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Posts posted by Hex.2579

  1. 20 hours ago, Kneepo.5706 said:

    Looking to join to hang out and try out group content for funsies.


    Been playing on/off ~700hr since launch - returned recently so a bit rusty. 

    Hi there, welcome! We'll 'unrust' ya.



    9 hours ago, Rav.2967 said:

    I would like an invite if you're still recruiting 🙂

    Of course, we still need your lovely self 😄

  2. On 9/7/2022 at 5:12 PM, Phalanx.7129 said:

    I think that's easily the longest reddit post I've read all the way through so at this point I kinda have to join or all that reading will have been for nothing. 😞

    You'll see any invitation in your guild when you press G in game. Let me know if you need help with anything o/



    On 9/9/2022 at 6:12 AM, latinocafe.6015 said:

    Hi ! I'm a loner and played Gw2 for over 880 hours by myself (joined some guild that lack of coordination, you know, just many loners stay in a place and make a guild like a wiki page - offer information only, no helps , no events , hard to join in to get a chance to join group content like fotm, strike and raid), I love this game, and I'm so done to play alone anymore. 


    I'm a Hongkonger, some may say I'm a Chinese, but I insist I'm a HongKonger. I usually play on EST 7:30pm to EST 12:00 pm , EST 10:00am to 02:00 pm. I'm just want to talk and play gw2 with someone, nothing more. "Join for the Fun, and stay for the Pleasure" , Yes, I hope I can be one of you guys.

    I know the feeling. I have been in them before. I believe there are a lot of good gamers here that want to help improve our pool of cool gamers. Many of us are helping other communities as well, not just this one. After many years, it's definitely felt like home here.

    Now it's time to have some of those yummy egg tarts of yours xD Mmm. We now have a growing number of Asian players who are playing in the US, Canada as well as SEA. A Hongkonger # a Chinese, I got you!

    EST isn't as lit in the morning as nighttime, but we sometimes see stay-at-home moms or early birds play early. I hope the timing works for you and us. Welcome!

  3. On 9/3/2022 at 3:27 PM, firehawk.8067 said:

    Hey! I've been playing off and on since the beginning and am growing tired of playing alone, so I've been looking for a guild. Your recruitment jumped out at me. Would you be able to contact me to answer a few questions?

    Please feel free to drop me a line if you want. I would be happy to answer your questions.

  4. On 8/30/2022 at 3:46 AM, aDASHof.7105 said:

    Hey there! Myself and a family member I play with would love an invite to your guild if you're still taking members! We're a couple of Aussies that have been running a small Family/friends guilds since the beginning, but are now the only 2 left active, and would love to be able to play with other people again!


    rpm.2830 is the other person



    Welcome, guys. Let us know if there are enough people online at your hours, and we can invite more. o/


    On 8/30/2022 at 11:44 AM, Seraxia.1546 said:


    I'll be an EU Lurker on the NA side, who generally can be on early/late depending on how i feel,  Good friends with Namaslays, who directed me here - Been an on/off player over the years and looking for a group of people to play with now! 


    Gotta catch you in game sometimes and one of the SoT sessions too!


    On 8/31/2022 at 6:22 AM, NeroTheUnspoken.4602 said:

    This sounds like a shmeat wagon I need to be on. Could this poor veteran get a invite?

    You got it!


    On 8/31/2022 at 8:02 AM, TwoBolt.9568 said:

    "Join for the Fun, and stay for the Pleasure" sold me. Got room for a newbie that just jumped in during the steam release?

    Yes. There is always room for pleasure ;0



    On 8/31/2022 at 1:07 PM, JRon.9426 said:

    Read the entire Reddit post. Epic. Loved it. 

    I'm down to clown, if you've got space for another returning player. 


    Welcome back to the game! Of course, we have space.


    On 8/31/2022 at 3:10 PM, luquebas.5897 said:

    Is there a slot to spare? I'd love to be your little friend! Lets play outside!
    Nick: Eriniel Fairlaw

    Edit: returning player feeling lost. Just made a new character 😕

    Would you like to check your character name or account's name? The username did not exist, the report said xd


    On 8/31/2022 at 7:12 PM, Peelinator.1908 said:

    I whant to be part of this. Im a new player from Quebec so east time NA. Im lookin for group to chat whit and do some dongeon or other thing in game.


    ig name : Karnimos

    You should have our Discord installed. It is easy to use and will help with callouts. We are usually in full swing around reset times until late. From 7 pm - 1 am ET. Hopefully we can smack something out.


    On 9/1/2022 at 12:05 AM, Zaand.7120 said:

    Hello.. Interested!  If you are still accepting invites I would love to join up!

    Yes, we sent you an invite a while back. Just let us know when you're here.



    On 9/6/2022 at 10:33 PM, Cinis.9732 said:

    Sounds like a fun guild with a good attitude, I'd love to join.

    I sent you an invitation before bed. Just let us know if you need any help. o/



    On 9/7/2022 at 12:22 PM, sorbet.5984 said:

    I'm a brand new player looking for a good guild to hang out with.  I'd love to join if there is still room. 🙂

    Hi sorbet, welcome! We will send an invitation out and if you're stuck on something, you can ask in guild chat, or in Discord.



    On 9/7/2022 at 5:12 PM, Phalanx.7129 said:

    I think that's easily the longest reddit post I've read all the way through so at this point I kinda have to join or all that reading will have been for nothing. 😞

    I know right! There's no turning back now! Are you ready??! One of us will send out an invitation sometime today. Hope to see you soon!

  5. Have you ever wondered how many people would be willing to kill themselves for a job?

    We have. And the answer is: a lot.

    That's why we're so excited to bring you the opportunity of a lifetime: an internship with [Mmm], a small-medium, established, casual guild in the world of Tyria!

    At [Mmm], we believe that if you're going to spend all day playing video games, you should at least be getting paid for it. That's why we offer competitive salaries (food porn, foot porn, pet pics, music sharing, and memes), flexible hours (we understand that gaming can be addictive), and a fantastic werk environment where you'll get to interact with some of the most creative gaming minds in our industry. Some of these lovely individuals have even led raid training for communities like the Raid Academy. So you're in good rubbing hands. We also offer awesome benefits like unlimited vacation time, movie nights, and free snacks!

    Sound too good to be true? You're right—it IS too good to be true! So don't delay: reply today!

    Here's more info about us if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/

    • Like 1
  6. As long as there is a single member who clings to the hope of reviving an inactive guild, they will never give out easily. I have helped so many guilds that have been dead for as long as the game has existed to do some guild missions and bump them up. They could just make a new one from scratch, but they decided to use their dead guilds instead.


    While this thought is noble, it is impractical. You can either wait for the dead guilds to come back to life, or you can create your own guild. I'm just being realistic here.

    • Like 1
  7. Hey, a lot of us are on CST. We’ve been driving this for 6 years and keep it coming. We’re in it for the long run! 

    Would love you to become a part of our team and run some content together on your days off. You can find more info about us here. 


  8. Well, it's a little awkward to say this, but I feel like I know you. Your name sounds so familiar somehow. Maybe I just have a good memory. Or maybe I'm just delusional. Haha! Well, either way, I think you would fit in really well as an [Mmm] member. I recruit both early birds in the morning and night owls at night.
    Here's some info about us: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/?


  9. Hi Cynnacht. We'd love to have you in our guild. PUGs are quite obnoxious because they don't want to spend all that time teaching people. So it's understandable they just want to get things done as quickly as possible.
    I do most of the trainings myself. But my workload has been a bit crazy lately. So I'm starting to recruit again, both new/vet players.
    Here's some more info about us if you'd like to take a look.


  10. Dear Brohemian,

    We here at [Mmm] have got you covered. We'll take you in with open arms, help you find a guild (us), and show you all the new things that are happening in Tyria. We know it's not fun having to start from scratch, so we promise to do our best to get you back on your feet.

    We've helped lots of people just like you get back into Guild Wars 2 and we've only failed once or twice (we won't talk about the time when one of our recruiters pulled a muscle jumping up and down in celebration after she found someone who could replace their dead Mesmer). If you want to give us a shot, you can find out more info about us here.


  11. I think we are what you're looking for. So hopefully, you'll take a look at us and decide to join.
    After 6 years running, we're still a very small-medium size guild. Currently, our roster is ~113 with a lot of inactive players. Hence we're recruiting again. So we can get at least one progressive raid group running or getting people to run more high tier fractals, or WvW when alliance kicks in. We had so much fun during the WvW beta, it was unbelievable! Can't wait to do more with guildies.
    Right now, some of us are playing Lost Ark. Lol. But we do play other games too.
    If we stir some interest, you can find out more info about us here. 

  12. There's no need to go into the jungle alone, when you can team up with us.

    We're a diverse mix of guys and gals of mature ages who enjoy hanging out, going on raids (our fridges), and just having fun in this game.

    Although, a lot of us are doing our own things, it's great to know someone got your back at the end of the day, just chill and play a variety of games together.
    Here's more info about us: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/?


  13. Dear prospective Guild Wars 2 guild member,

    I have been a member of [Mmm] for 6 years, and in that time I have made many friends, learned to play an instrument, and read the complete works of Jane Austen. Not really, but you get the idea.

    I am sending this message because I am currently recruiting for my guild. And because I'm a great scout (jk), I think your Wirexbox is a great fit for us. We are a fking mature and friendly guild of like-minded individuals. If you think you might be interested in joining us, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

    Here's some more info about us. https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/?


  14. I think you’ll be a great fit for us, since you’re interested in both playing and mentoring.
    I’ve been managing my own guild for 6 years without much help from officers because they’re also busy. So I really could use someone to help me train members and just hang out with everyone in general.
    Here's some more info about us. You can just read the bold texts and skim the rest.


  15. I'm not even sure if you're on NA or EU. But if you're on NA, we're recruiting.
    We had an active discord, and would love it to be more active with vc if possible. For that, we need more new members who aren't shy away from the discord.
    Overall, we're just a chill bunch of players. You can find more info about us here:


  16. I think we'll be a great fit for you. We try to do fractals and strikes mission for guildies when we have the number. And generally speaking, we'd love to run t4s together!
    This is the best time to come back as the new expac is coming soon.
    We're a small-medium guild ~113 on the roster in game with many are inactive. So we don't mind seeing new faces around town.
    Here's some info about us: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/?


  17. Hi. I'm sure you're busy. Nobody goes to their high school reunion and says, "Man, I wish I had spent more time playing Guild Wars 2." But let me tell you why you should be thinking about it.

    And then I will tell you.

    Why should you join our guild? Because it's a great way to build relationships with like-minded people who share your interests and your sense of humor. You can get together with them any time to play games, or just hang out and chat about anything.

    We're all adults here, or I should say old farts. So we know what it is like to have responsibilities that don't always allow us to spend as much time gaming as we'd like. It's why we love our guild—because they are an escape from the stress of daily life into a special place where we can sit down with friends and relax while playing games we love.


    >So if joining a Guild Wars 2 guild sounds like something you'd be interested in doing… then why not give us a try? We'd love to have you!
    And here's some more info about us: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/?

  18. You seemed like the perfect fit for us, so I hope you'll consider joining us. We need more people who are active and interested in the game. We've been a casual guild for about 6 years, so we're looking for more players to befriend.

    Love world bosses and events. Check.
    Lots of moms and dads in guild. Check. Well, after 6 years together, the population increased. Lol.
    Matching playtime. Check.

    Here's some info about us on the sub-reddit.

  19. @Megametzler.5729 said:

    @"Hex.2579" said:(...)In rank, it depends. There's an internal timer.
    It depends on how long you DCed, you can either re-enter the same match, or you get locked out completely.

    Do you have a source for this? I have had people join in the last two minutes of a game, I have myself been able to relog after some serious DC issues... and sometimes I couldn't rejoin after a drop to the char selection screen.

    There is an internal timer for the "other players don't loose rating"-thing. it is 90 seconds.
    No source. But that's what I've been noticing in all my games xd

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