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Posts posted by Mentalmend.5426

  1. @Filip.7463 said:Its simple: PVP LVL 20 ISNT ENOUGH FOR RANKED

    Yes, new people should have to get farmed in unranked by 5 man premades and people with way more playtime/ranking than them a lot more before going into Ranked. Why should they be allowed to play ranked which actually has matchamking (even though its not really great) instead of having to play without it in unranked?What a great solution which absolutely fixes the problem!

  2. Feels like "skill" is only relevant for the upper 10% (or 5%).90% of lower PvP is just builds that can be good with the least effort possible and it honestly makes me want to quit.Why even try to improve when i can just switch to some braindead build (where i can't get punished for mistakes or win with mindlessly pressing my abilities) and still be fine till low plat+ ?

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