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kardinal.3051's Achievements

  1. Match making has ALWAYS been bad, is the whole game in Alpha??????
  2. It's always been bad, but I agree it is absolutely terrible right now. Games are ending in literally 30 seconds in this new game mode. Ridiculous
  3. So the new game mode needs SERIOUS work. Games end in 30 seconds and match making is WILDLY imbalanced as always, just in full show in this new game mode
  4. Every game is so massively imbalanced, how do solo players play this game? Games are so incredibly imbalanced and there is so much griefing its sickening
  5. Ranked PvP is literally as bad as I remember it.. Ranked games are decided by the matching system that pairs bronze players with gold players and pre mades having to carry teams. I remember why I stopped playing this game a year ago.
  6. So I stop playing GW2 Rank PvP for a couple of days for holidays and the decay brought me down from Gold 3 all the way to Bronze 3! How is this possible? Rank decay is a terrible feauture that should be removed during holiday seasons
  7. How does anyone climb the ranked ladder when half the time you're playing with bots or toxic players who intentionally throw the game? I could get MVP and lose a game because of bad team mates and still lose ranked points. Climbing as a solo player is seemingly impossible. Also about the bots, it seems bots are just accepted in pvp because everyone knows they exist, you can report all you want they will never get banned
  8. I play on NA, and I guess "weird hours" would constitute between 12 and 7 EST. I get about an hour or 2 in those hours in total
  9. I mean I would be inclined to believe that statement IF there wasn't loads of videos on YouTube and Reddit exposing bots in ranked games. So no, you're trying to fuel a fire that is not existent by making that statement. Bots are ALL over ranked matches. I do not care about other games modes in GW2. I play WoW for PvE, GW2 has a much more balanced, fun and easy to get into PvP system that I really enjoy and that brings me back to this game. Does not matter if I'm good or bad at PvP, I would say I'm average (low tier Gold rank) there should not be bots at all. It is so obvious as well that these are bots, when 2 players follow the exact same linear routes the whole game, extremely obvious. I even go as far as to whisper these bots just in case its a coincidence before I report them, no reply at all. Anet NEEDS to fix this if they ever hope to win back the PvP community from other games. Just so sad I spent all that time re downloading this game in hopes for a fun PvP experience just to be ruined so quickly
  10. So there are bot hours and non-bot hours???? What!? So this is just an accepted thing in this game?
  11. I left the game about 2-3 years ago because of the botting in Ranked PvP. Come back and can't even complete my 10 games to get a rating because literally every game has 1-2 bots. This was a problem years ago and is why I left the game and it's still a problem now. I wanted to buy the new xpac and was excited to get back into pvp in gw2 but not anymore. Really wish the devs cared about this game, really sad
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