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Posts posted by NovaleePhoenix.1259

  1. Fun Tonic Ideas and Ideas for Plushie Versions for More Than Just Mounts:

    I think it would be fun to either make a tonic or a bobblehead or an outfit for players which would turn them into plushie versions of themselves. I also think maybe if it is like bobblehead factory, it would be fun to use in things like Dragonstorm, with plush Jorms and the plush Primordus too. If it worked like bobblehead you could only see the plushie versions if you use it, for those who dislike the plushies disrupting their immersion in the game. Idk if anything like this would even be possible, but it would be fun, imo.

    Having minis of all the dragons in plushie form and regular form too would be great. Additionally, a line of plushie weapons would be fun too, modeled in a new way or perhaps plushie versions (skinwise) of Legendary weapons. Frivolous suggestions, I know, but I think it would be fun. For those that often say I'd rather they focus on other stuff, I do agree with you that there are better things they could use with their time, but just wanted to share the idea anyway. I think it would especially be fun as an April Fools thing.

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  2. I'd love a bat style skyscale, a flamingo skimmer and or raptor skin, fun water floaty skimmers (like a blow up flamingo pool float, a slice of pizza, fun stuff like that. some would also be cool as skiff skins), also a phoenix skyscale (we kind of have that as a griffon but I would love it anyway). and not to go off topic, but the bubble glider would be great to be able to dye it and you could dye it pink and pretend it's a bubble gum bubble. That would be fun as a skimmer too. oh and as a roller beetle skin.

    Again, off topic, I still want to name my skiffs and my mounts.

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  3. Ok, I lied. This is my last reply. People are trying to help you, including me, and not only are you dismissing everything we mention without regard to the fact that we are trying to help you out of nothing other than kindness, you are being rude about it, especially in your latest post. It may indeed be a bug, but since nothing can be done about that except for by anet, we are offering alternatives that might or might not help in the meantime. And beyond that, my mention of waiting long enough in between was more about soft resets, not diminishing returns. As in often there are cases where you have to wait at least 24 hrs before doing it again, including harvesting nodes, opening chests. And needing to switch to another instance is a common solve for many issues of completing content, so I thought I'd mention it. Beyond that, your insuation that we aren't reading your post/assuming things/or communicating well, actually seems more like your posts than ours. In any case, if you don't like our attempts to help you, and you aren't grateful for the fact that we are trying to help, then there doesn't seem to be any reason for us try any further. So, my suggestion is that if you continue to insist it's just a bug, you're just going to have to wait it out until it's fixed. And if you can't wait, then maybe just help yourself. I suspect you are the only you are going to listen to anyway. 

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  4. Yeah ok, tbh I'm not sure it's just my own impression or if it's really the case, but I was trying to help you, others too, and your replies are coming off a bit rude to me (again, I could be just be misinterpreting things). I did in fact include suggestions that didn't involve the one per account per day issue, such as the possibility that your attempts weren't long enough in between, and while I didn't mention this before it could be just because despite leaving arborstone several times and doing other things, you could just be coming back to the same map instance each time, and therefore need to try to get into another instance to repeat it. Happens to me with the dry top garden, among other things. Also, there were absolutely no insinuations or accusations of lying by me or anyone else. Either way, this will be my last reply. Good luck. 

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  5. Tried to find the patch notes addressing what I mentioned but couldn't find it. I did however find some info via other sources of information. According to this site: https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/alt-parking/arborstone-hp it's one per day per account.  And according to the official wiki, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_Kestrel_master,_Tsuko_Talonedge, it's once per day on repeat, but that isn't especially clear as to what it means, especially since you've mentioned you've repeated it on characters who have done the hp before on different days with varying results. The best I can offer is that it's possible, if you can indeed still repeat it daily on more than one character per account who have already unlocked it, it could be a matter of timing/a soft reset kind of thing. I have a character parked at the jp in Southsun Cove, and if it hasn't been long enough since I opened it last the chest doesn't always reset, and if I check again later then I can open it again. However, if I do it the same time every day, there's never any issue. Try doing it at the same time on one character for a few days and see if that fixes the issue. 

    • Confused 1
  6. I think I may have read somewhere (probably patch notes) that they made it so that hero point wasn't endlessly repeatable, possibly because people were using it as a quick way to get EOD materials. They also did the same thing to that jp chest in New Kaineng where people could park alts and every alt on the account could open it once a day.

    • Confused 1
  7. I was excited to see the Super Adventure Pack come back to the game. I already own it from years ago, but was hoping to gift it to a friend, mainly for the infinite continue coin. Unfortunately, it looks like I can't. There doesn't seem to be a gift icon, even after I click to view the bundle. I don't know if it's just a bug, or intentional. But either way, I'd really love it if I could gift it. (I'm aware I can just send a gem card or something, which they can then use to buy it, but that kind of spoils the surprise a bit.)


    As a side note, if there already is a way to gift it, and I'm just not seeing it, please let me know 🙂

  8. I would love a candy cane version of mounts, for the holiday :). Or even mounts that look like they were sculpted from pine trees, the branches sticking out and maybe some lights strung through the branches (kind of similar ish to the new snowgarden weapons). Honestly, any new holiday themed mount skin would be fun, for all festivals. Also, new holiday themed gathering tools. (I am aware of the holiday style mounts and gathering tools, I just want more lol). 

  9. So I just completed the daily icebrood saga's daily whisper of jormag strike mission and the achievement didn't show as completed. I think something exactly like this has happened before, but maybe a year ago? Anyway, I asked if this issue affected anyone else and others say this happened to them too. Hoping it will get fixed soon. I don't like missing out on rewards, especially in harder content :(. I did die before the encounter was beaten, if that has any pertinence. 


    Anyone else have this issue/know why it's happening? (for the record, this only seems to happen when it's an Icebrood daily, not a daily priority strike). I did report the bug in game, but it said the bug reports don't generally get a response, so I thought I'd post here too.

  10. 3 hours ago, Giovanelli.6071 said:

    Yeah, none of the new Canthan raptor skins (to my knowledge) have the mount-up lag, nor do the Canthan fox jackals, Cuckoo springers, or Canthan warclaws -- all of which are about as detailed as the skyscales are.

    (As for the turtle chair, maybe it has something to do with how it's able to move as opposed to most chairs? but then it should be affecting any other chair skin that can move around as well. 🤔)


    The new Canthan Tigris Griffon skins have no issues either. I wonder (and I have no idea if this is how it works or not, I'm not a video game programmer, nor do I have any knowledge of it, This is just a shot in the dark) if maybe the reason all of the new Skyscale skins don't work right is that maybe they used the Lunar Maned skyscale skin as a base and worked from there to create the new Canthan Skyscale skins? Since the Lunar Maned one is the first Skyscale to have these issues (unless it was the bearded dragon. Not sure which came first).


    As for the turtle chair, good to know that it's not just me that's affected. And yesterday I was using the chair while waiting for the wb Golem Mark II and only had a small delay when mounting up, like Ashantara mentioned, and didn't get stuck in the ground. So it's not a consistent bug, considering how many other people were waiting with me. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Giovanelli.6071 said:

    Oh? I noticed a tiny little bit of delay when using the turtle chair, but I didn't realize that it also trapped you in place for that duration. Then again, I've yet to use it in any place more crowded than the Grove, and that's only after having been there for a bit, so the game has had time to register all the players in that area already.

    Yeah it worked fine in less crowded areas. I only experienced the problem in Dragonstorm. I guess I should be grateful that it works in some areas, but the sting of the bug occurring yet again on a new purchase has admittedly made me a bit bitter. Especially considering how adorable the turtle "chair" is. The bit with the carrot made me think of Antie, in Honey I Shrunk the Kids.

    • Like 1
  12. So it's not really a mount specifically, but the new turtle chair (which actually walks! best chair ever) seems to have a similar problem as the mounts listed above. I was in Dragonstorm and goofing off at the very beginning while waiting for the first event to finish (the capture land events) and my new turtle chair consistently got stuck in the ground when I tried to mount up. The good news is it seemed to work fine in areas not super populated or involved in a meta, but yeah... Getting very frustrating.


    On another side note, the lunar maned skyscale skin is back, and I want it badly, but since it's glitched like the Canthan skyscales, I have been resisting the urge. Don't want to buy another mount skin that doesn't work.... And really annoyed that they keep releasing and rereleasing mount skins (and now a chair skin) with this bug. 

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  13. I would add the ooze/plumbing event by the Lily of Elon, and, while it amuses me somewhat (less and less so the more I hear it), "Meatloaf again/Quaggan kitten (wow, this is actual dialog from the game, and yet it got kittened XD) in Drizzlewood. It'd be nice to at least reduce the frequency. Although the latter dialog at least makes sense to hear so often, since the charr is complaining about having meatloaf yet again XD

    • Like 2
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  14. Actually those outfit tonics were turned into outfits, and are currently available via the Black Lion Statuettes. I bought one and once I added it it appeared in my outfits tab. I think it only costs 20 statuettes per outfit (just confirmed it. Look in the last tab of the statuette vendor). 

  15. Just pointing out that the newest story (season 1) isn't technically new, just being rereleased after some modifications were made. It's a bit complicated, but after the initial release years ago, it wasn't playable again til now. So the Scarlet spoiler you mentioned isn't a spoiler. It's just old story content that people are only gaining access to again this year. I know writing this isn't really responding to the core of your initial post, but I thought you'd like to know anyway :). 


    As for spoilers in general, while I understand the issue, the unfortunate truth is that anything that has been out for awhile (books, tv shows, movies, games, etc) that you only just started is likely going to get spoiled for you unless  you put your blinders on and actively avoid anything that could contain spoilers. And sometimes despite your best efforts it gets spoiled anyway. It would be nice if this wasn't the case, but such is life. I hope even with spoilers you continue to enjoy the game. 

    • Thanks 4
  16. 13 hours ago, Tyro.8237 said:

    Happy i found this thread. It kept happening with the skyscale lately. With the other mounts I was able to just mount up. I thought it may be a way for them to force us to use the other mounts again :). But then some of my characters had other skyscale skins and it was fine. 


    I will just use the default skin and if that works then I'll try again in a month and see if it works. If not then i guess they can refund all the skins bought. 

    Edit: I changed to the default skin and i do not have the issue anymore. So clearly the rendering with skins needs to be looked at. If that's not possible, then I'd like a refund on the skins i did purchase. Thank you. 

    It's only affecting the new Canthan skyscale skins (and someone said the Lunar Maned one, but as I don't have that one, I can't confirm). Any other skyscale skin seems fine, and I own a fair amount of them (I would list them, but it's embarrassing how many I own XD).


    Sadly, this bug is so frustrating I stopped using the new Canthan skins. I don't want a refund though. I want them fixed, and as soon as possible. At the very least, it would be nice if anet would acknowledge the problem. But they even released more new skins with the same bug as the initial Canthan skyscale skins.... 


    (A side note, the other day I spotted someone in Malchor's Leap with the problem. They were up hovering in the sky for quite awhile, with their skyscale's wings stuck in a t pose. It was amusing to see, but I felt their frustration for sure, having had my own Skyscale do that plenty of times. It's like all the new Skyscales have interacted with the aviator box, friend of trolls and bane of anyone who has fallen for it. At least the Skyscale isn't making airplane noises, I guess :P)

  17. 23 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Some hairstyles have been ported across, due to requests. 

    I did not know that - thanks for letting me know! That gives me hope that maybe all hairstyles will eventually be able to be used for both genders for each species. I can dream anyway 🙂. I won't post the hairstyle I want most - as much as I want it, I think I'd rather root for all hairstyles to be accessible to all genders (which would give me the hairstyle I wanted anyway, true, but might take a lot longer). More options and more inclusivity are never a bad thing. It wouldn't hurt to extend beyond the hairstyles either, customization-wise, but I'll stick with hoping for the hairstyles for now.

    • Confused 1
  18. I'm not sure this has ever been requested before, but if it has, then hopefully this request will bring more attention to it. I would really love it if each species could use both the female hairstyles and the male hairstyles. Especially since in some cases, like with the Asura and Charr, the differences between male and female characters aren't as noticeable, and if I recall, some of the male Asura hairstyles even look more stereotypically feminine (to me anyway). There's one male Asura short hairstyle in particular that I absolutely love and, I'll admit, is the primary reason/inspiration for my request, as I want it for my female asura, but I still think it's a good idea to let female and male characters have access to all hairstyles of their species. With GW2's overall inclusiveness, it seems odd to me to separate the male and female hairstyles at all anyway. 

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