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Everything posted by TheRealGorthaur.1796

  1. Hovering over the name was exactly what I was looking for. Very simple, thanks.
  2. Is there a good way to see what hero points I am missing? There doesnt seem to be wiki page where you can put in an api code like for masteries. My current strategy is to go to the maps where I suspect I might have missed some and then check the overall progress, but that is not very efficient.
  3. 2. You might heard that about Reaper for open world. Its pretty strong there
  4. Thats reassuring to know, I sometimes worry about getting mastery-deadlocked if unlocking them in a dumb way. Probably an unfounded worry...
  5. Im currently at bouncing shrooms and lean techniques. I feel like advanced gliding is a quality of life improvement but there seem to be some mastery points, etc. on the poison floor which I cant get without poison lore. Is it worth delaying advanced gliding to get poison lore first?
  6. Agree with that, signets are much more usable now in simple OW pve.
  7. Gonna give it another try: Make hero points buyable. Playing the e-spec is kind of the main point of an expansion and having to slowly grind it is annoying if you dont have that much time to play. And I havent even finished the previous 2. But if I could unlock the e-spec upfront I would buy the new expansion. And hero trains only work for veteran players as several hero points are locked behind masteries.
  8. Suggestion for new item: Hero points For people who dont have too much time to play it is super annoying that the main benefit of the expansions (the specs) is hidden behind a grind wall. And several hero points are also hidden behind masteries you need to unlock first... It looks like you are supposed to get the espec after finishing the expansion which is just weird. So if I was able to unlock an espec for a reasonable price I would do that.
  9. So judging from the video it looks like the shroud cooldown starts when entering the shroud as it is often immediately available to reenter after exiting. Thats definitely not the case for necro, though.
  10. Super late to this thread, but why didnt Harbinger get dual pistols? That would fit the gunslinger theme much better...
  11. Having the symbol on the autoattack is something quite unique imo. But your suggestions for hammer 2,3,4 together with a faster AA 3 would make quite a good weapon I think. There was also a suggestion in another thread to add a teleport to hammer 5 although that might be a bit much if the mighty blow range is increased, too.
  12. I like your hammer rework but taking the weapon away from core guardian is quite a blow. I really dislike reducing the scope of the core class to have a better Espec which you have to unlock first. Even if it is just a meme weapon you can use it in fun builds. You should at least give something else to core guardian to compensate.
  13. Regarding what to do at level 80: You can complete the story in the expansion first, if you like, it will guide you through the map, too. For your fighting troubles: Its hard to judge without having seen you fight but my advice would be: Keep moving Experienced players might laugh at this because it's so obvious but if you dont move while fighting you will take much more damage. Even if you are melee range, just run circles around your enemies. They can be a bit slow to turn so they will attack less frequently and some attacks will automatically miss.
  14. I like this. However, it messes with Permeating Wrath a bit. My take would have been the following, however: F1 - as it on Willbender F2 - just regenerate some decent health per sec for the duration (for disengaging) F3 - stability+aegis pulse every 2ish secs + some amount of barrier every 5 attacks. (So pulse is better for fighting single targets but still would get defensive rewards for attacking (multiple targets)) But your proposal looks simpler. Then fix animation and traits, obviously (especially Adept line, but I dont like the Grandmaster too much, either. Maybe keep the alacrity).
  15. Please dont nerv Altruistic Healing because it might be strong with one E-spec... It's a core trait after all and should be usable with all Guardian versions.
  16. I already replied once here, but I was wondering about the OH sword: sword 5 is kind of weird currently, but gap closing is definitely useful sword 4 is 'just damage' and not even that good there. How about adding boon rip? Ok, guardian was probably not supposed to have that but this would really set OH sword apart on guardian and be a reason for people to use it.
  17. I really liked the old ones, too. But the tomes had greater range if I remember correctly. Like tome of courage 1 was a small area damage/burn at 1200 max range I think. So it was quite fitting having that tome in front of you and blasting in the distance. Now the tomes are 'melee', so the current animations kind of fit the theme. Anyway if we could get the option (with a trait), to get the old tomes back together with the old animations, that would be awesome! (not happening, I know)
  18. I like the idea of Guardian having some mobility, I hope the Willbender gets fleshed out into something thats not just a worse (better) S/S shiro rev or a worse (better) daredevil. A lot has been said about the virtues/skills/traits already so I just want to add some minor thing: Willbender adds some evades, which I really like, however Guardian synergizes with blocks... So maybe add to the minor adept trait that evading an attack counts as blocking it? Also it would be nice to have the evade on F1, too, or a trait that makes every dash/leap an evade frame.
  19. Hey, so just came back to gw2 after a long pause and had a look at the new trait system... So I like to use one handed sword on guardian, but the trait buffing it is oddly misplaced in the radiance trait line. The sword has by far the most number of attacks in its auto-attack line making it the least desirable weapon to actually activate virtue 1 with. Now radiance forces 2 traits centered on virtue 1 activation on me. Wouldnt it make more sense to swap place of that trait with one the slower weapons traits (like mace or hammer)? Or am I missing some obvious combination potentials?
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