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Posts posted by Wutwurzel.9325

  1. An Idea for the Virtues: Change them from "you need to activate them everytime new" to stance-like "once activated, the Virtue stays active until you activate another one. Every x hit will activate the effect of burning/healing/aegis.", but with an internal cooldown of x seconds for each enemy.

    If a Virtue is active, you can "activate" it a second time to rush/teleport to the enemy with an initial AoE-strike, as it currently is.

    The rush/teleport could have the same cooldown as the Virtue itself.


    Change the Willbender Flames-Effect from a ground-targeted "permanent" AoE to a Debuff the enemy will get, if you hit them with the initial AoE-strike from the rush/teleport. That Debuff damages that enemy every second, like the currently Willbender Flames, but you don't need to stay in Place cause of the ground-targeted AoE.

    It may be a good Idea to add Quickness to Willbender Flames for every tick of it on an enemy. This would compensate the low Dmg of Willbender Flames and make it more important to use it everytime its available.


    Also you could set an F4 to get out of the active Virtue without having another one to activate.

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