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Posts posted by Sinolai.3860

  1. I was just thinking that most Charr armors have long hems and often comes with dangling front flappers. Since most Charr run on all fours, long hems and front flappers would sweep the ground, collect dirt and get stuck on places. A race that run on fours should instead try to keep the front of their clothing simple.


    Not gonna turn this into a big complaint. I still love those kitties. Just pointing out that the armor designers probably haven't thought this quite through.

    • Like 3
  2. 55 minutes ago, KrHome.1920 said:

    They are in fact the most predictable profession.

    Mm.... maybe wrong word. The two different types do always have similar playstyle but it's hard to tell which one this specific necro is before you see it fighting. Mirage you can always expect clones and runaway. If you see a thief you can always expect him to stickaround, poke, vanish and repeat.

    You can pretty much tell which players are tanky and which ones glass cannons just by looking at them but necros can be surprisingly durable for a light armor user and some times they have more burst than a thief, which you would expect to be the bursty ganker.


    But apparently this necro burst do have a condition - and a big one: They must join an ongoing fight to get their huge condition burst. So if you 1vs1 a necro there should be no fear of getting condibombed.

  3. Just a question about necromancers since I have noticed they are the most unpredictable profession you come across in pvp. They can burst you down in 2-3 second or tank you for half a minute. I am playing a mesmer myself.


    Question 1: Tanky necros hp bar turns green and once it reach 0, the hp bar turns normal again and starts from exactly the point before you "killed" them. What is this green hp bar? how does it work? how long it lasts? what are its benefits and what are its penalties?

    Side note: The green HP bar seems indentical on enemy and friendly necro which makes it sometimes hard to tell which is which.


    Question 2: Bursty necro seems to fill your status bar with conditions just before you explode and if you dont die instantly they try to stand on you and spam spin to win. The conditions are troublesome since even if you manage to escape from necro's reach the dots usually takes you down if you cant purge them. What skill combos are necros using to apply so many debuffs and how do people usually cleanse/avoid them? is there some conditions that I could use to minimize the damage from them (eg. not attacking/not moving/moving before X happens)? So far the best trick I have used to survive has been using Arcane Thievery as soon as I see the debuffs applied and then blink away and swap to staff to kite the necro.

    • Like 1
  4. I think it is becouse the map control is so much different from other games and it's just too much for a new player to figure and one veteran player cant carry the whole game through so many objectives. I was playing my 4th game when I become suspicious that capture points wont turn any faster based on the number of players standing on them (in most games I have played, they do). Noobs rushing to help their team of downed players without realizing the fight is already over and they are just running to their death. Every map also has a game chaning special objective (apart from Djinn, which I think is rather pointless?) that should be contested even harder than defending capture points.

    I also noticed that PVP is the fastest way to do your daily missions. Usually 1 game completes all 3 objectives, vs visiting 3 far away pve zones to view vista, complete events and harvest materials. So it might be some people are in pvp queue just for that.


    I have been having a headache in battlegrounds for 3 days now. Last friday I tought pvp was fun and I had 2 wins more than losses. last saturday when I stopped playing I had 14 losses more than wins and a losing streak of 9 games in a row.... I refuse to accept I'd be wrose pvp player than 50% of the player base. In every single moba game, my solo win % is between 51-54%. Now I have been playing to correct that statistic and already made it 3 games away from 50/50 today but dropped back to 6 games now... Sometimes really feel like I want to hit my head on the desk when I see what my team mates are doing...


    • Like 1
  5. I made an alt to join the Vigil and bought the Vigil Light Armors to unlock the style and wear on my Mesmer but when I logged on my Mesmer the styles were not available. Should it be possible?

    I got notifications every time I bought a piece so atleast some achievements were progressing but I didn't check wether the style was unlocked.... My alt is a Revenant so he is a heavy armor user. Could that prevent me unlocking the light armor style?

  6. 37 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    I actually think that GW2 has worse story telling than modern WoW.

    And FF14 has the best story-telling in my opinion.

    Havent played FF14 myself so cant tell. Compared to WoW, classic's story was better but the current wow lore makes less and less sense every year.

  7. 1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    Never mentioned in specific terms, no, but throughout the entire game's story the Tyrian perception of the Elder Dragon slowly evolves from viewing them as mindless forces of nature to intelligent entities, particularly we see this happening in Season 4 with Aurene. Tyrians' interactions with Aurene make them realize that Elder Dragons aren't actually mindless forces of nature, and they adapt pronoun usage instead of "it" or "the dragon" that we see in the personal story and Heart of Thorns.

    While only speculative, I believe Jormag labeled primordus as male as a means to associate him with the driven-nigh-mindless Kralkatorrik, which sparks an antagonistic view of Primordus, as opposed to such towards Jormag.

    And of course, there's the developer viewpoint where using an actual gender creates an associated sense to the audience, even in our ever growing "woke" culture (I feel a little dirty using that slang...), and simply because phrases like "I have stayed my hand, brother." and "Grandfather, look at me!" have a lot more oomph than "I have stayed my hand, sibling." and "Grandparent, look at me!"


    We refer to Kralkatorrik and Primordus as male because others (Glint, Vlast, Aurene, and Jormag) refer to them as male. We refer to Jormag as they because Jormag doesn't associate with either male nor female gender (though Sons of Svanir still refer to Jormag as male because of their gender biases :D). I don't think there's any in-game dialogue about it, it's just "what gets used". Mordremoth and Zhaitan were killed before Tyrians began associating genders to Elder Dragons, though some few do refer to them as he/him - this is very rare and is used in the increasingly outdated method of using masculine pronouns to refer to an individual with unknown gender ("they" becoming the more accepted pronoun usage for such situations).

    Thanks. This is quite good look at the subject. Wish they could have somehow brought this on screen and not have the discussion behind the scenes. For me the sudden change in how to refer on things came completely out of nowhere even though I think I have been following the story development very enthusiastically. Sidenote: When I said Aurene corrected Caithe, it was Aurene. She just couldn't speak yet so she used the commander as mouthpiece 😛

  8. My biggest issue is the rushed feeling in the Icebrood Saga story and the change in Rytlocks personality. The storywriting and voice acting in GW2 is the best I have seen in an MMO and it got me really hooked now. I have marathoned the story from Living world 2 to Icebrood saga within a month now and I am currently going on Icebrood sagas last part.


    My character is an Ash Legion Charr and I was hoping I'd have somewhat different perspective on war than other commanders, yet it feels like the writers have preset your characters opinions and personality in this story: you can only be abhorred of Smodur executing the trators - no neutral or supporting view (I'd want to go for neutral). No chances of having neutral or supporting view when you kill the Steel Warband. You can only be abhorred again. There is no possibility of defending your Imperator when Rytlock calls her a traitor (as an Ash Legion, I should be able to tell him infiltration is part of spy's job)

    Previously you could often voice your opinion and had different dialogues for different races/professions, even when it didn't really matter for the story.


    Another thing is Rytlock. As a Charr you will spend lots of time with him. In the Icebrood Saga his personality becomes inconsistant... he turns into a pathological complainer, who is initially against everything and after being told to do something he acts as if it was his idea all along.


    Last complaint about Jormag: Maybe I missed something, but only yesterday I realized that when Aurene and Commander talks about Jormag, they refer to Jormag as "them". So long I was confused of how the Ice Legion is related to the topic. Turns out it wasnt. Just Jormag being them. When did Jormag's gender identity become clear? Did Aurene and the commander just start casually talking about them with "they" pronoun? It really confused me there.

    Furthermore, I don't think Charr High Legions have spent much time pondering gender identities. They are too busy building war machines, so I would have expected someone (Aurene perhaps?) to teach the Charr why Jormag should be referred as "they". Points for who ever created Bangar and calls Jormag "it" 😄 Atleast he is consistent old relic (as Ryland put it).

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    While seemingly odd, the use of "they" is grammatically correct when referring to a singular object that has no gender.

    I get that. But then you'd expected all the dragons to be called "they". Why is Jormag the only one? If it comes from the realization that dragons are intelligent, I would have expected some sort of short discussion about it in the game (like the  joke about glory of dragons when talking about a dragon flock :P). The sudden change is just slapped on your face and the explanation seems to be buried in some old newsletters detatched from the game...

    Bangar infact does refer to Jormag as "it", but this is likely becouse he disrespects the dragon 😄

  10. 1 minute ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Anet has said since launch that the dragons have no actual gender, and that any gender they use is simply for convenience. This is seemingly how Kralkatorrik, a "male" could produce an offspring, Glint, without any female dragons around. And how Glint did the same without a male dragon.

    Is it anywhere in the story? Aurene immediately corrected Caithe when she called her "him". Primordus is called "him" before Jormag uses the pronoun and calls him brother, even though he never speaks. At what point "they" sticked on Jormag and why "they"?

  11. I recently returned to gw2 and got really hooked on the story. The best writing and voice acting I have seen in an MMO. I have almost finished the Icebrood Saga now and only yesterday I realized something. When Aurene and commander speaks about Jormag they refer to a singular entity as "they". I almost completed the whole saga thinking they mean "they" as "Jormag and her champion" or "Jormag and the Ice Legion" and was a bit confused when I felt like the topic had nothing to do with the champion or the legion. When did they manifested their non-binary nature? I think I have completely missed that part.

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