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Posts posted by slashlizardy.9167

  1. I was in Rata Sum and my main is a charr. I cant get the rift to reappear now. No its not the friendship mote, the caladbolg quest was finished on the Charr. Sorry I should've taken a screenshot while I had others looting the home but they couldnt see it themselves. It only appeared at that one time for my asura. And that was right at the time of the big outtage last Tueday.

  2. During the night of 2/11/20, right before the outage, I was in my home instance looting the nodes. While I was not on my main, but on a home instance gate keeper, right by the last node in line past the ores, a rift was clearly visible and close enough to the ground to be interacted with, but I could not. Anyone seen this or know what it is? I tried starting a home instance this morning on my toon which has completed all story content, but no rift was visible

  3. 12 Steel Legionaires a-drumming11 Peasants a-piping "I'm rich, you know!"10 Lord Farens a-leaping9 Lady Kasmeers a-dancing8 Stinky cows a-washed7 Swan dives for achieves6 Skyscale eggs a-laying5 Ascended rings4 Calling hyenas3 Guild chicken races2 Bird mistlock instabilites1 Risen chicken on a Wintersday Tree!

    Happy Wintersday everyone!

  4. Mike, thank you! I was suggested to try this game 5.5 years ago, and I am so happy I did. I look to log in each available day. This game is huge and each day I still find an achievement, or an event that I had not stumbled across in the many visits to the many different maps.

  5. I joined GW2 right at the end of the battle in Lions Arch, at the time I was actually only level 35 so I missed pretty much all of it. To me the most confusing part was finally finishing the personal story and going to LS2 and not knowing who Taimi, Braham, Rox and Marjory were and why they kept calling me boss. At least some kind of re introduction video would be nice. I started to click on the video link above, but since it's over 3 hours, I immediately exited it.

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