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Posts posted by Fleo.7324

  1. Ok, so it's nothing new. But it really leaves a very bad impression.

    I know the buy price is 25% lower than normal price, but they make it seem like the sale is actually 50%. It is totally misleading.

    I was literally with my card in hand ready to buy gems, when I realised how bad this looks. I decided not to spend any more money on the game. Not unless I see they're honest with advertising sales.  I can't be the only one put off by this, they really shouldn't do it.

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  2. It's March, and we are getting different items on sale every day, which is great. I've happily spent some cash on a few things.

    But something is really bothering me. Recently the Shared Inventory Slot was on sale. I have bought a bundle 5 of those a couple of times, and I know they are 2800 gems. But during the sale the strikethrough price was over 3000 gems. Totally fake.

    Right now the Black Lion Chest Key is on sale, and for a bundle of 25 the strikethrough price is 3125 gems, but when they aren't on sale the price is actually 2100 gems. Fake price again.

    This is so low... Feels like it should even be illegal.  

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  3. I have to say, after playing all of GW2, every expansion, every living world season, and now finished EoD story and 100% completed these maps as well....

    Now moving on to collections, new masteries, alts... GW2 was always "the game that respects your time" ...but seems like it doesn't anymore.

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  4. The new Raptor Taxi feature is awesome, And new Teleporters in New Kaineng can be very convinient.

    There's just one thing that I don't understand. When I want to select a destination, I have no idea what leads to where exactly on the map. Especially when I want to use a teleport in New Kaineng, there are a lot of options. How can I see the destination on the map, instead of just a list of names which I cannot recognise?

    I end up wasting my Jade Power charges trying to guess...

    I think these teleporters really should have a different interface that lets you select your destination on the map.  

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  5. I noticed this and can confirm, maps feel empty. I can't complete single events before timer expires, not even talking about a whole map meta... Besides that, a lot of events are also bugging and become impossible to complete. I don't mean to be a hater, but we're off to a bad start, unfortunately...

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  6. I cought maybe around 20 fish so far. It seems quite random in terms of difficulty, sometimes its uber easy, sometimes it's a bit annoying. I have absolutely no idea what fishing power does exactly, I didn't see it expalined anywhere in game. Have I missed something?

    I agree that the whole concept is not as relaxing as maybe people expected. I don't like how you just need to stare at a bar, and ignore everything else on the screen. Kind of breaks the immersion in my opinion...

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  7. Griffon is crazy fast, you just hinder yourself if you never use it over skyscale...

    Anyway, both are nice, but Skyscale collection REALLY should not include the saddle part, this 250 of each map currency is completely unnecessary (i know the retun achievs make it a lot easier, I don't even know how anyone's ever done it without that), the collection is already long and tideous enough without this part...

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  8. 1 hour ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    You dont use rifle aa ever. nor pistol aa. Engi core weapon auto attacks are unusable. With power you are mostly using bomb aa and grenade 2,4,5 + elixir gun 4. condi uses grenade aa with the explosives shrapnel gm trait.

    Core condi engi is one of the strongest core builds. its just very hard to play since it uses 4 kits.



    Right, so I guess I was playing it wrong. I thought, like with other professions, I rely on my actual weapon abilities for damage, while having utilities on the right side of the skill bar... So with Engineer you're not even supposed to use your weapons? Ok, if that's the case, then my mistake. But this is just plain weird. It should at least be explained in some way for people who don't want to go outside of the game to read guides so they can then actually play. But this is GW2, it's kind of expected now that you learn how to play the game... outside the game.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    How many kits did you use? core condi engi has competetive dps to be taken in raids and even fractals. even core power can do 30k dps. Thats an issue on your side. what build did you run? traits and sigils/runes alone can double or triple your dps.

    you most likely played a kitless build or flame thrower camp. kitless core engi does not work and flamethrower aa has negative dps.

    Core engi almost requires 2 kits. core condi uses 4. thats why engi had a low playrate prior to pof. holo simplifies it.


    Actually I used all the kits but the flamethrower. Bear in mind I was only condi while levelling, so I hadn't optimized my build, due to frequently changing gear. I'm just talking about open world pve and levelling. This is my experience, and I'm only talking about it because I did the same thing on seven other characters, and none of them felt this bad to me. It wasn't a small difference. The dps just took way too long to ramp up, mostly noticeable when trying to destroy objects like dredge/pirate turrets, tamini weapon racks, etc. It just did laughable damage. When I switched to rifle.. what can I say, the lack of aoe damage on the auto attack feels pretty bad, and I don't know what it is, but all ranged weapons in the game feel very weak. Like at least 2x less dps compared to melee. That's how it feels.


    Anyway, I managed (with the help of other players) to finally get the 250 hero points and I am now a happy sword holosmith, the damage difference is so big, and I haven't even started to play with runes and sigils yet.

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  10. Here's my PvE experience with the Engineer:

    I have levelled and played with elite specs with all the professions, except an elementalist (yet), and today I levelled up my Engineer.

    I have to say, no other profession felt that weak, in terms of damage output. In the lower levels it was fine, it was fun even. I tried a dual pistol condi build at first, but level 65-80 it just kinda felt like I was barely doing anything to enemies. I ended up gaining the last few levels with crafting because, as much as I tried, I just couldn't take more than 5-10 minutes of playing this (core) profession. Compared to all the other characters I levelled, Engineer's dps felt abysmally bad and generally this profession feels too slow. After I hit level 80, I switched to a rifle power build, thinking this would maybe change it for the better.. oh, no. I didn't think it could, but it actually became worse. I am struggling at the path of fire intro mission. A mission that is super easy on every other character I did it...

    I just want to gather enough hero points in order to unlock Holosmith, the whole reason I created this Engineer character is because Holo seemed fun, and I wanted to try it. Besides levelling, I now feel like there it something fundamentally wrong with the game design, in terms of unlocking elite specs. In order to play something that looked like fun to me, I have to put so much time and effort playing something I really do not enjoy. But I feel like that only on the Engineer, though, other professions at least killed stuff easy....

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  11. Living world seasons cost like what, 15 euro each? It's money for game content, what's wrong with that? And there's a fair amount of it. This is way better than a monthly fee, you pay for it once and you have it forever. Besides, you know... you don't HAVE to buy everything at once.

    If you've been playing actively you'd have all the living world content for free, isn't it?

    "Episodes can be unlocked for free by logging into the game at any time during the episode's original release window. Generally, this window runs from the date of the release of an episode until the release of the following episode."

    I hadn't played the game for years, just logged in from time to time, and I had some episodes ulocked, ended up paying like 10 euro for each season. I live in one of the poorest european countries and it doesn't seem expensive to me. Doesn't cost more than a dinner, or a movie with my gf.

    As to why they're not included when you buy something like the expansions bundle, I don't know, I'd like there at least to be an option for a whole bundle, instead of buying thins separately.

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  12. In Season 4 now. Everything was going very good. Until this mission "Forearmed is Forewarned".

    I don't know If I should even go into detail, but I've been in this mission (still am while typing this) for over an hour and It's just not possible to make any more progress with the "secure the area" part, it clearly doesn't work. What am I supposed to do? Can maybe a game master help with this if I open a ticket?

    I am 100% sure I'll just rather uninstall if I have to start from the beginning...

  13. Thanks everyone for your replies.

    I'm a new player, but I'm not new to MMOs.

    I've only played GW2 for 345 hours. Still, I'm not totally clueless.

    I've notices A LOT of opinions same as mine, that core HoT maps are ridiculously complicated.


    I've decided to just skip HoT entirely, I did 88% Verdant Brink, started Auric Basin, and at 36% completed I just couldn't take it any longer. If it wasn't for the "Sunk Cost Fallacy" I'd uninstalled the game by now, solely because of HoT content. I was saying Season 2 content was bad? After playing HoT, noo, no.... Season 2 was awesome!


    So I decided I need a breath of fresh Air, and carried on with PoF.

    PoF was AMAZING compared to all the rest. It saved my interest in the game. I'm very much looking forward to playing through Season 4.

    I even did the whole hurdle of getting the griffon (spoiler alert, it's not worth it)

    Although, I'm still finding myself in very strange situatiuons... I may pull three random mobs and they kick my a** or have me stunlocked and I die in three seconds... The final Balthazar fight was a breeze compared to some random enemy while exploring... Idk, feels weird.

    P.S. https://i.imgur.com/5ShR5Ao.png

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  14. I've played the Game about 9 years ago, in the beginning, but stopped soon after hitting level 80. And after such a long time, I've started playing again and actually now I've gotten really into it.

    Got all expansions, I even bought the €99 ultimate collection, and felt it's pretty stupid that an "ultimate" collection doesn't include the living world seasons, but whatever...


    FInished my Personal Story, watched the Season 1 in-game recap, even watched some youtube videos about the story, as I thought it was interesting. I purchased the Season 2, and finished it today.

    The story was alright.


    The gameplay though... omg. It was pretty bad. Felt especially bad and imbalanced for a melee player. Some missions felt almost impossible at times, but after buying a longbow for my warrior, I did finish it. It was weird how playing with a ranged weapon made some of the most "hard" parts irrelevant. But the story missions really felt waaay too challenging, for what they are. Or actually, challenging isn't a fitting word... it just really felt out of balance. Just overall frustrating. At the end it didn't give me the happiness that I've gone through something challegning, but rather just made me think "well,  I'm just glad that's over". A lot of missions are like "if you know what to do, it's actually not hard" well, the game doesn't really show you what to do, I had to watch youtube videos to understand some of the fights.... Some may say to just get someone to help me, but I really feel like that kind of content should be designed to be done solo, and I shouldn't rely on others. Besides, it's content fromt seven years ago, how many people would be interested in doing that again?


    Anyway, I hightly doubt anything will be changed at this point, I know this is very old content. I'll carry on now with the Heart of Thorns story, although I've got to say, Verdant Brink feels like it has the worst zone deign in history of games...

    All I wanted to ask here is - are the other Seasons better, because I really don't want to pay money for that kind of experience again... Just wanted to enjoy the story.

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