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Posts posted by MichelBlade.9638

  1. Hello, I am going to complain quite a lot right now. Sorry in advance.


    User experience is the biggest enemy/challenge in this game. I have never spent so much time on wiki and yt looking for answers as I do in GW2. Today I was trying to get one of the recipes for some gear  Whole day of figuring out WvW, farming, being completely overwhelmed and miserable as a new player there, only to learn that I can not spend my 100 (point of another currency), because first I need spend some ranks in some ability in some another progression system.




    I am so frustrated you have no idea.


    Ok. Let's try to put it a bit more coherent.


    User experience needs an upgrade. It is so convoluted that even after a year of playing this game, hundreds of hours in, after finishing three biggest storylines and leveling few characters from 0 to 80 I have moments like this when I wanna quit and never come back. I have no idea what am I supposed to do to progress and have fun.


    Why PvP and WvW (fun fact, WvW is also PvP, because everything needs to be more confusing) use completely new set of systems, rules, equipment or even skills?


    Why there is no way to learn information you need on more natural way, only by wiki? Do you know that I've been complaining for weeks that I can not get any better gear just to discover that I am two or three achievements from possibly the best weapon in the game? Suddenly I've discovered that you have to spend hours in achievements tab to get what you need to keep up. Why there is no proper introduction of that shift in story or something?


    Learning curve is insane here and it never ends. Do something with it. I wanna play, not read wiki for whole day.

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