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Posts posted by Artyrim.1945

  1. I'm a noob and after playing pvp for few weeks all I can say is : AOE AOE AOE AOE AOE AOE for win . And if the class has aoe cond skills is even betterSkills? Aim? Tactics? Assist ? Who cares!Just have a team with 2-3 Aoes like pala and ren and you don't need a brain to win.Ofc I go alone vs 2-3 people but they don't target me just spam aoe/ aoe with cond and they can kill me.. Is really frustrating to loss just because this ,when you can own them in a 1 vs 2-3 without aoe ( as mesmer), my stealth is almost useless and my clones can't stay alive for 1 sec...

    Is the organized high end pvp just a spam of aoe ??

  2. Hi guys. First of all, I know nothing about the game . I started to play pvp ( unranked ) just to find a class for myself but I ended with only doing pvp .

    I want to know if there is a profitable track, with gold or something useful in future for myself , no skins if cannot be sold . For now I finished the one from the event, but seems it has no use for me (boosters for lvl 80 when my hightest lvl is about 20, seems useless ). And I finished 2 times the one with black/green box with a skull (forgot the name...) ,the track gives a lot of crafting materials and I have no idea about what to do with them( just spamming Deposit all materials -_-) and the box gives an armor piece of my choice .... all I can see is random item names .

    Any suggestion is welcome. Ty

  3. Hello all. I'm new to gw and I need your help . I don't know which class to choose .In last 3-4 days I have tried all classes ( up to lvl 10,tried all weapon skills ) but I cannot pick one class as main.Many of them seem pretty similir on gameplay .But I don't know how they are at high-end pve/pvp. Playing a class for something like hundreds of hours,getting used to it just to find that is just a trash class.... is too much for me :/ .

    My favorite classes for now are : Rev/Mes/Arcer/EleI like to play as dps not as support( can both but still i pref dps role)I need a class for both pve/pvp-solo(for now)/group, raids.I don't want it if is godlike in pve but a trash in pvp. I need something great/good in pvp- decent/good in pve. Something balanced or 60/70 % pvp - 40/30% pve (strength)I need a class that can be played after the incoming buffs/nerfs ( if you know)

    • P.S.Got the Path of Fire ( for elites )
    • P.S.S. Is engi a boring class at max lvl? For now (lvl10) is pretty boring but reading in forum many people say that this class is good/ fun for both pve/pvpEdit. P.S.S.S. If the class has many builts to create / if is hard to play then is more than welcome for me. I like that part( got tired of grim dawn after making almost all classes/builts xD)

    Thx all and sorry for making it long

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