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Posts posted by Kal.6528

  1. Condi builds: Bleed stacks are good & bleed damage is good; you can get ~50 stacks of bleed at a given time. However, other condi sources other than bleed is bad. Torment (illu trait) & Confusion lack sources to become viable in endgame since shatters are the main sources for these conditions; Burning from torch remains at the same level & pace as other E-specs.


    Power builds: Dagger feels a little lackluster for end game since it is overshadowed by sword's auto attack. Sword still gets better numbers. Maybe adding a combo sequence or vulnerability/bleed to the dagger auto attack can help increase its damage potential since you are rewarded at the end of the AA chain with a burst/blade.


    F1-F4: Current activation time is bad since it slows down burst potential in any rotation. Very predictable in competitive scenes. Maybe can be improved from being a target skill to small aoe skill for similar mechanic with utility skill aoes. With how fast you can get blades, the shatter/bladesong cooldowns seem a little bit too long- if the focus of the e-spec is throwing out these blades, wouldn't it be better to have them have shorter cooldowns with reduced damage? 


    Open world wise, Virtuoso feels fun since it has a faster pace than other Mesmer e-specs.

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