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Posts posted by Flori.2194

  1. 9 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

    I would agree in part, but if balancing was not in their interest they wouldn't have killed catas dps. I'd just say they don't know how to balance it because of the flaws at the very core of its design.  These nerfs just show the numbers were band aids for all the issues with the spec and class as a whole. And now more people are aware of it than before. For better or for worse, Anet will have to address it at some point. 

    That's what I said in my first paragraph. They are probably clueless, not just HOW to balance but also about the game itself. 

    This nerf happened out of stupidity and incompetence but in the need to do anything because balance "is in the works"tm.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

    But afaik Ranger Thief and Ele has builds for all content aswell, doesn't they?

    It's not about "having a build", it's about "being one of the best possible choices avaiable aka meta, most efficient tactic avaiable", and ranger, ele and thief have nothing for certain game modes like wvw zerging. 

    What I want to say is that you can make a Guardian (and Necro, Engineer or Revenant) and with the 8 euqipment and build templates possible you can switch game modes as much as you want and there is always a build where you are top notch. To do that with something like Elementalist is either very difficult or even completely impossible. 


  3. 1 minute ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

    almost all of those builds apart from LR weaver rely on a team supporting you, and not being focused.


    to be fair i was not specific, what i'm looking for is a build that can handle 1 on 1 when pressured (not run away and hope you can lose them) , but not a 180 range melee weapon as I hate that yoda style dervish spinning about in circles gameplay.


    There are some cases for FA Weaver with scepter, as you mentioned LR Weaver and some really niche scenarios for some kind of support or interrupt Tempest. Anything else: Staff, Catalyst, damage Tempest is a bit of a meme. Sure it can work and you can climb with them, but the higher you get the harder it gets to pull off meme builds instead of close-to-meta builds...


    And for your specific question: No, nothing like Fire Weaver, sadly... 

  4. Or, even better, we remove the orbs and the sphere, put combo fields for hammer on 3 (because they forgot to give hammer combo fields, that's why they probably added F5), change hammer to a different weapon, remove the aura traits, stat stick traits and sphere traits, give it some powerful, unique and interesting traits, remove the augments and give some usefull utilities, add a really interesting and class defining spec mechanic and bada bing, bada boom: You have an elite spec, baby...

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

    Core Guardian in PvP?

    Yes. My point was that there is no fb build for spvp as far as I know but a whole lot of core, dh and even willy builds. So you only need one guard to be meta in all game modes... compare that to something like ranger, thief or ele. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:



    Nah, I know Firebrand runs riot in PvE and WvW small scale, roaming and zerging, but it's useless for PvP, that's where Core Guardian is an absolute powerhouse... Get one Guardian character, be meta in every game mode, profit....

  7. 3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    ANet, you guys should be embarrassed. 

    To put it simple: There are just two possibilities: They either can do better but won't do it -> Then they should be removed from their jobs. Or they can't even do better in the first place. -> Then they should be removed as well...


    In a more complex way: This game is impossible to balance, at least with the "one balance patch per year"-approach of anet. It's just too complicated: Too much build diversity (too many stat choices, too many traitlines with different choices of traits, no trinity of tank, heal, dd), three different game modes that all need different things for balancing, the whole boon system and to top it all of the devs themselves are probably not enough in numbers and probably not good enough in the game as well. To properly balance this nightmare of a game you need much, much more effort, you have to regurlarly pump out balance patches. In my opinion the best way would be to release a big balance patch after each normal pvp season followed by smaller patches in the next two to three weeks to smooth things out or revert things. This would mean something like 5 big and 10-15 smaller balance patches per year. Sure it sounds a lot, but you can always revert stuff, you can always tweak some numbers. But it's in my opinion what's needed...


    And here comes the twist: Those patches would only appeal to the few thousend raiders, daily fractal cm enjoyers, dedicated wvw and pvp players and that's it. You can do your two hours a day Tarir, LLA and whatever without ever thinking about balancing at all. This game is made by and made for casuals, elite specs for example have to look cool, nobody cares if they are conceptually lacking or if their balance is broken. Everyone who complains about the balancing in this game is not really the target audience for the game itself. I also guess it's not in their monetary interest to invest in balancing. That's why they throw out a balance patch a year with no further explanations... It's a bone to throw at the dedicated players to shut their mouths, maybe followed by some known dev (looking at you, Grouch and CMC), who then promises there will be more frequent balance patches or major and significant changes after a beta test etc. when in fact it's not in their interest.


    They can't balance the game properly because it's too complex and the classes are too diverse.

    And they don't need proper balancing because this game is for casuals. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, ClickToKill.8473 said:

    The only thing bad about catalyst before this last patch was the reliability of Hammer 3 skills.  Agreed its still not in the best spot.  But I do believe a lot of people just despise the class because its not what they wanted from day 1, and it can never be good because of that. 

    And it's a completely uninspired mess that lacks any concept or theme, has boring traits that either belong to Tempest or are just boring stat boosts. It's a combo spec, which is weird, because after roughly 10 years of power creep combos nearly don't matter at all in this game. Hammer is already a conjured weapon so the weapon choice is a lore fail. The augments are just worse core utilities that see no support in traits or with runes (OH YEAH, there weren't any new runes). It's missing a useful elite utility, but that's nothing new for ele players. Shall we continue? Oh, the design of the e-spec armour skin, the helmet, has those floating orbs, you know, the one from hammer that you won't have with any other weapon, but any other weapon has better aura generation than hammer, besides the fact that this helmet is ugly as hell. But auras are better suited for Tempest because shouts are a thing and are much better than augments. Hammer is useless in PvP, so you are left with Core Ele with an additional, static combo field but you miss another core traitline which makes Catalyst in WvW and sPvP as viable as Core Ele, read: not viable at all. It has no built in sustian like Tempest or Weaver (e. g. Water Overload and tons of barrier). It is so lackluster that I refuse to believe that they put more than 20 minutes of work into this spec. And the best thing about it? They even said they have no idea what they did with Catalyst. CMC in the presentation video said: "So somehow we decided to give Ele hammer." They went into their "class designing room", sat on the table, wrote down some first ideas, put them all in a blender with the remaining ideas for Tempest and Weaver and glued them together. Every fooking fanmade e-spec that was posted in this forum or on reddit is better, at least conceptually, because Catalyst has no concept: Melee bruiser without sustain that needs auras (hello, Tempest) that its e-spec weapon can't generate that needs cc that its e-spec weapon can't generate with a bunch of minigames you have to play in your head all the time (hammer 3 with attunement swapping, placing your F5 (why is it even an additional button, put it on F1-F4 already, you idiots), using your augments in the right sphere, dodge, do mechanics, do cc, finish your combofields, do more cc to get more stacks, do a leap finisher (not on hammer) to get auras for more stacks, keep those stacks etc. etc.


    Giving Elementalist quickness was a good idea... anything else is bullshite. I said it before and I will say it again: I can design a better e-spec in two days, a lot of people already designed good e-specs, but those people at anet get paid for being absolute dogshite. 

    • Like 9
  9. "Dear Evee.2714, thanks for providing us with your feedback. We take player feedback very serious in our attempt to make the best game possible - for you and everyone else. This is only possible thanks to players like you! See you in Tyria!" Some dev, copy-pasting a pre-written statement by some marketing clown while laughing at our commitment... 

    • Confused 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Mesket.5728 said:

    So along the nerfs to elementalist, the silence treatment to warriors,... willbender got a buff on their alacrity output... im dying here lol this cant be for real

    At this point I really think the devs that are responsible for class design and balancing are secretly working for Squenix and FF Online or even World of Warcraft to force a few players back...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. Well, fook it, i already play Hfb for WvW in zerg fights and with my guild and I don't really like the aesthetic of necro so I will stick with my ele, those stupid devs won't take the fun away from me, I am better than them...


    And if anyone from Arenanet or even better the class design and balance department is reading this: Go kitten yourself!

  12. 7 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    I'd rather self-moderate. Let people say what they want.

    Oh yes please, I could say anything I want in a self-moderated forum. Something like "The pricks from the balance team are a bunch of buffoons that don't even reach T2 in dry top and deserve a broken coffee machine in their office every day" or even something like "Those from the balance team are fooking morons, pathetic asssholes, idiots and clowns that prove patch after patch that they don't deserve to work at anet anymore", although I would never say that in an official forum... 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  13. 5 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    It is tricky, isn't it?

    There's two primary metrics. Are people playing? Are people paying?

    Our voices on the forums are largely shouting into the wind, so if we really want to give ANet feedback, it's got to hit one of those two metrics. I guess with specific profession changes, it can be about whether people stop playing that one profession, but still keep playing the game.

    I mean we could DDoS them /s



    • Haha 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Crashdown.7419 said:

    People keep telling others to just swap mains. After all that time? After everything I did on it? I did every story on my ele, only did map completion once, on my ele. Every achievement I got I did on ele. Yes we have been here before. I have stopped playing the game before. I even tried swapping mains once. Just couldn't keep doing it. After all those hours on the same character its not easy to just swap. My ele is my character I created on day 1. Never deleted it or restarted it. After all that work I refuse to change alts cause anet is bad at making classes playable. It makes me feel like they only play necro and guard cause those keep being op and hardly get nerfed. I doubt a single person there even reads their own forum. I played New World and they give AGS a lot of bad stuff that is deserved. But at least they read their forum and try to adjust. Anet gives 0% of care. 

    It's my second time trying to switch mains and I feel everything you wrote. I also feel helpless, I love Elementalist, but with just a snap of their fingers they can make my favourite character worse and worse. And I have no face to associate with the balance team, all my hatred is directed at some ominous "balance team" that doesn't speak out publicly, they answer no questions, they don't explain themselves or their decisions, they don't do an AMA or even acknowledge the many, many problems stated in the forum. I felt as helpless as I never really felt before in a video game yesterday about a thing I really love but couldn't protect...

  15. 6 minutes ago, scriptoimpium.7806 said:

    I'm an ele main, i do have three mesmers (doesn't mean I'm good at it) but I don't know if the devs are actually watching these threads, so if you go to other websites and tag them with a link to the discussions then at the very least you will know that they are aware of the displeasure. lead the charge into the battle like a charr.

    Well, realizing that they have no clue about the game they work at I highly doubt if they can even read...


    Or they are mules and work secretly for Squenix and Final Fantasy Online...

    • Haha 1
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