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Posts posted by Sylvi.8372

  1. Hello, I have this bug too! 2/11 only. I already completed 9 of the SOTO masteries before this latest update. 

    I suspect it's only counting 2 because only 2 mastery achievements came with the last SOTO release. (Inner Nayos Mastery III and SOTO: The Midnight King Mastery).

    Here is a photo of the Hero Panel with 11 green checkmarks, but only 2/11 on the progress. (Photo auto-deletes in 6 months from this post.)

  2. I’m here because of several failed Convergences with Sorrow. Only with Sorrow, not the others. It feels beyond miserable to lose 30 mins because everyone else in the instance either doesn’t know what they’re doing, or are AFK-ing. (I notice even AFK’ers actually help at the final boss.)

    Even if we do our best at DPS, boons, and CC…it still fails because not enough people run the orbs to heal Zojja. (This mechanic is making a lot of people hate Zojja as it’s usually her death that’s associated with a failed convergence.)

    Wasn’t ANet’s philosophy to make us glad to see other players in PvE?

    Unfortunately, Sorrow is a high skill boss. It not only requires CC, but sometimes the ability to stun break, teleport (blink, shift signet, shadow step), or self-stab.
    Part of why it’s so miserable is the long period of CC and wyvern wind that most PUGs don’t know how to handle. Rendering many incapable of running orbs. With stability mostly 5-target, there’s only so much boon givers can do.

    It’s unfair to make the top 10-50% who are trying their hardest and putting in the work, suffer for the skill levels or AFK status of other players.

    At least make the final bosses fair please. Some people even quit the instance when Sorrow spawns, without even trying. It’s that miserable and imbalanced. 



    • Confused 4
  3. Some of us have dozens of characters. It's not practical to finish Personal Story on all of them.

    However, the Personal Story objectives can't be hidden. It's annoying as I don't want to see that info. But on the content guide, whether it's set to "Off" or "Disable Personal Story", the green star and the personal story step is still there.

    Annoying to have info we don't want to see on our HUD, day in and day out. 

    • Confused 1
  4. Dear ANet Team, can we have news soon on what items we will need to craft the Legendary Relic in Update 2? (I’m guessing that’s Feb 2024.) What “significant progress” will someone who had 6 to 7 Legendary Runes before SOTO get? 

    The possible materials for the SOTO Legendary armors are already hinted at in game. They can already make progress, grind, and save up materials. As for the Legendary Relic, we don’t have a shopping list yet.


    For context, my reason why is build freedom. [Optional background info: I mainly play endgame instanced content (fractals, raids, strikes) and open world, and very rarely WvW…over 23+ characters. Since Nov 2020, I’ve prioritized and invested in full legendary slots (except non-underwater weapons — and Conflux which I put off).
    I can mostly boost any character to 80, then deck them out in complete stats plus ascended weapons. This is so I can play any profession or elite spec no matter the balance patch.]


    Problem/Frustration with Souldbound Expansion Relics:

    At the moment, I’m beyond frustrated by the soulbound nature of Expansion relics. Meta condi builds seem to rely on expansion relics. I wish I could transfer Relic of Akeem or Relic of the Fractal between 23+ toons. It’s hard to test (and have fun with) expansion relics and different builds as there’s only one PvE way to get pinches of stardust.

    It’s on me for completing the Amnytas Mastery on 2 accounts (obsessive Achiever-style player — wanted MPs and /possessed)…and farming Stardust to get several expansion relics for 2 whole weeks…but I’m so sick of Amnytas metas by now I could puke. 🤣

    At this point, I want to tap out of creating and playing new builds until we get the legendary relic. (That is, disengage from the build part of the game until the situation is resolved.)

    Can we get some hope there sooner: what mats do we need to save for the Legendary Relic? What ‘significant progress’ will we get if we had 6-7 Legendary Runes before SOTO?

    • Like 15
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  5. 5 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

    Looking towards the center of Amnytas lowers the framerate. For me it lowers my framerate 70%. I have a ryzen 5600, gtx 3060, 16gb so I think it's the game.

    Dang, that’s standard and reasonable modern gaming specs. 😳

    Is this with Reflections off? 🤔 IIRC, the game struggles with that since the entire bottom area of maps is supposedly water.

    The entire center of Amnytas is the World Spire and the Bastion of the Celestial. There might be a ton of pixels and shades there. 😅


    I vaguely recall several YouTube guides on how to optimize GW2 graphics helped me a lot when my PC was a potato that could barely load textures in time — think invisible flame walls at Soulless Horror or Sabetha.

    (To ANet team: The Settings menu doesn’t explain well enough what each setting does. Especially since most of us aren’t graphics programmers. 🙏)

    • Like 1
  6. • I wonder how much SOTO raised the minimum requierments by?

    • My old PC that used to run HoT raids at 5 to 15 FPS on medium settings might have exploded. (It was the 2015 Macbook 12-inch that was netbook-like…I know. I was younger, it was a gift, and money was tight.) A guildie’s decade plus old graphics card — the Nvidia GTX 970 — can barely keep up now.

    • My current upper mid-tier 2021 PC (1440p at 165Hz, RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 32 GB DDR4, PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD) is playing Amnytas on Ultra settings and rarely breaking a sweat. 😅

    (Side note: despite my PC having more than enough RAM, Chrome browsers get crazy memory leaks. I don’t know if the Trading Post being on Chromium affects memory leaks.)


    If the devs are designing and testing the game on a souped up work PC, they might not even experience how much of a bottleneck it can get.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Slayergurl.3879 said:

    it is supposed to be min-ji, there is a Fallen ally symbol on the mini map, and the fallen symbol above their head but unable to revive, i'm waiting on a fix for this too, can't progress on the achievement, so annoying.

    Speaking of achievements, aside from Protector of Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03, I'm also working on Zojja's Journal: Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03.

    I don't know if it's because this event is bugged (as in the rest of the map events in Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03 are stuck due to Min-Ji and the Kestrels), but I've cleared Defeat Dexicos (Help the Astral Ward Destroy Tainted Artifacts) twice now and it won't progress this part of Zojja's journal.

    I'm praying for a fresh map instance or a hotfix soon. That /Heroic emote is waiting. 🤣

    • Sad 3
  8. I've been to 5 different Skywatch Archipelago map instances today with this event bugged and stuck. (Help the Kestrels search for survivors). The "Wounded survivor aided: 0/1" is nowhere to be found.

    And I suspect this might be why. NPC Min-ji is stuck in a loop trying to fix a breaker box. She's atop a tower due south of the [Conquered Plaza] POI. She's considered a "Fallen Ally" with a resurrect icon but can't be resurrected or interacted with.

    Please see attached photo for what it looks like in-game.


    • Thanks 7
  9. I actually enjoyed the expansion.

    • Love the lore (finally freed from 10 years+ of the 6 Elder Dragons & Aurene),
    • flying maps (thank goodness no underwater 🤣),
    • flying mount upgrades (I love the Skyscale even more now) ,
    • and the cadence of future releases.
    • Flying maps feel like a dream come true with this game's mount and mastery system.
    • Plus, Zojja returning was something we all asked for since HoT.

    We have a rough date on releases, plus GW2's business model w/o a monthly sub is more sustainable if they have regular expac. (If GW2 stays profitable, our game servers will continue to exist.

    Business model-wise & community morale-wise, it's great we don't have a 3 to 5 year drought on an expac/strike/fractal announcement, wondering if GW2 will be continued or not.

    They also have time & resources now to focus on QoL, bugs, et cetera. I also like that we don't have new elite specs. Balancing (and remembering how to play) 27 elite specs + 9 core classes is already unwieldy.

    I view any problems with the Relic system and Wizard's Vault as growing pains. It's great that we've divorced Rune Stats from the 6th bonus and can mix and match. It feels nice that we're improving an antiquated and limiting daily rewards system. It's a sign they care. Heck in other games, a seasonal battle pass costs money. There's even gem store items in there. Change may hurt for now, but it's necessary for the game going forward.

    • Like 1
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    • Confused 5
  10. On 6/30/2023 at 4:35 AM, The Cashew Cab.8491 said:

    You're still keeping the Shade duration at 8 seconds? Are you actually serious right now?


    Do you have any idea just how BAD Scourge feels to play with this change? It's absolutely miserable. It's gone from being my main to absolute torture to play to the point I can't even bear to touch it anymore.


    You can't fix the bad play feel of the spec just by bringing the numbers up a bit, the Shade duration is a core facet of the spec and you've completely killed it.


    The 8 second Shade duration makes Scourge feel WAY too spammy and annoying. Please, I am BEGGING you to consider how these decisions affect the playability of certain specs. Please get someone who ACTUALLY plays Scourge on your balance team.


    Just. Tie. Alacrity. To Sand Savant. Limit Alacrity pulses to the Shade and the Shade ONLY.


    Don't tie Alacrity generation to Barrier, just make it to where every pulse of a Shade skill generates Alacrity when traited into Sand Savant. Keep Shade duration at 20 seconds.


    It is literally that easy. Please.

    For real. Shade duration is why I'll give up Scourge for several months minimum. It sucks to play.

    I'll probably just skip on learning any new GW2 builds until a month or three after the expansion drops.


    The meta's shaken up so much, that I'd rather focus on real life

    than deal with these things that feel bad.

    • Like 12
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  11. Now that Reaper is seeing more use in endgame content again (finally!):

    Can we please change the Squad UI Color for the "Health Bar" of the Reaper Shroud?
    The violet color in the Squad UI for the Specter Shroud
    shows that this is possible on the coding side of things.

    Reaper shroud looks green like normal health bars, so this tend to gives our Raid/Strike Healers
    panic attacks.

    Please consider this QoL change. 🙏It's been a struggle for years.


  12. On 4/22/2023 at 5:56 AM, Spiral.3724 said:

    QoL improvement for guild bank -- make it function like the regular bank so that you can double-click an item in your inventory and it automatically adds that item to a stack in the guild bank. Right now, people have to put ones and twos in the guild bank and it gets cluttered really fast. (If they don't have permissions to withdraw the partial stack, add their items, then redeposit the stack.)

    Seconding this! It's such a pain. I want to give my guildies more of the mats they need to craft something.
    Not add to their work by cluttering the guild bank.

    • Confused 1
  13. Talked with others that it might be a visual bug.

    That the channel bar disappears, even though the channel supposedly continues. (Had 1 case where the channel bar disappeared in normal mode, but the channel succeeded)

    However, when the channel bar disappears, the Press [F] to interact button also reappears.
    Considering the channel at Dhuum allows only a few seconds to succeed, it’s normal to panic (at the disappearing bar) and Interact again to restart the channel.

  14. For Legendary Equipment, an "Equip all" or "Copy All" button would help.

    For example, for a Legendary Trident, I want to copy the skin, stats, sigils, and infusions to all 8 equipment templates.

    It gets old copying the skin (and hopefully dyes) over 8 equipment templates.


    Especially when we're mass copying several legendaries at once, like 6 pieces of legendary armor, runes, infusions, skins, stats, et cetera.

    • Confused 1
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  15. One of my statics was progging Dhuum CM today.

    Two times, we got Dhuum below 10%.

    However, each time, one person got interrupted when they interacted with the seal to channel it.
    It looked to them like they started the channel, and as if something invisible interrupted them.
    We double checked, none of them moved. They made sure the channel started, but we don’t understand why they got stopped.

    We’re not imagining it, it happened to two different squad members on two occassions.
    It happened at different seal locations also.

    We had more than enough time to DPS Dhuum down, if only the seal interaction channel didn’t fail.
    Can someone look into this please? It feels like the Dhuum CM clear was stolen from us twice. 🥹

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