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Posts posted by solo.1279

  1. On 10/6/2022 at 11:19 AM, Hashberry.4510 said:

    Or you could grow up a bit, put down the meter and stop worrying about everyones numbers. 

    This is a weird stance to take.

    Numbers aren't the be all end all, sure. But there's a difference between, "This person is doing more damage than me all the time," and "This person's class outclasses everything I do in every single way, while having more variance and variety than I ever will."

    Class aesthetics are a big part of why people play certain things, especially stick with them when they're in a sorry state. But the feel of a class in various different game modes is just as important to pay attention to. When you're playing a game and your favorite class is awful or left behind in regard to other classes in the game, aesthetics isn't going to do much to keep you wanting to play when the gameplay isn't there to back it up.

    I don't care about how other people are doing in comparison to me in terms of DPS, but when a class goes into WvW, sPvP, and PvE and is essentially a lesser version of other classes and it's incredibly noticeable in its core gameplay, then that's an issue.

    Do the mechanics feel good in comparison? Does the class have as many tools as other classes? Are there as many options available to the class as other classes? The answer to these, when you're comparing warrior, is obviously no. So, people are rightfully disillusioned and disappointed with its state in the current iteration of the game.

    No one likes when their favorite thing to play gets stomped by other classes with modernized designs, because it becomes less of a player skill issue and more of a systemic issue that only the devs can fix. Numbers are just a small part of the puzzle. Mechanics, variety, gameplay, aesthetics, and general feel are just as important and there are many more places where Warrior is lacking than in just DPS numbers.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

    CMC mentioned that changing tactical reload this way opens up the warrior changes since they don't have to worry about how BS interacts with core too much and also changing skills on the rest of BS if it just tumble in pvp non existence at a later date. 
    For Spellbreaker they are waiting to see what will happen with the Defense rework, and it really needs PVE rework and these updates are PVP focused, maybe they will give it a reason to exist in PVE like they did now with the berserker rework for pvp. 
    Personally I think they should stop with the whole BUFF DAMAGE on spellbreaker for PVE since it just doesn't really have a point to be taken over Berserker or Bladesworn because of its main mechanic FC not helping much and change up its utility to make something like scrapper High utility Medium damage. 


    I hope all of this is true. I haven't been able to watch the stream in full yet, but was this mentioned anywhere, at all? With mentions of support Spellbreaker in patch comments and them not really touching Spellbreaker traits or skills, it feels like they're waiting to fully rework it.

    I'm reminded of the recent Paladin damage increase in FFXIV recently, but they specifically stated it was a bandaid until they can rework it in a later patch. It'd be nice if they communicated that with Spellbreaker, whether a rework is coming or not and when (I'm hoping November). It really lacks an identity other than more damage, which is covered much better by Bladesworn and Berserker. And boonstrip doesn't really compare in PvE, while other professions can do one better in PvP. Why has Sight Beyond Sight, Imminent Threat, and Natural Healing staid the way they are for so long? I'll throw WoD in there, too 'cause it only really sees use in Zergs, right? And why does nothing have synergy with Meditations in the SpB trait line?

    I hope they're planning on something for Spellbreaker soon that's not just number changes. =/

  3. 2 hours ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

    Don't worry guys they buffed all of those support spellbreaker skills/traits.

    "To compensate for the nerf to WoD, we wanted to give a little something to support spellbreaker."

    Proceeds to buff shout Bladesworn.  Hmmmmmm....

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  4. I don't get the sentiment behind someone suggesting incentives to do certain things and people saying "Well you could just go back and do it anyways." Of course you can, but it hurts literally no one if they add incentives and events behind old content that gets more people to return to that content for rewards.


    I like returning to old content because I find that stuff fun, but I won't say no to having a bonus or reward tied to it. It livens up the world and makes it feel full and vibrant even if people are just running around for the shiny stuff.

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