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Posts posted by Matthius.9104

  1. 2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    This makes no sense to me.  You're wanting negative reviews to punish ANet.  Negative reviews would only lead to lost revenue -- revenue that could then be used to put resources toward the content that you say is lacking.

    Nice way to shoot yourself in your own foot.

    They have not used any of that revenue on pvp or wvw in the last 9 years. Why would they start now? They already said and have shown that pve is a main focus. Look at the patches that have all came out. ALL pve related only. Any revenue that comes into the game will 2/3 be spent on cash shop creation stuff and paying anet. The remaining will be thrown at pve in some form or fashion.

    What would be shooting yourself in the foot is if you keep giving positive reviews only, not being honest about how 2/3 of the game is abandoned and giving anet more money.

    The only way recourse at this point to get ANY amount of love to pvp is to make sure we are heard on a platform that is not controlled by anet and the pve cult.

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  2. The steam charts says the all time peak was 582.

    The game is getting negative reviews for many reasons. Alot to do with pvp because they have been kitten on for years now and been made fun of by the pve playerbase.

    Some say its pay2win because the end game is literally just fashion. The majority of the skins are on the gem store. Add to that the inconvenience to the point you have to buy the convenience items in the gem store. Hence all the pay2win.

    Others are the disgruntled pve players whose class has been all but deleted from the game. Elementalists and warriors come to mind.

    You cant ignore these people and expect nothing to happen. You think that sabotaging a game you love does not make any sense but to these people the rest of the community already sabotaged the game they once loved. They would rather see it fail. If there were some glimmer of hope that they would be listened too then im sure they would help make the game look good. But if they lose, you lose.

    You can say whatever you want about what kind of person that makes them. Thats just the reality of it.

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  3. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1284210/reviews/?browsefilter=toprated&snr=1_5_100010_

    This is why the game is getting bombed. It is 100% justified

    I have 9000 hours over 8-9 years of playing this game, primarily PvP/WvW but also a good amount of PvE.<br><br>Where to begin when 
    the entire game is a dumpster fire... <br>The GW2 community is the 
    most cringe, insecure MMO community I've ever seen and all you'd have 
    to do is browse /r/guildwars2 or the official forums for 5 minutes. 
    <br><br>First of all, the devs have done their upmost, and I mean upmost 
    best to neglect the best parts of this game for many years. 
    The game receives abysmal PvP/WvW balancing so if you're starting the 
    game as a pvper, just move on because there are many better alternatives.
     Eventually the balance was dictated by "prominent" streamers/content 
    creators who banded together with devs in a secret discord server. 
    These content creators would defend every bad balance patch simply for 
    the reason that they had influence over some of the changes. 
    One streamer publicly defended the patch, which notoriously nerfed all 
    the damage in the game, and thus blamed it on players not being able to 
    adapt when people complained. A year later he himself would complain 
    about the state of the game being "stale" and how most pvp matchups were 
    now stalemates. <br><br>The (arguably) best game mode in this game has 
    been neglected for years. In 2018, the devs promised a new WvW alliance 
    system that would "revamp" World vs World. 4 years later, they have 
    failed to even ship the system to live servers. Not to mention the fact 
    that the system does not actually solve any real problems the game mode 
    has, it's just something new that players anticipated. Many players quit
     after that announcement as ArenaNet once again showed they have no idea
    what they're doing. The few remaining veterans are just people that have
     invested too much time to quit. <br>SPvP is extremely boring and 
    unbalanced. SPvP has one main game mode called Conquest that has been the 
    meta for the games entire lifespan (10 years lol). The "top" pvpers in 
    this game consistently win trade for rank, sell pvp tournament carries 
    for $$$ and are even in on it with some of the devs who turn a blind eye. 
    Ranked SPvP is also filled with bots and matchmaking is a joke and 
    players will be mismatched based on elo because the player base is so
     thin.<br><br>The PvE in this game is mind-numbingly boring after a 
    certain point. Repetitive, unskippable, badly written dialogue. 
    Everything is so easy because the game is casual as hell. 
    I'm still using the same PvE gear I crafted in 2014. 
    Raids are super boring. There are more people selling carries than 
    actually playing the game in the lfg menu because it's so dead. 
    The community consistently praised the devs for their Living Story 
    episodes which were an hourish, extremely boring, PvE stories that you 
    zoomed through in order to play the new map released with it. The 
    community acted like these episodes and maps were the greatest content 
    they'd ever seen. So the devs took this praise and abandoned all other 
    aspects of the game for a few years to pump out Living Stories, which 
    eventually led to the same community getting bored and asking for 
    something new.<br><br>Class Specialisations. Class specs are by far the 
    laziest way ArenaNet pushed "content" to the game. With each expansion 
    comes new class specs which adds skills/traits to each class. ArenaNet 
    purposely nerfs the meta class spec at the current time in order to 
    guarantee sales for their new expansion which will include the very 
    overtuned new class specs. The design and development behind these 
    specs became lazy and very dull after the 2nd expansion. Obviously the 
    old class specs are neglected as a result.<br><br>So many other 
    little things I can say:<br><br>- Cosmetics/Outfits that are beyond 
    horrible.<br>- If you play as F2P you will get slapped by people 
    who have purchased expansions with the latest class specs.<br>- 
    Lootboxes with lootbox only loot.<br>- PvE focused community.<br>- Same 
    boring holiday events that when you've done them once, you'll never want 
    to do again.<br>- The worst inventory in any MMO, so much junk/trash 
    items and you have to buy bag slots per char.<br><br>Find something else 
    to play. This game offers nothing if you are looking for anything 
    remotely challenging. So many big streamers picked up the game and 
    dropped it within a week because they realised how boring it is. 
    The best thing this game has is its combat and how you can use it 
    to outplay other players. Unfortunately, when you have devs that 
    have no idea how to balance the game, it's becomes irrelevant.
    <br>Obviously this game has some good parts otherwise I wouldn't have 
    played for so long but those parts were either neglected or changed. 
    The gradual decline of this game was sad but inevitable when you realise 
    who leads ArenaNet, how they laid off 200 employees at a single time and
     how the original dev team quit a long time ago to move onto other 


    You thought pvp people would not revolt after being ignored and kitten on for all these years?

    How is it any more acceptable to give fake positive reviews? You are trying to kitten new players with this toxic positivity.


    edit: the link didnt work take the div i copied since i cannot copy from steam either...  sorry for the kitten copy

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  4. 1 hour ago, tunococman.7324 said:

    Imagine pretending Moa is hard to land in 2022


    And imagine thining z-axis teleports with evade spamming while attacking + instant cast shatters that can be played as temporary pets is hard


    Mesmer was always a braindead class once you figured out how it worked, it had to be underpowered to be balanced really as shown in 2015 pre-hot even tho they were really strong pre-hot.


    did you just use "figure it out" and "braindead" in the same sentence? hmmmm.... must be a ranger main

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  5. 13 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


    Warrior NEEDS to be nerfed first. 

    Warrior, with Bladesworn, is apparently playable in PvP and some people say it is  ? Good? 


    We NEED core Warrior nerfs NOW! As is tradition! 

    Throw some rework into the mix that makes things worse and we are golden. 

    I trust you Anet! 

    Hey buddy! Back of the line! I called for mesmer first. You guys have a viable build in the meta right now so that means mesmer needs to be nerfed first.

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  6. Just thought i would go ahead and get this out of the way before someone else brings it up. We goin the way of ele and war. Right in the trash can.


    I expect this will be the only post noticed by the balance team when they take their yearly glance at the pvp forums and do a key search for "nerf" and "mesmer" or "warrior" or "elementalist".


    See you on the next patch notes!

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  7. I quit playing mesmer because it just feels like utter kitten now. The skills were already pretty clunky on mirage add to that every class having a thousand ways to drop target and they get practically un-usable and feel like they just wont cast.


    On top of that after your burst rotations (which in some cases require you to use your only escape as an engage) you are pretty much kittened if the enemy doesnt go down. Every class these days are either too tanky, too mobile or have too much sustain to die to any of the mesmer bursts outside of the odd few times you might get lucky.


    I just moved on to playing a different class for my now 1 match a day. Thats just all i can stomach of the game now.


    side gripe: mesmer is so kittening slow and on top of that slowness all the classes apply cripple / chill / slow / immob to you...

  8. 1 hour ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

    LMAO how are you having trouble with rev on bladesworn, you litterally just run at them spamming your damage skills and you will win the damage trade every single time with vastly higher sustain + damage, if they run for their lives they can't resustain because most of their healing requires interation with opponents while bladesworn can happily spam heals without even worrying about being interrupted due to so much of it being instant cast and nonconditional.

    Funny. I NEVER have trouble killing a bladesworn on rev. You mad cuz bad

    • Confused 5
  9. Just now, anbujackson.9564 said:

    Shout spam is objectively bad. Its boring to play and terrible to play against. I am not playing PvP but videos I saw were already enough. Thousands of heals with no counterplay, even when cced. 

    No one should defend this. You build completely around this and might spam and profit from high damage through high might. But thats just my two cents. They should tune it down and focus on spellbreaker instead.

    IF they tune it down it dies to literally anything. There is so much cc / condi spam and with all BS abilities being heavily telegraphed they will get interrupted and could not even play the game. Not to mention the dumptrucks of damage coming out of the ANET favorites.

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  10. Model: male Human Character


    Armor Set: Holographic Koi


    Affected/Bugged Armor Piece: Back Piece


    Description of Issue: the preview works, but when applied to the backpiece it does not display. The backpiece is tic'd to be visible.


    edit: found solution. It does not display when a shield is equipped and stowed on the back

  11. 38 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    Please no. The suggestion doesn't even need arguments against it. It is just a bad idea for the game mode.

    bad for a game mode thats already majorly bad? might as well make SOMETHING about the game mode actually fun.


    zerging is unfun and pretty much requires you to be in a discord group otherwise its just random aoe spam. roaming is not a thing unless you want to get outnumbered and locked down or just fight a thief who will stealth and run til you are bored to tears.


    i have had to run across the entire map to find a fight only to get jumped by 5 people. i spend more time running around looking for fights than actually fighting.


    who cares about keeps. they constantly churn and turn. there is no real point in holding them and from what i have seen contesting keeps and longer fights is the only argument against them. why? fighting is fun. its what people are there for. let us have it and have fun riding around a big open hilly map while beating the kitten out of each other rapidly.

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  12. I already asked for this and everyone hated me for it.


    I say kitten it. Games are about fun. The game is un-balanced. Thieves can perma contest keeps and there really isnt any point in capturing stuff anyway outside of pip farming. Combat is what makes WvW fun. So why not add in the fastest mount?


    The way the maps in WvW were designed are just begging to be rode on by a roller beetle. I want to see a group of bro's speed up on a hill and fly over a keep wall.... that kitten is what old gaming used to be. Just a clown fiesta of stupid kitten that was so out of balance nobody had hurt feelings because nobody took it seriously.

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  13. 29 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    It's a class good vs low tier players.. but has limited skill ceiling, no busted skills doing a trilliong things with a single button, clear animations and enough time to down between one rotation and another, easy to lock down and almost no access to stability, plenty of skills/utilities with 1s+ cast time

    In a way that is sort of balanced and how most classes should be. With the exception of the toxic BS that comes from the condi core ranger. That is the only ranger player that i despise and believe is ruining the game. That pulsing root is kitten and their ability to run away is ridiculous. I found the best way to beat them in the sense of winning an sPvP match is just ignore them. They want you to chase them but without GS they cant chase you. So i just rotate.


    Tangent Over.


    I would add that if you are looking to make it to top ranks in pvp in the game then you have to play meta. It doesnt seem worth it though because of the match manipulations going on as well as the low population. There is another thread in the forum about climbing. Its much easier to climb on a fresh account than one that has a messed up MMR from where you were learning to play.


    If you dont care about that and want something fun with a high skillcap that can feel rewarding to stomp someone with then ele or spellbreaker is a good pick but they are far from meta. (weaver was recently knocked off its place in meta but its still good an really fun)

    High skillcap and still meta is power herald. That could be rewarding to learn and i can atleast respect a good herald player that beat me. Not so much with necro, guard or condi ranger.

    • Confused 1
  14. Title.


    I have been running into them in the duel arena and dump condi on them. Their hp seems to not move past 80 - 90% and i keep getting chain stunned / interrupted. I have seen other eles beat them before but cant figure out how they are doing it.


    Disclaimer: im not hyper experienced with ele but do know most of the rotations

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