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Posts posted by Thanatostasis.4562

  1. Crafting is way too pointless, and expensive, you spend on crafting, you don't craft to earn... What kind of crafting are we talking about? Is it fun? Is it a hobby? No, it's a chore, and an investment, you put gold into it, and then you spend ages wondering how to make gold out of it. What is it for then? Ascended, legendaries and that's pretty much everything summed up, any item below level 80 is worthless in this game anyways, so from 1-to-500 a profession is WORTHLESS, and a waste of Gold, there are no other euphemisms, I can't say the system is ok, sub-par, "could be better", I like to say things as they come to mind, no sugarcoating, this isn't Orwell yet! THE SYSTEM IS LOUSY!!!! NO GOOOD!!!! POIIIINTLEEESSS!!! -Cups hands around the mouth- YOU GET ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!

    Just another way to fleece customers, the outrage is justified, let it roar!

    And to end the tirade, here's a video that summarizes GW2 RNG.

    <----- RNG ^^
  2. I strongly believe that MMOS, especially those that become a money sink, should be treated as long term investments, and with respect to the players who have churned out wads of cash for cosmetics and items, should at least see the game live on for at least 10 years, this means constant support, patches, expansion packs... We're only two expansion packs into this game and you're asking if it's the right time for GW3? Never in the world, bad, bad, terrible idea, I would put that whole concept in a box and lock it in the basement for some 5 years, and then we can just start to consider if we open pandoras box...

    I also believe, our gold and gem expenditure, should somehow be transfered, not entirely, but lets say depending on how actively you spent you should at least be given a heads up in the next game and rewarded something... Something decent... This means not minis, finishers, titles... Something, starting from simply a voucher for a cosmetic if you didn't spend much, and working the reward track up for big spenders, more vouchers bundled with expansion slots, dye pack (Actually I'd like the current dye system to be removed entirely and be replaced by a wheel of colors and palettes, and have us buy slots for palettes that we can fill and name for convenience sake, rather than have us slave hours into this game for rare dyes costing up to 200 gold)

  3. I would love to see cantha, but less human centric, if Tengu become a race then yes.Actually, I expect Arena.net one day to pick-up on the gimmick of underwater combat, other than hearts, vistas, pois, hp's and fractals there's barely anything to do underwater, we need underwater expansion, underwater mounts, more underwater weapons, more nuance, free six dimensional swimming, areas, underwater pvp and wvw, dungeons.... come ooooon.

  4. @Rognik.2579 said:Not sure if this'd be practical or even possible, but different underwear/swimsuit for the characters? Not sure if it'd get much use (at least for the right purposes), but it would be a natural extension of the Fashion Wars 2.

    You might want to jump on the bandwagon with me and others suggesting underwear and swimsuits, I've suggested also tights/pantyhose in dyeable layers two cosmetic slots one for tights and other for sockings/stocks layerable, opacity slider and purchaseable patterns, for stockings purchasable options for suspenders, lace tops, etc... patterns interchangeable between both, since they're easy to do and there are so many tights to take inspiration from I see a good niche, same goes for underwear and swimwear... Aspects so neglected... I have made a full post detailing my suggestion on page 14 in case you want to know more and give me your opinion on wether you see it feasible.

  5. I would like to suggest, add two dyable slots for the legs for cosmetic items only, namely tights/pantyhose and stockings, and I would like to suggest it being two layers with an opacity slider in order for the player to be able to mix and match. Making it Unisex would also be an inclusive step towards having a larger pool of aesthetics to choose from for both sexes.

    This will open the possibility for implementing a rather simple niche (With far less effort than building an entire outfit or weaponset) for selling a variety of pantyhose (argyle, stripes, fishnet (thin, mid, large), faux thigh high effect (Kitty tights, or maybe take it down a different alley and make quaggan two-tone tights or whatever), ribbed, openwork, crochet/sweater, spiderweb, gradient/ombré, vines/thorns, roses, tattoo appearance, ethnic patterns, festive, lurex, backseam, frontseam, back bow, front bow... You've got endless options for creative input, especially if items have more dye options, shimmer effect, pattern, base, tricolor patterns, depends...

    And then for stockings it could be that you could mix and match wether they have an elastic top by default or lace top, lacetop being different patterns of lace available through the gemstore, would be neat if the lace could also be dyed seperately, and as previously mentioned, a variety of patterns to mix and match (Could be borrowed, as in tights and stockings sharing the texture). Another occurence for the tops of the stockings treated seperately is the option wether they are on suspenders (Of which there exists also a variety, starting from just 2 suspenders (one on each leg) up to 6 straps on each leg, and then the option that the suspenders are like this https://www.uktights.com/tightsimages/products/normal/la_Leg-Avenue-Dual-Strap-Heart-Garter-Leg-Suspenders.jpg which are trending right now on instagram, they're like suspenders that don't go towards a girdle/belt.

    I assume from a technical perspective (having already seen that some clothing by default has tights) and mixing/matching wouldn't require any edit to existing items because of no possible overlapping issues because they are skin tight, that this is feasible and should be a non-issue, would you wish to add more items in store and expand the visual repertoire of the game.

    Personally I appreciate wider options for mix and matching especially when it comes to my characters, dresses by default either have or don't have legwear, and it's inconsistent across the races, sylvari don't have legwear on some skirts, sylvari have notoriously uncosmetic appearance to their legs that this would allow to overcome. Also adding a choice of dyeable legwear would allow for a wider range of color schemes to the characters wardrobe.

    They're fashionable among males aswell so if the option is Unisex, you cater to a larger audience. That would be a big move I believe.

    Thank you :3

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