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Posts posted by Enasalin.2871

  1. Still very often getting the bug where people are forced back into Queue after not instantly accepting the pop. Imagine being punished for going AFK to pee for 10 seconds, and the punishment being literally unable to play and pretty much being forced to log off or spend another hour in a queue. This bug has been an issue for soooo long now and the amount of times it happens is insane. Can this maybe finally be fixed? Nerf Holosmith while you're at it.

    Edit: It is honestly completely unacceptable for such a game breaking bug to not be fixed after literal months when it makes people unable to play/enjoy one of the 3 core gamemodes. Any self-respecting developer would fully commit their focus on fixing bugs making their game unplayable for people.

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  2. For the love of all that is sacred please just add something like sPvP instance making to WvW, or just add another 1-2 Arena areas in EoTM so GvG guilds can actually have an Arena without having to share it with every other GvG guild around. It's really annoying that right now we have to be stuck with 1 Arena when multiple GvG guilds want to do scrims, forcing guilds into 3-way scrims or worse... I know we have devs actively playing WvW, so please listen to the GvG community, we all want it to be easier to organize scrims without having to mess around with logging alts to create more instances and what not...

    • Thanks 2
  3. Alright, let's talk about reward tracks and legendaries a little bit. Specifically Leggy Weapons. I feel like Legendaries are much much more convenient for WvW than for PvE, considering WvW has a ton of different possible builds and gear setups etc, more so than PvE. Yet for most legendaries, WvW players are forced to play hours upon hours of PvE content they're not interested in due to lack of certain stuff from reward tracks. 

    Personally, I am somewhat interested in PvE, but even then I'm currently working on Coalescence/Vision and there is NO way to get Elegy Mosaics from WvW. Not a single reward track gives any of them so instead I'm forced to run legendary bounty trains for hours on end in PvE..... This atm to me is the most glaringly obvious one, but I'm sure there's plenty of other things missing from Reward Tracks that could make it easier for WvW players to make a Legendary, without having to play hundreds of hours of PvE to be able to improve their WvW gameplay, when many WvW players won't touch PvE with a 10 foot pole.

    Now you could say: "But PvE players have to play WvW for gift of battle bla bla". And yes, sure, they do, which I also think is a bit kitten and it actually hurts the people who want to play WvW seriously because maps have limited amounts of spots. However, GoB really doesn't take as long as most of the PvE stuff. Especially with boosters you can get a GoB in just a few hours of running after a PPT Chatmander.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Please give us more Reward Tracks or revamp some existing ones to include some (currently) PVE-only stuff needed for Legendaries or other cool things.

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  4. Seems to be an issue where people can join a different team than their Main guild, get put on the enemy side and then be a spy for their guild. My WvW guild and I just had this happen to us where we were being followed around by a guy who is in a guild who is an enemy in the current WvW matchup and relay all info of our whereabouts to them, resulting in us being stealth killed every time.

    It should not be possible for someone who is in a certain WvW guild to be put in the opposing team on the same shard as their main guild, no matter what guild they chose to represent for the alliance.

    Forgot to add: they were even in the enemy guild's squad.. while being on our side of the matchup.

    • Haha 2
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  5. [EU/ENG]

    Hello, I'm a Veteran GW player who recently came back from a 3,5 year hiatus. I want to get back into raiding more, git gud at W1-4 again, improve at W5-7 and other things (Raid CM, Fractal CM, Dungeon Tours, etc) as well. I used to run W1-4 a shitton back in the day, even sold them a bit (my kp should be much higher since I often ran the same encounter multiple times a week), so I'm mostly fine on those, if maybe just a bit rusty, but I'm already getting rid of the rust with pugs.

    As for W5-7, I'm less experienced. I've done training runs for all but Dhuum, but I'm confident in my abilities and the fact I'm a quick learner that it wouldn't take me many kills to get comfortable with encounters. I've actually already done a few kills on W7 (Still a bit wonky when it comes to Sabir, Adina and QTP I'm fine at though), so only W5+6 are really where my experience is a bit lacking, but from my training runs it seems W6 (other than Q1) is quite easy and same goes for W5 (except Dhuum, can't judge that one yet).


    Timezone: Brussels.

    My schedule is quite open for the moment and shouldn't drastically change any time soon, so I should able to adapt to the static's schedule.


    I used to main Chrono and condi BS back in the W1-4 days, but back then I honestly played every meta build except Ele (at least when given the chance, considering I was in Chrono Jail for the most part).

    Currently I've been playing mostly Scourge and DH and slowly trying to get back into chronotanking as well (Q1 tanking training made me want to KMS though so that one I'm gonna put on hold for a while when it comes to tanking).

    Working on gearing HFB and Alacren. Have viper's medium gear ready as well but not yet sure what build i want to use that for


    Would love to join a friendly, fun static that likes to laugh and not take things TOO seriously, but still wants to look for progressing and becoming better at raids and the game as a whole!



  6. No, seriously, where are they? Every self-respecting game with any kind of pvp has regular balancing patches, yet GW2 gets a balance patch every, what, 3 months maybe? if not longer? It's a joke. It's pathetic. Do they even HAVE a balance team over at Anet? And this applies to all gamemodes, not just PvP, but lack of balancing is so much worse in PvP environments.

    Why is Scourge still Z tier while being the most braindead and forgiving class in the game?
    Why are ranger pets still basically just a 2nd character you have to deal with?
    Why are Guardians still the way they are? 200 boons, 300 invulns, 5 million damage?

    For the love of all that is sacred this game seriously lacks regular balancing patches.

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