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Geralt z Rivii.8135

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Posts posted by Geralt z Rivii.8135

  1. Like the concept of spec, currently playing in Spvp with Jalis as a dmg/support hybrid build.

    Things i would change/fix:

    - Forerunner of Death traits isnt worth the deal imho: 150 energy cost for a reduced aoe and dmg buff feels bad.. maybe 125 energy and normal aoe would fix it.

    - Vassal of the Empire trait doesnt give the 2 second duration bonus to vigor given by Song of Arboreum trait . I think dodge should first give boons, and then give the 2 sec bonus to them. 

    - Alliance Tactics (F2) should give boons when used on other legends, something similar to Song of the Mists or Spirit Boon trait. right now is a 25 energy for 50 endurance.. maybe reduce energy cost by 5?

    - both elite skills feels too weak: Spear got low damage, while Urn is basically a suicide button (while being the only upkeep skill of the spec.. feels bad)

    - greatsword animation feels unfinished/cluncky .. hope we will get animations upgrade and some QoL changes like range on gs3

    - sometimes u get hit/cc'ed during dodge animation, feels like it bugs out.


    Keep up the good work Anet, this spec could be so much fun!

    Sorry for bad english, not first language.



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