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  1. The only way to "remove" DR is to go somewhere else for a length of time that is partly random and partly dependent on how much DR that character has. Usually, it lasts no more than 15-20 minutes if the character actively participates in other content. So they have to take a break from time to time? that doesn't stop anything when ppl will run a lot of toons at once and just have it tp to a different spot at an event or log out for an hour then come back in. It doesn't say how long they can sit there it just says there will be a break in between.
  2. Well think of this as a more efficient bauble farming currently farming dust costing what 10-15 silver depending on how it jumps around its a normal drop now lets say the dude i found about 10 toons insta killing mobs on spawn killing a total of 12-15 every respawn. with how drops work that is 120 to 150 chances for drops every lets say 3minutes multiply that by 20 and lets give it a lets say a 20% drop rate. he is making 45 to 90 gold depending on drop rates last time i did bauble at max it was 15g every hour n 20 mins give or take. so yeah its better than bauble farming to do it by what 3x to 6x
  3. Really should be since it just gives gold sellers free reign to do whatever they want. It kills motivation for players to even bother when they just see a large farm sitting there looks bad for the game honestly.
  4. it can affect not only the perception of the game it can also affect the in game economy and it just seems to be something pointless that is allowed I don't care if its just a single toon just chilling but this is a legitimate farm but hey I guess its okay to let gold farmers do their thing with no restrictions. There are always consequences for allowing different actions that many do and will see as questionable for gameplay.
  5. Just wondering if you all ever going to do anything about this. Legit logged on to a spot with 1 guy running 10+ accounts all spamming the care package skill for engi just farming 15+mobs on spawn. Kind of kills my want to get on and actually farm my kitten you know. See the same kind of bs during bauble farming where as long as you spam buffs you get credit can you all i dunno kittening change it to where they need to maybe move a bit to actually get drops because he's getting what 120-150 chances at drops every minute or so which also effects the market.
  6. [NA][PvX] No Guide Gang [NGG] chill casual guild mail hiyares.1875 if interested in joining us Okay, so I would like to propose a challenge to anyone and everyone that runs any group content. (I haven't seen anyone do it so I don't even know if it is possible) Vendor gear only runs!!!! Meaning only grey gear from base gear vendors NO KARMA vendors. My guild will see if we can get a group together to do these runs if nothing else just to say we did it. I find that current state of the game is just set in stone because of META gaming, which is cool and all , but I don't find it fun. I want to get more players outside of the meta and just kitten around and have fun with runs and builds. extend this little challenge to you all for all group content -dungeons (only use level appropriate vendor gear)(must full clear meaning kill all mobs and bosses no skips) -raids -strikes -t1 fracs
  7. No guide Gang was created for those who would like to enjoy group content of all kinds without the use of guides or just want to play outside the meta. -Rep is not required nor is joining our discord - Preferably 18yo+ -any level and experience is welcome to join us as well as time zone. I created this guild because I myself was not enjoying the META as it felt I was forced to play in a specific manner and I couldn't enjoy end game content because of how Efficiently done it was. (Only did 1 raid and 1 strike) I would like to bring back the fun of learning the content from scratch using the good old trial and error while just chilling with people. This might only be appealing to new players joining but I would like to have as many people who would like to enjoy just running whatever they want to join us. Mail "hiyares.1875" if you are interested or have any other questions
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