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Posts posted by WPooch.6084

  1. I hope this is a joke post. The new functionality is definitely superior to the old way, both because it can access your material storage and because it can consistently consume 250 per day now (it used to be random between 200 and 300, with 200 being the most frequent). And the OP threatening to quit the game over this (while also claiming that they barely play in the first place) must also be a joke.

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    • Confused 1
  2. When I saw this come up as a daily I knew people were in for a bad time. A mini dungeon for which completion credit is known to bug out when more than one person is doing it, now having everyone there trying to do it and basically guaranteeing that no one will be able to get credit. At least maybe there's a chance it will get fixed now, given that this has really put a spotlight on how broken it is?

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  3. Yup, sadly this has been an issue since the expansion launched. Doing the repeatable achievements on those maps (Kaineng and Seitung) sometimes give extra achievement points and sometimes take them away. So basically playing on 2 of the 4 maps in the expansion can risk your AP total. There are other threads about it on this forum, and the fact that it has been an issue since day 1 and we have had no communication on it at all from ArenaNet is not a good look. I don't understand why this hasn't been made a priority to fix.

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  4. If you look at the instant-consume "items" that the rifle achievements award to give progress, Chasing Tales: Preemptive Strike (10 kills without taking a hit) and Chasing Tales: Deadly Accuracy (30 kills) both give the item for Deadly Accuracy. I'm guessing this might be the source of the bug. If you completed Preemptive Strike first it incorrectly gives the item for Deadly Accuracy so when you actually complete Deadly Accuracy it probably thinks you already have it or something and doesn't trigger.

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