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Tinka M.3964

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Posts posted by Tinka M.3964

  1. We love our WvW, but we're getting tired of it. It cannot be that a server or the link stays full or empty for 1.5 months, because most jump after 2 weeks.

    It's the same with every new re-linking!🤮

    The re-linking should be EVERY month and not just every 2 months


    make a transfer window - jumping from 2 weeks before the re-linking

    I know most people will laugh, but I would like the Allianz system to be implemented very, very quickly

    • Like 4
  2. I have the BUG since 15th May. Everyday I need to set my ally / WvW guild again and Im the Leader 😞.
    I did a reinstall, nothing happened, the bug is still there.

    same on my other acc too:
        Tinka A.1346  &  Tinka M.3964

    Thursday morning 08:59 am CEST is the deadline it need to fixed because isnt our fault.

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