it kittens with my core and reaper power builds, its just disgusting, the entire reason for taking curses was primarily path of corruption and this, giving much needed boon removal from this disgusting game mode with the unclean and their disgusting boons, trying to violate you.

    • Quickening Thirst: This trait has been reworked. Gain life force when you strike an enemy with a dagger skill.

    you could have kept the movementspeed if you really wanted to, bm is dead complete and utter garbo, unless your running like some five man rally team 5 necro comp or something with everyone taking transfusion and using it off cd.


    just kitten harbinger its disgusting, they shouldnt have as long of condies anyways, i like the gs changes, dont rework it dont touch it its perfect, wh is alright i appreciate the cd on 5 i dont think it needed to happen on 4 tbh, its alot of cc that comes from wh, i wish there was like a visual indicator for wh for newer players bc its animation can be deceptive or hard to read, uh the vulnerablity on consume conditions is p good i think, bc using a staff 4 or 2 to like get rid of blindness every single time you wanted to heal was cringe, not only that but you had to deal with aegis most likely if your taking master of corruption, the bleed on life transfer wasnt necessary either but its nice for corrupters ferver.


    sword is garbage too.

    buff lich it would be funny i would def post it to top ten funny haha moments if lich was buffed.

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  4. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEd3lVw4YWMP2JW2WntbA-DaIPkMVB5LEKYCYnBAA


    dont need a stun when u can just run away like a high t alpha male gamer and hide and ooc heal and just do whatever you want,  bro i love this build bc u out number ppl and take fights that shouldnt be won bc u kitten up that inherit cringe-ness when ppl run on terrain and just about face back and forth bc they are cringe and u just grab them with great sword five and hit them over and over until they die and ur side noder just types furiously bc hes cringe and french and he speaks bad english, but ur high t and u play reaper and take rune of speed and u know what ur doing bc you +1 every fight on the map and unlike thief u actually murder people bc they never expect u to los and spinal shiver them in like a fraction of a second. bitches love spinal shiver, dont use sword its cringe use gs bc real gamers know that everything past hot is bad

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  5. i am a top ten player and i can certainly say that all games that are really competitive are played using the treb.


    all these treb haters are really trying to troll you or pull the ladder up, dont let them fool you, everyone knows that treb is op, it does alot of damage and it has cc, one of the few instances of it being good, thats why all good players want to play khylo because of the treb the best part of the map



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  6.  i checked the screen cap i took yeah theres the show details thing but you dont want to look at that when the match is about to start, its a rendering issue since they released a patch 2 months ago then the bug moved at the start of the match or its a completely new bug that was created because of the fix, simple solution would be to just roll back the patch

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  7. On 1/7/2023 at 3:33 PM, noiwk.2760 said:

    i started necro as main scourge..  let me tell you about scourge i love the idea but i think Scourge need a rework and i think Anet need to chose .. .Scourge is a supprort ?  or its a condi/ power dmg dealer the idea of Scourge can be anything is the idea that makes everyone including necro mains like my self not want to see Scourge in the pvp..    if its a support then nerf/remove all its dmg potential and massively buff his supportive spec.. improve barriers and condi clean bring back the good ress and maybe some team boons.. idk.. make it support that worth play..        if its a dmg dealer remove the team barrier and team condi clean the idea of doing dmg while providing such support is disgusting . 

    they legit were stacking 2 scourges in game and it was kitten, that is why scourge is unplayable in pvp, scourge fundamentally cannot exist in pvp with the damage nerfs in the game, you cant have sustain/mitigation like they have when theres 2 of them on a node you cannot kill them they legit are kitten giving eachother 100% barrier uptime , whoever thought of scourge didnt take into account the decision to kitten all damage in pvp, it was a side effect druid felt and why theres no more 1k healing amulets but necro could go around that with sigil of transferance and stack, i think they happened around the same time but sustain was killing side noding and sidenoders were all sustain oriented it was degenerate bc someones like " dang theres too much dang damage in this game"


    scourge has to be reworked or they have to revert damage nerfs in order for it to exist properly its identity giving barrier and supporting is just too good, but even then its like why do core guardians get to be the be all end all support you know, why isnt heal necro a thing, like not even scourge but core necro, i think u can manage 6 k healing every 25 seconds or something like that with core shroud 4

  8. cpc should be 8 seconds for core and reaper corrupters ferver should be 3 seconds for core and reaper kitten harb it legit is why they nerfed the kitten in the first place why should core and reaper suffer bc harb is over performing maybe nerf their op heal skill or that insta "you have every damaging condi in the game i have every boon haha i am so powerful" legit creatively bankrupt when it comes to harb elixers. 

    why should core suffer for harb misbehaiving maybe they should have did what they did to scourge with path of corruption and just make it spec specific, dunno must have been overperforming for years like everyone and their mother were running cpc and corrupters ferver, and bm is sad legit i never appreciated how sustain was with bm but now its abysmal, just sit in shroud with dm 323 and enjoy the non interactivity instead of pushing into something and mitigating it


    also spec walk is the best utility in the game i think where its at, its a fine utility you should be using every game bc how powerful the "whoops im over here now" is, but its super telegraphed but thats the beauty of it

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  9. dagger 3 was the best thing about dagger main hand on necro and they kitten the interaction into fc which was why you wanted to take dagger mainhand, epic anet w i will appreciate the 2 seconds off of the skill that heals for kitten and deals negative damage at least give it utility, dagger main hand (pve only)

  10. i can answer how and why you dont see harb shroud, harb shroud is gained by entering shroud (15%, not if they have sr then its 16.5%), and you also have other life force generating utilities and traits etc, so its safe to assume at all times harb has at least half life force, also at the start of the match if the harb was using shroud off cd the total ammount of life force at midfight would be 30 - 40% depending on whether or not they decide to enter shroud and exit shroud at the start of the fight. another key indicator is the blight mechanic, you get a blight stack per second in harb shroud not including them using elixers so paying attention to how long they have that going for you can get a rough estimate on how much time they spend in shroud depending on the circumstances.


    NOW the projectiles, they DO behave weird they detonate at the end of their range, so even if you have mag aura and the harb can guestimate what the range is he can hit the person while mag aura is up, its extremely hard to do, it only works with shroud autos and pistol 3, you can kitten yourself if you use shroud 2 because these projectiles do not detonate they permeate in the air for a bit and disappear for like fractions of a second, people can walk into them and still get hit, they are probably coded weird or the person who made these projectiles wanted them to have special properties, i wouldnt be surprised if they have the same properties as focus 4 for necro because they do something similar, i cant say for certain bc i would have to look at it directly but thats my best guess.


    i dunno man you gotta take it for what it is, the vast majority of players will never reach this far out into mechanics and worry about this stuff, as long as they get to log in and get their dailies and they keep adding new shiny things and hecking story content, they dont care, they will never care, anet knows this and its more cost effective to just keep us frantically pacing back and forth murmuring to ourselves about the discrepancies of how animations are broken or how certain things do absolutely nothing and well from their perspective there is absolutely no reason to fix it, bro sigil of misery is what it is, the manifestation of kitten being in the game and fundamentally not functioning as intended and ignored, the wiki states the thing doesnt work im pretty sure the only thing they care about is dau's not neurodiverdgent men who frantically write lengthy posts about the intricacies of how harbingers projectiles behave in a certain way.

    now excuse me i need to get back to farming my pips for the legendary XD

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