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Posts posted by PeachyPleasure.8049

  1. When I first heard about the PvE legendary armor I was hyped, because I believed now we can do various PvE content to collect things needed (like with legy weapons to get the precursors) instead of mindless farming and doing the same event over and over and over and over again, but now I see nothing has changed. Well, whatever Anet.

    I just gonna finish the WvW one, which I started already, it's still going to be less pain and boredom than this.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

    Okay, this suggestion may be controversial and seen as burdening the victim with the burden of anonymity, but how about an option to hide your nameplate?


    This is specifically thinking about @Skynet.7201's post.


    They note that they currently use the friendslist to avoid maps that toxic players might be on, with the obvious problem being that should they run across them on that map, they'll be recognised.


    Being able to hide your character's name and have the nameplate replaced with your profession is the most practical way around this that I can think of.


    Of course,  the option would have to come with some more granular control; maybe a menu with choices like:

    Hide my name from:


    Everyone but guild members

    Everyone but people on my Friends list

    Everyone but guild members and people on my Friends list

    Everyone in my Blocked list

    I think this could be a good solution too. I am supporting any idea which gives a vareity of options for players to customize how they want to interact with other players.

    They could also give various options to OP's original idea about Friend requests: you could decide whether you want to filter people yourself or simply accept requests automatically.

  3. 14 hours ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

    I never had such issues in any games. Assholes I blocked, sure, but never 'harrassment'. I think the problem here generally is that people make it a problem. I really don't care if someone 'follows' me if that ever happened to me anyways. If you have such issues even in a virtual world, please go see a consultant. This should be not the norm.

    I like how you instantly try to take this to a personal level. First of all, it does not matter whether I personally faced this problem or not, as I said it before, just because you have never encountered a problem it can be there regardless.


    I don't even have a clue what the second part of your reply tries to say. I should "go see a consultant", because I find it rudiculous that after you blocked someone they can still add you to their friend/follower list? Or after you blocked someone in WvW (where enemies should be nameless right), you can see their account name in your block list and can easily reach them anyway. Yes, the current system makes perfect sense...


    By the way, because you are so interested in my mental health and personal affairs, I can assure you I have never faced this problem (personally, but have seen it happen to others), but I can still see the flaws. The norm should be that the community signals to these type of players that their behaviour is not going to be tolerated, instead of saying "I don't have this problem, so I don't care, moreover I am going to call out people, who do care or dare to discuss this, just because".

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  4. 38 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

    I have to say I like the current system; I have people I follow who have chosen to not follow me, and vice versa. This works really well (for me).

    Harrassment should not be handled by disabling systems that work well for lots and lots of people. Rather, it should be dealt with by Anet, through the report system. Actions would need to be swift, and outcomes for harrassers would need to be severe. (Then comes the question of what would actually count as harrassment, but that's another discussion entirely...)


    That said, I don't think it'd be a bad thing if Anet were to implement a way for people to - optionally - change over to a mutual friends system, as long as it doesn't mean forcibly removing the current system for those of us that still want it. Not sure if it'd be worth the cost and developer time, though.

    I agree with you in most parts. I can see why some like the following system as they can use it in the way it was intended. I am not saying that the follower feature should be completely wiped out, but if someone blocked a player for any reason, that player should not be able to keep track of them in any ways. I think this is (one of) the major issue(s) here, as the system in it's current state really do not makes sense.


    I am all in for the severe outcomes, but I am suspecting that is something which will never really happen, sadly. So at least blocking should be a real obstacle, instead of a half solution.


    I am going to be honest, I have no clue how much resources this change would need, so I am not going to debate about that part. For me, it would worth it, because I believe no one should be wasting their precious game time with submitting tickets and gathering evidence or constantly hiding offline just so they can avoid these type of players. But, this is my subjective, personal opinion and I can understand if others would see this as a waste of dev resources.

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  5. Okay so, so far everyone who is not supporting this change basically says that "block them and move on, I don't see any problem here".


    I can understand that there are players who can easily move on, it's great, I am happy for you (no sarcasm). What I can not understand is, why it's hard to believe that people are different and some people can find this behaviour more disturbing than you? You can ask them to have thicker skin and such, but I find it quite ridiculous that people basically asking others to change their normal behaviour (frustration over the lack of real, fast and effective way of getting rid of these unwanted interactions) while with this you are unintentionally supporting a toxic one. As others already pointed it out, this minor change will take nothing away from you, but give something to others. Just because you have never faced a problem, that problem can still exist.


    To the part of how harrassment is a modern and over dramatized fake problem: it's not, but the way how some people harass others are definitely have changed. Nowadays you don't need to have the balls to stand in front of the person you want to annoy and take the heat, instead you can hide behind a screen knowing that nothing will happen to you, no matter what you are saying. I think this is already enough "help" to people like this to keep up with their bad habits, no need to encourage them even more.

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  6. On 11/15/2021 at 2:18 PM, Cyninja.2954 said:

    (with a slight exception to female gamers, which I'd still advise to not be as open about being female going by what female friends/guild members have been saying).

    As sad as it is, I can relate to this part. I am still a bit shocked that the best advice you can give to a female player (despite of age or marital status!) is to never, ever, ever tell anyone that you are a woman. In the end, 99% of the time you will regret it.


    To venture back to the original topic, I have always found it interesting, why can we basically add anyone to our friend list without any request or consent needed. To be honest, I have two person on mine (people who I know irl too), but at least 20+ on the "followers" page and for the most I have no single clue who are they. It would be a nice and logical feature to have.


    I also want to add, that never underestimate how far players with this type of mindset are willing to go just to reach someone they have a "problem" with. The worst I have seen was someone who tried to convince other players in map chat to send messages/wishper to a specific player, who probably already blocked them and such. Some people are weird.

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  7. 18 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:


    On a related question, is it rude to offer portals if you were portaled? If I take someone's portal up, should I not offer portals to other players while the original portaller is still around?

    For that matter, if I do the jumping puzzle, and there's already someone portalling, would it be ruder to also start offering portals?

    Imo it's not rude. My main is a mesmer, there were times when I was ported by someone else and could see that several other players were waiting for port while the original porter were on CD, so I popped up mine to help. I can not recall one single time when the original player was upset about that or anything. I sticked around for a few mins, we shared some buffs with each other to lower CD and ported in turns, then I left.


    To the OP, I am usually tipping 1g, but I am always broke, so... I am happy to read that there are very generous players in this thread, who can and give more than that.

    Also, I am avoiding players like plauge who are agressively telling how much they want, but ofc it's their right to do so and no one forcing me to use their ports. But I like players with good vibes more, so I am more comfortable to tip to them instead.

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  8. I recently completed Aurora, without spending real money on it (just to be clear, that I farmed everything for it), and I already had the map currencies before the Return story missions were avaliable.


    I could manage to complete it, even tho I basically only play few hours a week (working, household, children - just to reply to the part where OP talking about non-working players).


    It was a long ordeal yes, but isn't one of the main things with legendary items is that they are hard to obtain (or they should be at least)?


    For me, one of the reasons why I wanted to complete it was to have a goal I can work for till the new expansion is out.


    Imo if you really want Aurora you have to take your time, but as others pointed out, this is not a 'must have' item, so if you can not enjoy the road till you finally get it, maybe you shouldn't do it. Spending your hard earned freetime with an activity you don't like is annoying without doubt.



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  9. So, your problem is: new players (or returning ones) have to pay for those few LW stories, while they now can have the core game for free and expansions in a bundle for less than their original separate prices. And your reasoning is, that there were a time window when those few episodes were free for players who played the game at that time.

    Following your logic, then I should open a thread whinning about how unfair is that new players now can have the expansions+core game for less money than I payed when they came out? And how Anet is punishing veteran players for their loyality, while new players are getting discounts blah blah.


    As others said before: no one is forcing new players to rush through the whole game just so they can have all the stuff other players now have, after years of playing. Before mounts were introduced we were able to complete HoT (with hard(er) work and time), now mounts are present so in your opinion new players should just get them with a click, because that would be more 'fair'.


    Maybe new players (with the same mindset of yours) should decide whether they want to actually play this game and work toward their goals, or just want to have an insta account with all the shinies and unlocks because that's what is "new player friendly".



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  10. This video shows nothing, yet everyone already on the salt train... This is clearly nothing more than letting us know that this feature will be present and that's all. 


    Speaking for myself, I'm already more "hyped" for this, than for another raid/strike instance, which I will never enter and completely not interested in, and this also applies for guild mission features (and yes, I'm sure there are a lot of other players who are not in a guild nowadays...). 


    I will wait for more details to come out, with more actual gameplay footages and decide then what to think about it's mechanics or whether it is better, worst or the same comparing to other games.

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