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  1. Does afk report really does something? ive seen people gettin reported and doing it again and again on ranked match i just saw a guy do it twice in a row so i was wondering if its just to give us the ilusion that its going to take care of
  2. Hi guys! i need your advice i have the Old Pc GW2 client in my computer i play it everyday I wanna buy another account i wanna buy the steam version as i also have steam and wanna add it to my library for the achievments do i have to download the steam version? will it create conflicts between the 2 clients? can i dual box with them? has anyone done this? plz help i dont wanna F up my allready installed client for this Thanks in advance may the six watch over you
  3. WvW has changed alot thanks to the "streamers" now nobody wants to scout, defend or attack structures, they just go for the "big fights" the zerg vs zerg experience https://i.redd.it/gfyiahn1kv871.jpg
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