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Posts posted by Seffen.2875

  1. I have only deeper knowledge of wvw, so the things stated here only apply there. I would love, If anyone can add insights for other modes.


    The trait "Force of Will" is extremely unhealthy in my opinion. Not for the gameplay as a whole but rather for the Guardian itself.

    In WvW, the straight is unrivaled strong for a healing guard. I have come up with this reasons:

    300 Vitality is very much for a tank. Almost 4000 LP. This alone is pretty strong.The increased healing counts, as opposed to most other traits increasing healing in guarding, for every kind of healing. Most other traits just focus on one aspect of the guarding, most of the time its not a "character" trait but rather a certain kind of abilities.

    My point is: You can literally not take this trait if you are tank guard / heal guard. I think this is pretty sad because it leaves a lot of other traits and even complete traitlines completely unused.I would love this trait to be either nerfed or rather reworked for the sake of more diversity.

  2. i'll concentrate on the guardian changes, because they are the ones i can say most about.

    Several things got gutted. Damage scaling on most of the weapons. The staffs healing and might application. Healing in general and boon application. I would roughly estimate that Guardian loses about 50 % of its healing.

    Now it completely depends on how engeneer and Elemental are treated healingwise. they also got a bit tuned down but may still be stronger healwise.

    One thing will happen for sure: The skill ceiling of guarding will rise. it will rise to pre pof levels, and even above. If your guard is bad, your whole group will suffer badly. I think a lot of people underestimate how forgiving guardian is right now and how effectiv you still are, even if you suck. The gap between good and bad will widen by a huge margin.

    Healing will lose some overall effectiveness in comparison too other tools. Guardian is not that much affected by that because litereally all his other stats got gutted as well.But it is quite possible, that healing power wont be main stat anymore.But neither will power due to reduced scalings but rather precision. I expect something pretty wild mixes, probably celestial making a big comeback.Staff will be dropped as a weapon.Mace and shield will stay because they literelly kept all their healing. probably Greatsword again for some spiking.

    Ult Mantra will stay, as will stand your ground. and the cleansing mantra, Merciful intervention will be dropped. Purging will make a comeback, not touched at all.

    Contemplation of purity will be of more interest as well.

    But we will see.

  3. @Kovu.7560 said:It would be a nice aesthetic touch.Just remove the mount abilities, have them move at the normal 33% boosted speed (as if you're running on foot with swiftness) and have them punted if the player takes a hit that puts them into combat.Heck, you wouldn't even need to restrict them to friendly territory.

    If you wanted to implement a mastery tree that gave them versions of their current abilities (far jump, high jump, teleport etc.) then you'd need to restrict their use to friendly territory.

    ~ Kovu

    RIP WvW. A game running on an engine not able to handle ebg completely and you want to add something that is that ressource greedy?

    Right now the biggest no is the engine not able to handle this.

    Though i think they would make sense on DBL.

  4. My Cents on this:

    Having a WvW-Guild, which supports you and will stay with you no matter what makes things a ton easier.

    Expect the first times to be a huge let down. You will fail. Especially under pressure. Listen to what others say to you. It is good to have someone experienced with you who can help you and tell you what to do.

    Don#t overcommit to sieging. Stay with Karmatrain. This will Keep People with you and you have the Chance to just learn the Basics. If something is taking too Long, just quit it.

    Don't fight if you are 100 % sure to win. (being a lot more is a good sign for that) Nothing makes you lose more People than wiping. Again and again. Change the map if you have to.

    Play Guardian. And for heavens sake know how to Play it. Firebrand is one of the classes with the highest skill cap right now. If you suck at it go for vanilla. You Need to concentrate on leading not on piloting your class.

    Be likeable. If you are grumpy or a Sissi or if you Keep whining all the time People will leave you. No one wants to deal with this Kind of People for a Extended period of time. Be funny, talkative and Keep a good conversation going.

    Comment on everything you do. If no one in the channel is talking, you Need to Keep talking. No one likes a quite channel and People will leave pretty fast if they have the Feeling nothing is Happening. If you are lucky you have some People with you that are fun to talk to.

    Make it clear to yourself, just because you doing this in your spare time and voluntarily you do not have to right to do it bad. If you suck People will call you out on it and you have to except that.

    When People call you out on sucking you Need to listen closely and adapt to it. Don't fight back. Most of the times they are right. If they are wrong others will protect you.

    Take every help offered.

    Let People Play what they want.

    This will get you started.A lot of These tips don't apply for advanced leading.

    Edit: Btw. the most selfsufficent leading class/spec is Dragonhunter. (while also being easy to Play)

  5. I watched the trailer. I absolutely loved the music and the video. it is on point.However i am not content with the writings.Unlike the others, i do not think that players opinion is not that important and does not mean that much for others. I think all in all it is just too much happening at one time on the screen. You have to watch the pictures and read the text which is maybe too much at once for some.

    I just came up with an idea i really like (yeah, a good start if it's yours) so i thought i'd give it a shot and will share it with you.

    So you keep the trailer.The moment balthazar appears (after those lonely dessert pictures)Male Voice: So. Fighting for a dessert. Are we?(That black dude riding)Female Voice (FV): It is not just a dessert,(black dude riding at the tree)FV: It's a place to explore.(the wind palace)FV: A place of beauty.(Black dude engaging the fire dude)FV: it's a place of adventure.(Our group with rytlock)FV: a living World.(Guild Wars 2 Logo)FV: It's a home.(End)

    One can add some more. That are just the first one i came up with. It shows all the things you want to show and may sound cool. I like it.

  6. I always have bought some BL Keys since there were always some random things that i liked to have and almost everytime got. So there never was a reason to not buy them since spending 20 € per month on them and receiving some nice things in return was always ok. I never got anything worth more than maybe 10 Gold that i could have sold but nevertheless there have always been some nice Skins or anything. This time there is nothing for me in stock but i will buy again if there is.

    The Problem with the Stable is (as far as i think):I bought the Halloween set. It is quite nice but i realised that i do not like it. i run the vanilla Skins, since i like them more. ( i do not regret the buy. Mistakes happen from time to time. I paid 5 bucks per Skin and i knew what i got.)But now i do not even know what i will get. There are several Skins that look quite nice. But i just cannot afford to spend over 100 € to be sure to get them. If it was only seperated by Mounts, then maybe i would give it a consideration since the Chance goes down to 1/6 instead of 1/30. 400 Gems is a fair Price for a Mount Skin. I would even say you could go up to maybe 600. Keeping in mind that you have 5 Mounts i would not go up any further. A 5 € gamble is just to expensive for me. It is fine to make 20 x 1 € gambles with the keys, since i know that there will be something worth the Money. But gambling 4 x 5 € simply does not feel right. The second i knew it gonna be this expensive i did not even check out the Skins closer since i knew i will not buy any.

    After reading several Feedbacks i am even more sure about this since there are several things about this i really do not want:Gating 4 Dyes Channel behind a rng lock is really sad.You can get a griffon Skin even if you do not have the griffon (????????) i got it but still...It is fine to have the BL Chests as a gambling and some of the dyes since they are pretty cheap. But there is a certain Limit of gambling i can stand.You cannot even be sure to get a Skin for the Mount you want.Making a single Skin almost as expensive as the whole Expansion????? This one really bugs me out.Locking all 30 Skins behind rng feels bad. Why not make some as legendary Skins obtainable through the game and provide some more Long term Goals. Like the star Thing griffon. Lets say you Need to explore every map plus make the lvl 100 frac for several potions. Then use the well known material dumps and tadaaaaahh! legendary griffon Skin. (30 Skins. you had like 30 Skins already in backhand and did not give us a single one for every Mount with the Expansion? i really feel betrayed)

    All in all i come to the Feeling that you are testing out how far you can go with making Money and therefore i will stop spending for now. i will start again if i find something that i really like or have the Feeling that everything is again on a fine lvl.

    Another Thing that bugs me ist the amount of cash Skins beeing thrown out right now and the Quality of them. Compared of what we got for PoF it slowly gives me the Feeling, that you are just giving out the minimung and try to sell everything else by the shop. In HoT and the LS i had a Feeling that there was a fine Balance in Quality and quantity of Skins either beeing obtainable throught the store and the game. But right now, i do not have that Feeling anymore.

    Of course this will not stop me from playing the game. Since i really enjoy it anyway. (mainly wvw, but PoF made me go full Pve) But i will surely spend less Money on this game from now on.

  7. i'll do another one since i played a lot since my last post here:

    i actally like the achievments. Something i never even thought about in Hot. I recently had a lot sparetime and used it for pve and i really liked it. Everything feels kinda fluid and Fitting. Some achievments are quite hard and exhausting (like gathering those kitten Blooms for a Piece of armour) But other are extremly rewarding like the dwarfmine or the Dschinn jewelry thingy.

  8. @Chris.3290 said:Scourge heavy groups are easily counterable, it's just that too many people are too lazy to take off their PvE Marauder's gear and move beyond HoT boonshare to actually get something done.

    Step 1: Find spellbreakers who are actually good and have them rotate WoD. You just nullified the Firebrands.Step 2: Rediscover CC skills. It used to be a cornerstone of the game but Boonshare made people too lazy.Step 3: Condition mitigation, again used to be a cornerstone. Dust off your Warrior's warhorn and Lemongrass Soup potsStep 4: Perhaps the old mindset of just putting bodies on a tag isn't a winning strat anymore. Running an organized composition has never been rewarded much in WvW in the past; but the way Scourges work kind of makes that a losing strat. Perhaps more organization and less screaming for more people before leaving spawn.

    This!! I also want to state, that it is not the real Elitist's who cry about conditions. It is those who Claim to be so but get butthurt the second they have to put real effort in winning.

  9. @momophily.3814 said:What i'm saying is that scourge is superior to everything else when in a side-by-side. They need to be balanced out with everyone else

    But why is Scourge so much stronger?It has a shit ton of dmg and a medium Support. And beside that? The defense of the Scourge is a kitten joke. Especially in large scale fights.

    They have literally not a single good escape. Once you catch them they are done. And with backline ele becoming a Thing suddenly it is time for the Focus Party to shine again. A scourge is so incredibly easy to burst down.

    Therefore yes i may Sound like a kitten hole. But you Sound like someone not beeing able to adapt your playstyle.

    If you cant rush the frontline due to Scourge and Spellbreaker bursting you down go to the backline. Burst the scourges down and then feast on the ones left over.And concerning the condition spam: A good firebrand has no Problem with first resisting the condition and then removing the full stacks. Of course when you mindlessly spam out your remove you will end up dead.

    Edit: Somehow broke the Quote.

  10. Scourge is not broken. Actually i think it is perfectly fine. It is just you beeing bad at large scale fights.

    There are certain tactics and playstyle that hardcounter scourge. And there are a lot more about to be discovered.

    Easiest way to Counter Spellbreaker and scourge is just a shitload of stunbreaks and condicleanse.

    Who got that? dunno. /s But according to your Avatar it is very weird that you dont know.

    Get a grip of the new Firebrand and you will see, that everything is perfectly fine as Long as you have the same amount of People who are Kind of able to Play their builds.

    Stop beeing whiny.

    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

  11. Story = great (amazing)WvW = Worse than everNew Maps = They feel good. Maybe on the Long run too few Content. Which is not that bad in Combination with Hot Metas.Mounts = GreatSpecs = by now at least they feel new. some Need refinement.Stackable Items = very nice. pls also implement in the other game modesWvW = Please do something about the Servers and the condition. And the wind. Only after that may you come up with new Content for it.

    @Gaile Gray.6029Since you seem to be quite active here:

    Can anyone just state anything about what you plan with WvW? Just a slight hint?For my part, i feel like the whole WvW is beeing completely ignored since the Launch! That really makes me sad.

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