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Posts posted by Firellis.7954

  1. 12 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Maybe they noticed it doesn't hit as much as the required set up and inherent downsides imply it should, yet they decided it's fine.

    Remember, they are the same people who changed Arc Divider into Arc Whiff, so it can no longer eat both Aegis and Blind and still hit the enemy on a third strike and then nerfed Arc Whiff in WvW afterwards.

    yeah, pretty sad the state of warrior now for a class so melee oriented finds it so hard to get into melee range and even land said melee attacks, even ranger does better in melee now. 

  2. This is in my perspective for WVW use.

    bladesworn is severely lacking in damage, not just burst damage but even decent damage.

    dragon trigger skills are so easy to evade and when you do land em the reward is a measly random utility-damage woth from the posterchild class in which takes little to no setup and has multiple hits.

    Shield master + aegis spam is gimmick and when you do encounter players that know to break your aegis will just make your entire build subpar.

    the gunsaber doesn't take on unique weapon mods (forceful greatsword or any of the such) while yes the gunblade comes with utility that's all it is now, artillery strike used to be a threat now it's negligible. The auto attack with the range is so weak that it also becomes a liability when you're fighting someone that has reflect in melee range.

    I played this spec on release and it was fun, not overpowered but fun and now it's just there gathering dust in the corners of my traitlines.

    Disappointingly this goes for most of what warrior has and running vanilla disc-def-str performing better just goes to show how utterly sad the unique specs are.

  3. my only gripe with berserker is how many of it's skills are 1 hit only and can be easily negated by an aegis or blind, this skill ignoring blind sorta fixes the issue for *this skill only.

    I would rather they give the spec itself a reliable resist source or maybe an unblockable - kinda weird that spellbreaker has it(dagger f1) instead of this supposedly "berserker" class.

    i know resilient roll exists in Def trait, but i'd rather be it a berserker thing instead. and no blood roar's resistance isn't enough- i may be asking for much but warrior has gotten the short end of the stick for so long that we dont even know what counts as the long end of it anymore.

  4. On 1/6/2024 at 12:42 AM, chimera.3854 said:

    Is it possible? Viable? I ask as I 'd like to try, but I haven't seen any warriors while roaming for months, certainly not solo, and the builds on Metabattle all have poor-average ratings. In particular, I'd like to try a melee warrior build (barbarian theme) which could be power or condi based. Would this be possible without being repeatedly roflstomped by other roamers?

    Mainly cause warriors are one of the easiest to gang up on and can easily lose anything more than a 1v1 (skill level ignored) 
    - they cant disengage reliably
    - they cant chase reliably ( this and the first one are almost similar in terms of what is lacking in warrior)
    - the amount of builds that can do damage and sustain themselves outside a 1v1 is lacking
    - probably the only class severely disabled by an enemy that has either blind / aegis (this is mostly because a lot of the skills warrior has only  does 1 hit, doesn't help that most of the adrenaline skills requires stuff hitting to actually trigger their added effects)

    I love warrior but i really wouldn't bring this class to solo roaming anymore in the current state of the game, roaming defensively (staying near your objectives) are bearable as a warrior though this rings true for all classes including the slowest class in the game - necros.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

    This is an interesting quirk of the beta Staff 3's [Line Breaker] - it supposedly copies [Rush]'s animation, but is affected by quickness and sends you flying at incredibly high speeds. Maybe [Rush] should just do that. 

    ya, at this point rush is so easily avoided(in pvp/wvw) mainly cause of how predictable it is and how slow it is- if we improved the speed of the running itself we might be able to find some use for it and hopes of landing it more reliably (maybe).

  6. I think giving rush(gs5) super speed would alleviate the slowness of it in comparison to recent other spec's movements, not a total fix though since the skill tracking still sucks

    I would really love for adrenaline decay to be not a thing, most of all the energy/resource mechanic from all the other classes doesn't deal with this as much as warrior does. You have most specs that can "prepare" for a fight before combat but warrior needs to be in combat to actually "prepare".

    I hope for a buff on warrior's swap cleanse to cleanse 1 condition plus blind/chill making it more effective as a melee powerhouse.

    these are just my observations from playing warrior and fighting a warrior, the class is just severely outdated when it comes to accessibility and variety when compared to all the other classes.

  7. doesn't help that this skill both forms (og/berserker) would still miss if used directly on top of a player with a difference in elevation.

    Mighty blow(guardian hammer) had this issue too but was fixed in a way that the leap on it was lower, not sure why they didn't apply the same to this skill.

  8. On 7/10/2023 at 9:57 PM, Vinny.7260 said:

    They should make it track like Dragon Tooth on Elementalist 😄

    Jokes aside, I think they keep it around because it's a multihit that generates Might with the GS trait. I'd love to remove the root at least though. Make us a beyblade like Reaper.

    Would really like this as it can make it seem like we're doing f1, or combo into it. too many of the skills in GS right now is so easily countered by 1 aegis stack or just 1 blind

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  9. sadly warrior has always been easy to deal with given you're fighting someone who knows how warrior fights (mainly cause of how outdated most of our skills are).
    I love warrior to death but anet just doesn't want to deal with this class apparently.

    My suggestion is to just play warrior as a cheese of a certain build (gunflame/stun chain/condi) as going for an "all around" build just doesnt work for this class in the current meta.

    If you don't want to deal with a permanently disabled class I would suggest willbender as this class does exceedingly well in wvw.

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  10. On 3/28/2023 at 2:08 AM, Edu.6984 said:


    Glass builds are ok, 1 shotting the enemy is not. Not from 1200 ranged in a class that has base 19k. We are not even talking about 1 shotting someone running zerker, but deppending on your hp even running 3k armor you could get 1 shotted by gunflame. Other burst classes apply quick combos, but do not 1hit kill the enemy. 


    Gunflame takes 0.75s. Ranger rapid fire is a skill that takes 2.5s to comply cast. That is more than 3 times longer. 


    If a bunker had a  skill that gives 1 minute of immune people complaining would not be "against build diversity", they would be in favor of proper balance. 

    That is the point of glass builds though? they die just as fast as they can kill. 
    just that glass builds across all classes are not balanced considering some has a bunch invuls

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  11. the issue here for me is something more fundamental as warriors do not usually have boons and when they do use utilities it's mostly focused on ONE active boon 2 at times, problem is when the enemy can rip boons 2 at minimum or 3 in a single go it's easily removed- and when you're playing a melee-oriented class stuff going insta kaput in your face often leads into you getting waypointed out.

    I love warrior but it's really disabled in the current meta when almost any soft cc that are spammable by the other classes(blind/enfeeble/cripple/chill) can counter it easily.

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  12. I find it ironic that they give you an option to exit berserk mode (the main reason why you take this spec to begin with) ahead of it's duration.  Considering they removed the downside of being in berserk form now why go with the route of giving us incentive to get out of it.

    bladesworn changes you'd instantly feel how unintuitive it is just by doing an auto attack and artillery strike was already good why break it....

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