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Emperor Palpatine.5329

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Posts posted by Emperor Palpatine.5329

  1. So the Astral Ward Achievement thing that you buy from wvw is bugged. I got it for 100 green coins and nothing happened. I logged off and on again, left wvw, changed toons, changed the map…nope. Am still not able to equip a pistol on my ele. Tried in both wvw and pve, same thing..says I need to buy it or complete the pve achievement. 
    Devs - could you please look into this and see what is happening? Thank you! 

    • Like 1
  2. What I don’t understand dear Anet is why are you insisting on making catalyst a thing?  Just admit the bad design (it’s not the only spec that EOD had tbh) and just re-think it?

    OK, so you made a hammer and I get it - you don’t want to change it! At least re-think the skills and what they offer. Again I say this: It does not make any sense to have 4 diff skill sets with mele/semi-range. Just make them easy and fun to play. Here’s an idea: make them all ranged. Ele is not a class with so much survivability for your average player.

    Also the skill effects are garbage, complicated to play (and your changes sure ain’t making it easier) and a huge let down from (and I can’t believer I’m saying this) weaver.  You build the whole spec along the idea of the jade sphere and ammm it was literally no use :)))

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  3. Anet, I think it’s time!

    the meta must be nerfed again 😞 

    Honestly, after getting my turtle I never stepped back again because it’s too overpowered for your regular open world player (you guys can’t change the rules you made for 10 years in 1 meta). Open world metas should be fun, easy and accessible to all. This is not.

    Another aspect is the reward system, I don’t feel I’m getting my money vs time from this. Plus it is a HUGE let down to invest 2 hours just to wipe. 

    • Like 8
  4. My 2 cent feedback 🙂

    - story best they ever made

    - maps best they ever made

    - events best they ever made

    - elite specs - most horrible thing under the 6 gods!

    Things worth mentioning:

    - the event at the end of the story is the most lovely thing I have seen in this game! Very happy with that

    - political gender fluid nonsense added - worst idea ever! Huge let down for me, even if its easy to ignore it’s sad to see anet grab a fast politic cow like that. At least other aspects from this pov have a narrative and don’t come out as cringe

    I think it’s the best expansion they ever made so far from many points of view, and I would like to give Kudos to the team working on strikes because they are absolutely fantastic. I can’t wait to try out the CM ones.

    Dragons End meta is also a work of art and with some minor tuning to the overall time I think it’s gonna be superbly done! 

    • Like 4
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    • Confused 4
  5. Biggest disappointment so far!

    Ele seems underdeveloped, rushed and not at all logical.


    -worst choice of weapon implementation: damage aside, skills are confusing (now its mele now its ranged wtf?), some effects look ok bit not at all at the level of EOD hype anet was making. 
    - mechanics: overly complicated, do not make sense and feels just like a core ele with a hammer and bad elite skills. Tempest felt  tempesty, skills make sense, they have a connection

    - elite skills are trash and traits are just badly implemented

    what I would do:

    - rethink the elite spec from point 0. Decide on mele or range and implement said skills based on it core idea

    - rework hammer skills (that elemental cycle thing is way way to complicated and short - players dont like pushing 100 buttons wtf? Why put that in game? It ruins player fun: gw2 is supposed to be the game with 10 buttons not 100

    - F5 - change it, it sucks: those animal things look like crap, skill is too short and it does not move. Its bad

    - elite skills - complete rework: they have no value add, they do nothing (except the earth on its a block lol for some reason someone actually added that in game :)))

    - if u insist on keeping it mele staff and scepter skill need rework. You keep adding garbage skills like retreat or the new air skill pushback. No one asked for them, no one uses them. Just add 1 elite skill for that and there u go if a players wants it they can use it, dont force this on everyone. That weapon skill could actually be something of interest and with value.


    Honestly this compared to mesmer and necro seems to be done in like 1 month, fully rushed and without thinking. Y’all need to step up the game here if u expect EoD to be good. If u keep this up its gonna be a catastrophe. 

    • Like 4
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  6. Hello!

    I also tried today, am from EU so have the same banking law that I fully support since it offers more security. Tried with a visa card, nada! They put my money on hold but never got the gems. I have a ticket raised and am very curious on what they have to say. Its so stupid tbh, like this payment method works for like small apps for my apartment utilities and it won’t work for a big company! Fix your kitten anet wtf :)))

    ps: wow does not have this issue at all! 

    • Like 1
  7. From the 3 available this is the one I spent the less time on. I hate it completely. You made guardian into a monk hybrid thing. I would make a complete redesign of it. Honestly it does not fit. Also has like 0 animations, skills are just bad in pve (I mean that wait for heal wtf is that man). 

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  8. Hey Anet! Glad to see u are finally investing in the game :) I think some of issues you guys should be focusing on are:Revamp of world bossesRework of loot tablesPOF map metas rework and looting, since they are terribleDungeon rework - still played...yet u do nothing. MMO without dungeons is not a MMOA nice to have would be to open raid maps, jungle ones for example, to players so and have raid like fights but with big zergs :) players learn raid mechanics, raid people dont mind and everyone is happy

  9. dude this fractal sucks! worst one ever made! comparing this to shatter or even with the Amala fight is like worlds apart! I sorry but the difference in quality is huge. The end boss is aids, with some of the new instabilities with just impossible to finish with regular pugs. Yeah ok reflects condi cleans etc would work, but lets face it people dont have time for 1 run to be with X toon and Y run with another toon. People go in with 1 toon and do a full run.The mechanics suck, the events suck and the frame rate drops like dramatically when the stupid birds spawn. Also can you guys make that platform any smaller? I mean its too big and dogging is so easy on it would be nice to have it even smaller, u know for the fun of it (IRONY). I think this needs to be 100% re-vamped or removed and lets not speak of it ever again.

  10. This has to be the worst new fractal they ever did. I am sorry to say this but comparing nightmare or SO with this garbage of a dungeon...man! First of all Alastia requires a specific combo in T4, birds spawn in it often and it difficult to manage, the stage for the final boss is way way to small for all the stupid effect and AOE and also the overall implementation is crap: the maze u run around with a chest, the Steve boss and the ship stage. I think this fractal should be revamped and they should just bring it to the other standards of quality they did for previous fractals.

  11. @Nokomis.5076 said:In my opinion, the devs should never have allowed gliding in the rest of Tyria. We already can see, that it's used for exploiting maps, either in PvE or WvW.

    Same with the mounts. They should only be usable in PoF. Otherwise it's giving unfair advantages to those having bought PoF over those who haven't."Look an event just spawned! Oh wait, it's already over because few people were there in 5secs and killed everything..."

    LOL OK, how about NO! If you decide not to buy POF or HOT do not enforce your decisions on the rest of the player base. I know it sucks that you travel the map in 2 hours and I do it faster, but on the other hand my staff leaves a rainbow behind and yours does not. Gotta get with the progress ma man and start making those special achievements. Players must have the option to differentiate themselves via special features: legendary armor, weapons, HOT masteries and so on. If you don;t like it, join the club and be part of the "elits" or just stop bitching :)

  12. Hello Anet!I went into the new xpac with HUGE expectations, and boy I was not disappointing. I lvoe absolutely everything you guys did with this new expansion and I think, compared to HOT is way way better.Here are the main points:

    • story was incredible. I always hated the story in Gw2, sorry for that but they just plain sucked. POF has an amazing story and so many fantastic things you guys did to make it more enjoyable.
    • The maps, OMG the maps are so beautiful. It's like LSD on a mount. Best maps u guys ever made. 100+ points for Desolation - that one takes the cake home for me
    • The mounts - are well designed, and the actual prodcut is way better than what I tested during beta and stress tests.
    • Achievements - I love this part, more so the griff one. Was the most amazing experience for me.
    • HP in new maps - I like that you guys did them so they can be done alone as well. HOT HP are crap, because you can;t solo them and you have to rely on other people. I personally hate that.
    • Loot system sucks on new maps :(. Sorry for that. I love these meta events, but after completing one of them u get like crap loot and it;s kind of discouraging. Maybe you guys can balance that a bit and actually reward players with better loot. I mean 1 entire meta event and I get 1 piece of 30 silver gear? That is not as rewarding as completing a HOT meta and receive a better loot bag.
    • I love the meta events. Are scaled, they can be done in smaller parties and they are so cool, the NPC speaks so much, give u lore and it's like you are part of the story.
    • I would love to see bosses as well, no linked with entire map meta, but something a bit bigger that could also bring players. Besides bounties :) that is
    • I appreciated the way you handled the DC issues. I know it is not easy and probably a lot of employees stayed overtime (even overnight) to fix them, and I want you guys to know there are players here that know that and appreciate that :)

    Overall I will give the entire POF a 98%, that 2% the bad loot and the absence of bigger bosses. But you guys did a fantastic job with it, the effort is clearly showing and CONGRATULATIONS for a very well done job. I regret nothing with this purchase.

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