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  1. Not being entitled, just want things to be more accessible, but please attack me, not like I care really just wanted to post this here so that maybe the devs see it and do something to make the game more accessible, and I guess less expensive since everyone suggests I just spend money. Its whatever though, you all are just gonna pile on the "oh their being entitled" bus now. Which is fine and proves my point to the support staff that the forums are not a viable solution for suggesting things like accessiblity in the game.
  2. All I am asking is for it to be more accessible is all.
  3. Again that is pay to win or pay to progress, if you are saying I have to pay more because of my handicap then you have missed the point of why I posted.
  4. So you are saying go the pay to win or pay to progress route?
  5. Not saying that playing with others is bad, I am just asking that story instances have that sort of setting, and the Skayscale has steps that other players actually can not help with. I am just asking for accessiblilty in things like story or solo content, worl devents and WvW should be played with other in my opinion.
  6. Also quit telling handicapped gamers to just get help or let a friend or family member do the content, that is just more ableism.
  7. Have you tried to get the Skyscale? It is a set of very difficult things like jumping puzzles, so not making us go do content like jumping puzzles to unlock mounts would be nice, especially since there are all the very frustrating collections you have to do before and after the set of jumping puzzles. And also I have suggested they add a setting to make combat less grueling in story instances so that the story can be enjoyed by everyone. And yes I would totally support that same setting allowing players to make the combat in story instances more challenging for themselves at the same time, being able to challenge oneself is something a great many gamers like to do and I get that, but not everyone can play at that level and/or maybe just want to enjoy the story. And before anyone says that isn't possible in an MMO it is other MMOs have done this and it works just fine.
  8. So I am a handicapped gamer, let's just get that out there now. I have tried to get help from the support staff with contacting the devs to try and make the game more accessible for gamers like myself. Things from making story instances combat less grueling to making things like unlocking the Skyscale more accessible. All to no avail, and my latest attempt to get help ended with support staff answering my concerns of ableism in the game design and community with ableist comments of their own. All I wanted was off forum help because I know that this will get me accused of being political when all I want is for the game to be more accessible. This game has a truly wonderful story and amazing set of well written characters, some of those wonderful characters are even disabled themselves. All I am asking is that the content be made more accessible, so that story can be enjoyed and so that things like the Skyscale are more accessible for all the gamers playing Guild Wars 2. Also maybe ask your staff not to address concerns of ableism with more ableism.
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