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Posts posted by Unyque.6189

  1. First, I realize there was a big problem that needed to be addressed. I also understand the thought process behind the Meta.

    Where my thoughts come in are on the subject of purchasing the Turtle Egg.


    What I have observed was that a week before the release of sales, the map was very full and there were many runs for completion. Now though the maps are empty. Now those coming up that weren't here for the start of the expansion have little hope of getting the meta done. It's really sad to see people so mad for completion dump everyone else simply because they have the mount already, have already completed the meta and just don't care.


    2nd point. The Fractal. This is next to impossible to get a group for. NOBODY seems to want to queue for it now. If you do get a group and someone even so much as mentions that they don't know what to do, many people just up and leave. This really aggravates me to know end. REMEMBER at one time EVERYONE had to learn the fractal!


    I guess my observations come down to this. Making it easy to get the egg has made it kitten near impossible to complete everything needed to raise the mount. Nobody wants to deal with it anymore. It seems some adjustments are going to be sorely needed before all is said and done. ANET has made it difficult in the past for mounts but people actually tried to help. Going after the griffon, I still see people willing to help but this turtle business is a major fiasco.


    I really feel that this mount was made overly difficult to obtain which now only widens the elitist gap further. For a game made to promote players working together, well lets just say that for the most part only a very few actually want to help.


    And for those of us who do not want a guild, best of luck to you because NOBODY in this game gives a kitten if you are a solo player.

    • Like 4
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  2. SO looking thru my achievements I see I haven't been awarded any of the achievements so far even though I spent hours on tier 1 and tier 2. Now going to 3 and I probably won't get credit for that either.Not sure if I actually have to be in the game when it turns over but I really don't think that it is fair.Sometimes ANET really needs to be clear! When posting an event the rules for the achievements should be clearly posted so we know how to get them. Not just a vague blurb in the achievement list.

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