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Posts posted by Nokaru.7831

  1. @"STIHL.2489" said:

    and it's only going to get progressively harder for them to justify the budget for raids as time goes on when other content and demographics are what is making the money.

    It's pretty funny to me how you talk about any aspect of the budget of this MMO like you (or any other player) has a even the slightest idea about how much raids cost to produce. The only thing we have had to go on has been the developers saying the Raid team is pretty small. Unfortunately, many players reject that assertion since they obviously know better than the employees who work at that company. I guess it's because it doesn't fit so neatly into this narrative of how raids are consuming the development time of everyone at ArenaNet.

    There's many financial reasons to keep raids going. (I'd like to point out this isn't proof of anything; just things to consider) For example, if they had data about raiders and how much money they spend on average, a producer can use that to argue for the existence of their content. They can use statics like the amount of consumables, crafting materials (Legendary Armor) and gold sunk into raiding from the vendors or the activity generated on the Trading Post due to raids. Ever wonder why Big Ticket items like Ghostly Infusions or Dhuum's Throne can go up on the Trading Post? Sure, the raiders make money but it I bet it's because a transaction like that destroys quite a bit of gold from the economy due to the TP cost. (I wouldn't be surprised if people busted out their Credit Cards for them too) Finally, you can point to how "engaged" players are with raiding insofar that they continue to log on weekly and thus can be targeted by micro-transactions on the Gem Store more often than someone who logs on once every six months for an episode of Living World.

    If you're really going to go on about what is truly economical, MMOs in general are a massive risk compared to the mobile market. You'd make way more money training 15 designers to product mobile games rather than having them craft any aspect of this MMO.

  2. I'm not sure what good this will do, but here are my thoughts on how to address the issues people have with this.

    1. Improving In-Game Mounts: Firstly, add more dye channels to existing mounts as a short-term solution, please. This would make lots of people happy. Secondly, the next few skins that you guys create should be added to content in the game. It would be easy to take it from the 30-pack, but that doesn't seem fair to someone who bought a ticket and earned it that way with Gems/gold when it could be earned in-game.
    2. Add Specific Mounts to the TP: I can't imagine seeing all 30 mounts as specific purchases from the Gem Store at once, but I can see Limited-Time offers popping up with a few of the more fancy mounts. This suggestion is designed to give people the option to periodically have access to mounts from the 30-mount pack as single purchases. (The reason I keep on suggesting the specific purchases be limited-time is so that there is still some value left in the 30-pack.)
    3. Add more 5-mount packs from the 30-mount selection. It's too big for some of us. I thought the Spooky Mount pack was fine in size and variety. This wouldn't be a lottery version but it would be purchasing a 5-pack for a set amount of gems. It could also be rotated in the Gem Store and be limited-time.
    4. Add some of the skins (the simpler ones maybe) from the pack into Black Lion Chests as items we can sell on the Trading Post.
    5. It goes without saying that a pack as big as the 30-pack shouldn't be implimented again.

    I'd probably get a few of the mounts of it had these other options for acquiring them. I also think adding more dye channels as well as a few mount skins to the base game (only 1 per mount) would make lots of people happy, especially if they were something to work towards.

  3. I like the direction GW2 is going with PoF and I think it's brought out some of the best of the game and of the players. Some were ambivalent about mounts being added since they are a familiar MMO feature, but they were implemented in a new and a very fun way with how they interact with the movement of GW2. Main suggestion is to give the Collection tab its own UI as it's becoming more important but harder to navigate now.

  4. Either you haven't played WoW or you don't have the griffon mount because this is not "exactly the type of mount WoW uses." In World of Warcraft, flying is the same thing as basically swimming in mid-air; you have full control over the X-Y-Z of your character. You can hover at any distance for any duration. The griffon is different because it just does small hops and glides unless it has great height. If it does have that altitude, the griffon does amazing things but it requires some tricky (but very fun) aerial maneuvers. As for bypassing everything... Guild Wars 2 has waypoints. You don't get faster travel than instant teleportation.

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