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Posts posted by LittleYoshi.2548

  1. Some easy builds from LN/SC
    For Condi
    https://lucky-noobs.com/builds/condi-soulbeast (shortbow only and prolly the easiest one)
    https://snowcrows.com/builds/necromancer/scourge/condition-scourge (reading through the guide + hitting golem for a few mins should be enough to start out)

    For Power
    https://snowcrows.com/builds/thief/daredevil/power-daredevil (can take Staff Master trait to make it even easier)
    https://snowcrows.com/builds/necromancer/reaper/power-reaper (easy rotation and very tanky but you would lose a good amount of damage by relying too much on shroud tankiness)

    Otherwise look at this channel from Muru: https://www.youtube.com/user/XhoiXGames/videos 
    All of these builds are mostly sc/ln builds but with easier to execute rotations and explanations.

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  2. Lets go with the argument that 2014 players wouldnt be able to kill a raid boss. 
    I would 100% agree that they wont oneshot the boss and nobody is gonna argue against that, but given enough time they will be able to kill the boss. If it takes them 2 days, 2 weeks or even 2 months doesnt matter, cause if the players show any amount of willingness to learn and adapt, they are going to kill the boss even with oldschool builds.

  3. The only reason why the first statement is true would be, cause there literally werent any raids to begin with in 2014, so why should they even talk about a time when they didnt exist.
    If we only talk about this "Raids wouldn't even be possible without all the powercreep to begin with"  , then we can definitely say that its nonsense. 
    The lowlevel videos from Teapot use even worse gear, than what was used back then and they still managed to get the raids done. 
    You could say that a group of people from 2015 or whenever probably would not be able to kill a raidboss on their 1st attempt, but with more practice and experience on the boss they would eventually get to a point where they would kill it and if that takes them a whole month, who cares. The only claim made was, that it is impossible, but that would mean that people never get better by trying different builds/gear/strategies, which we can 100% say is not the case, cause humanity has shown, that if faced with a problem and with enough time, they will manage to overcome the problem (the raidboss in this case).

  4. If u wanna play Deadeye on Sab, then you prolly wanna do it with Dagger/Dagger (https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Deadeye_-_Power_DPS_D/D).
    Build is kinda outdated, but should still be more than viable for any non-speedclear on most Bosses.

    From my experience you definitely wanna start out with "meta" builds to learn your Build and then use it for most/all the Bosses. 
    Play an easy Build that you know is gonna do decent DPS(something like Staff DD) and get comfortable on it. If you know your Build in and out, you wont have to pay a lot of attention on doing your rotation (cause youre already familiar on it) and instead try to learn all the mechanics on different Bosses.
    Once youre good enough that you can pretty much just kill any Boss on autopilot, you can go for more "meme" builds if you prefer so, cause at that point you will most likely know whats expected of you and with what level of memebuild you can get away, without being a burden to your group.
    If youre not in a tryhard static and the people in it know that they can trust you with what youre doing, they will more likely not mind if you play random stuff thats not meta.

    • Like 2
  5. Maybe everyone should just stop using the word "Meta" in this discussion and refer to builds as efficient or not efficient for whatever they are supposed to do.
    You need an efficient DPS build? -> tons of builds with decent DPS on SC with a good variety of skill required to pull them off (from difficult stuff like Condi Weaver to easier builds like Condi Scourge or Power DD)
    You need a builds that provides Quickness/Alac or whatever your team wants? SC has those builds and explains how to play them in their guides.
    Whats the purpose of someone playing a full Shaman or Nomads or whatever randomly put together type of gear they might have on something like a Soulbeast and doing literally nothing for the group (No boons, No DPS, No heals).

    And just by the way. Hardstuck website has a ton of very pug and beginner friendly builds on their side, so if for some reason people are scared of the word Meta or Snowcrows, just visit the Hardstuck or Lucky Noobs or even Metabattle website and look at their builds and read the explanation what they are used for and how to play them.

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  6. The only way Raids will ever be easy/hard enough for everyone in this game are difficulty settings. The game is way too complex to the point where the difference between a good and bad player is just way too big to satisfy everyone. 
    Maybe make like 4 different modes. 
    1 EasyMode that's almost impossible to fail 
    1 NormalMode with the same difficulty of raids right now
    1 HardMode which would be the same as CMs now
    1 ExtremeMode that maybe only like 100ppl could manage to beat as the ultimate endgoal

    Imo raids are one of the best things this game has to offer and it would be a hard pill to swallow if we never gonna get any challenging content again.

  7. 3 Scourges 
    1 Alac
    1 HFB 
    Can clear everything without ever being in any danger while still doing decent damage.
    Worst case if group is still struggling for some reason then maybe take blood magic over soulreaping on 1 of the scourges, but in 99% of groups that shouldnt ever be necessary.

  8. I dont play Fractals on NA, but I pug raids from time to time on my NA alt and there is a pretty big difference in lfgs between EU and NA. In EU it's normal to see your standard 30/50KP Dhuums, 250LI W4's and all that stuff, whereas in NA most groups in lfg are gonna advertise along the lines of W4 be EXP instead of any LI or KP requirements. Sometimes you're gonna see KP or LI reqs on NA lfg, but feels like NA usually just trusts the random pugs to know what they are doing.

  9. MajesticNoodle made a good summary on why Scourge is decent atm on the SC discord (even after the nerf yesterday)


    "Okay so Scourge is in a pretty great spot and hell was already pretty good when it was 29k. Bunch of random reasons below:
    -A mostly ranged rotation with no roots/low amounts of static AoEs and a bunch of instant cast skills greatly increase how much damage you do realistically. Running back from a mechanic, hitting Dhuum during succ, rezzing an ally, etc etc
    -Barrier and cleanse are amazing. A single Scourge can do a lot to mitigate mechanics less skilled players like to eat. And overall barrier just makes your healer's life a lot better
    -Great cleave, I mean Epi is bonkers but even just placing a shade where you need damage -Good CC, and if you need more you have insane CC options at your disposal (Spectral Grasp/Flesh Golem)
    -Good utility set for a bunch of scenarios. Portals, stability, pulls, projectile blocks, etc that all don't come at a huge dps loss
    -The ability to take Tormenting Runes for insane sustain at very little cost
    -LF generation in real encounters increases your damage more than the golem room
    -Great synergy with other Scourges (Epi bouncing/LF sharing)
    -Having a rez skill (Undeath) usually on your bar. And I guess the ability to take Blood Magic but that's less a thing now
    -Random Might generation is also neat I guess
    These things make Scourge good. Yes it's not hyper meta for high level players (though it does make lowmans a cake walk), but it's good for the vast majority of the playerbase."
    • Confused 1
  10. If you have 10k+ dps on the log after dhuum thats usually fine for a normal pug imo.As shortbow soulbeast you can prolly get up to like 12-13k i would guess, but ill try it today to get some numbers.Problem with dhuum is that depending on mechanics your dps can fluctuate quite a bit (Getting a lot of bombs/shackles) + in inexperienced groups or groups that play bad comps on dhuum your boons might be lacking and youre gonna lose some dps aswell.

  11. I dont really understand the thing about shortbow soulbeast dps being inadequate?Dps from it is more than enough even for Dhuum CM and it offers some additional support with stanceshare and a bear stance for example.Pretty much any DPS build that you like and play well is fine for Dhuum but some offer a bit extra support like Aegis on FB or Barrier on Scourge if necessary.

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