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Everything posted by FrostDraco.8306

  1. This acheivement is still bugged. I've killed Vespera almost everyday for weeks and still haven't gotten credit.
  2. This event for Kamohoali'i Kotaki III: Carcharias, gets bugged out and the npc's become trapped in the terrain with no way to reset or move them. Even upon attacking mobs they path back inside the terrain. It's been stuck like this for days now and there is no way to progress the precusor without this event.
  3. I don't understand what this quote is supposed to beIt was supposed to be the primary design goal and leading line of this game. Devs once used to say that a lot. It meant that all content is supposed to be equally important, and that no part of the game should be depreciated simply because you leveled up, geared up or just played for longer. and how this is relevant to what I said or responded to?It is relevant, because you seem to think that the "endgame" equipment should only have a place in "endgame" content. And that "endgame" content should be something separate from the rest of the game. WHile, according to the original design goals, Raids should be no more of an endgame than Living Story is. So he sees lege items as "endgame", but at the same time demands "easy modes" to reward endgame "exclusive" (you know... legendary) gear. That doesn't make much sense to me.Yes, i understood your point. That's why i responded like i did - that i don't understand the idea of associating the term "endgame" with niche content only a minority of players are interested in. Considering that "endgame" is an overall term for goals and content that is going to keep players in the game longterm, it's like you think that most players don't deserve to have that at all. What do you think those players should do then, quit? Is this game supposed to be only for those interested in niche content, and others should not even hope for an "endgame" of their own?That makes no sense to me.Those of us who wanted raids to be an actual supported game mode and not a tac on like SAB have basically done so already. Most of us haven't even asked for much, and we are still disappointed.
  4. Hmmmmmmmmmm, if we go by that analogy, you could say that the requirements in this case are that of your cultural background ..... or maybe even race/skin color ....... Not sure if we should further this discussion before it gets into a very volatile one! (Btw, big disclaimer here, it's a joke of course, really don't want to get into some kind of a weird discussion here!)Anywho, I still don't think we should look into the community to change or adept to anything if the facilitator (read: ANet) imo is the only one that can and should take action! Having such a specific and heavily set META for ages now, is just not healthy .... It never is .... It's time for change. And imo, the solution is exactly that: change and preferably in the future more frequently as well! Advocating for change when the system works fine without infringing on player freedom is a fools errand. We have seen what happens when 5 players who don't always get along are locked into 10-20min encounters. You get league of legends. YOU say its time for a change. And that literally means nothing to me, or anyone else. Prove a change is needed or your statement is nothing but pandering to the weak.
  5. Because casual players, or more temperamental players, tend to not be dedicated players. You are more likely to encounter players who play the game either a lot, or more hardcore. This game tried to cater mostly to the casual crowd, which leads to sharp dips in population in between patches from both groups.
  6. They are, in tier 1 and 2. ^^ The mention of a CM automatically invalidates any claims this post was about only t1 and teir 2.
  7. ->Calls fractals a casual game mode. And see that's where you are wrong kiddo.
  8. What chest piece is that? Bladed chest piece. You can get it at Verdant Brink from the meta with all bosses defeated or complete the Magumma Track in wvw. Hate to sound sexist but with a piece like that my Female Reaper would become my undisputed main.Why would that be sexist, and why do you feel the need to apologize for your taste?
  9. i love this one. It's metal af and reminds me of Pentakill Karthus. I like this one. Gives me that old vampire hunter feel.> @"Ghostt.1293" said: 1st one is T H I C C. Here's mine. Power Condi. 1st is most recent look
  10. Most of the reason pre's are espensive on the TP is not due to traders, but people who sell them for ridiculous sums because otherwise they are dirt poor. "TP barons" deal in the legendary market, not the pre market, as it is way more profitable.
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