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Posts posted by leviathan.2148

  1. 1 hour ago, Adrianna.3092 said:

    a pet build should be focused on the pet though... a true pet class would have the pet be the focus with the master supporting the pet... and while some people dont like that... that is the point of a pet class... to control and support your pet/pets while they fight for you...


    instead of doing damage the engineer should be focused on buffing/healing the mech with maybe some condition damage... but with the mech doing the vast majority of the damage... and while some people will complain... those people can play one of the other elite specs that isn't supposed to be a pet spec...

    and then you can have the pet do around 70-80% of your damage... with you there supporting it... no other pet in GW 2 is as strong as the mech is already... for the first time there is an actual pet spec... so please dont nerf the mech into the ground just so people who dont like pet specs can be happy...

    Pet spec is great in theory and I would be all for it if the pet AI had at least some semblance of competence. And don't even get me started on the pathing issues. In current state it's detrimental for the new spec design to rely on the pet so much. IMHO it could be circumvented (kinda) if the Mechanist played similarly to the Soulbeast but that's another can of worms.

    I'm already resigned on not getting a fun new playstyle, maybe in two years when they redesign it like they did with Scrapper. Until then it's either the same kit piano playstyle with braindead pet or 11111 fest while trying to support your team with the braindead pet.

    With that said nerfing the pet would be just another nail in the coffin. This spec needs redesign. 

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