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Posts posted by Cravex.5670

  1. Just caught this thread.  I understand the merit of the ideas presented by the OP.  I've read through it all and frankly don't understand why there is that much opposition against a game idea where it looks like (not sure if I'm mistaken) you get to duplicate some of your characters into henchmen, and use them in a warfare scenario alongside others doing the same.  This is Guild WARS right?  Like I can see guilds where the players are the officers, in charge of henchmen (soldiers) fighting other guilds?  Makes sense to me.

    Really sounds like the best of all worlds from Dynasty Warriors, GW1, Baldur's Gate, and Conqueror's Blade but using the created classes and world in GW2 and creating new game modes (that sorta happens when you have new expansions, right?).  When I first heard the name "Guild Wars" the thoughts that came to mind actually were close to what the Op is describing.  Factional warfare...leading troops.  Pretty sure he is right about those aspects with mounts, fractals etc being added well after the release of the game.  So why wouldn't or couldn't this happen?  All the friction just sounds like a lot of clamor over something that isn't even a bad idea... all these people do not represent all the players in the game or what they want.  They just represent themselves...

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  2. On 9/19/2021 at 8:06 AM, Broxxgar.6801 said:

    For me is very strange that they already didn't put spears for Warrior. Like Spear and Javelins were the most common weapon on any Warrior in our Real History. And Paragons seems to fit exactly this spot on the game. I know that we have this on water. But I want it on the game so I can have my Hoplite with a Spear + Shield and really enable the Phalanx trait of Tatics.


    Ding Ding Ding -- EXACTLY!!!!!

    To round that out -- They could have borrowed the Deadeye mechanic, and had the polearm (using bladed staff skins) as TWO Handed for offense, then press weapon 5 to switch to 1H staff (reduction to 1h dmg) or scepter (for specific 1h spear) and shield for both

    A.  more defense



    HOW could they NOT do that???  WHY would they NOT do that???



    On 9/19/2021 at 1:50 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

    They don't even need to create a new weapon category to have Javelins for a Paragon specialization.

    Some Sceptres and Staves already look like spears, so Arenanet could reuse one of these types to give Warrior Javelins.

    And while the others might look silly, Daredevil can also choose to use silly skins for their Staff, like Kasmeer's Staff.


    Totally agree.


    On 9/18/2021 at 3:13 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

    It's time to give up on Warrior.

    All it gets will be reduced to banner slaves in endgame anyway.

    And Bladesworn will just be a band-aid to cover up all the core issues, so Arenanet can continue pretending the issues don't exist.




    On 9/19/2021 at 9:08 AM, Vancho.8750 said:

    It is quite strange they didn't do Gun spear instead of the nodachi gun , considering everyone writes spear this spear that but then again the Hollywood style samurai look has better market potential, even though samurai(and for that matter everyone) used spears for warfare.


    If anything, why didn't they at least go this route, have gun naginata;  to finally give polearm to the warrior???

    Anet - I'm seriously disappointed.  You really missed an opportunity here.  Unless by some miracle you're already planning polearm (staff [2h] and/or scepter [1h javelin])  for a fourth major expansion?


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