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Posts posted by BeerPanda.9210

  1. It would be nice to have the option to seperate the jumping keybind from the gliding keybind.

    As with double-tap to evade, sometimes this screws you over in jumping puzzles if you're not very deliberate with your button presses. Even when you get used to being deliberate, sometimes you might be sliding on a piece of terrain without noticing and when you try to jump you glide instead. Even though it is a minor thing, it is annoying coming from F2P without ever having this issue, being excited for getting the expansions, and now being stuck with this little gadfly that you cannot disable without disabling the jump key.

    In addition, I have pains in my joints. I try to alleviate this through minor changes in my movement, like letting my thumb rest a bit on the spacebar. This worked perfectly fine while playing on F2P but I cannot do it anymore since it triggers a glide. Doing a more deliberate movement with my thumb exacerbates the pain if I play for long stretches. I can of course rebind jumping so I can use a finger more suited for that movement, and I might since this change might never be implemented, but I would prefer to have the option to just rebind gliding. It's seems to me to be a minor change, and it would greatly improve my enjoyment of the game.

    Thank you.

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