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Posts posted by PrettyShield.8107

  1. @wavemix.2653 said:I'm not sure if someone said this already, but an important suggestion:

    Allow guilds to flag themselves as GvG, OpenZerg, Roaming, All around, etc.

    WvW is kind of a game mode with subgame modes inside, I think this flags would help the balance match-ups for anet, so you don't get GvG guilds/allys all on same server against a server that has very low number of GvG guilds/allys, as my understanding GvG guilds want to fight each other, not facerroling zergs.

    I'm not a veteran wvw, pls no flame :).cheers.

    I think that would be cool.... It would also be nice if a tag/ commander could do the same when making a squad if the tag is moused over it has a little note; Running Havoc or Doing Missions. & so on

  2. I have a question about guilds in general relating to making them WvW focused.... Say you made a guild with a name that is fit for a PvE style but you have poured your heart & money into getting it upgraded.... Say you would like to change the name of said guild to make it Pop more for a WvW focused guild could that be done in the future... If a guild wanted to change the name of the guild itself like a player can change the name of a toon? Maybe a silly question but I think that would be a nice option to have.

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