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Posts posted by SecretSquirrel.1893

  1. On 6/10/2023 at 2:06 AM, jason.1083 said:

    If you want to Rocket yourself into an enemy WvW blob and you want to get out alive as well, you shouldn't do it in the first place. 

    This is literally the third most common reason I’m rocking the rocket boots: A.E.D->Rocket Boots [into blob]-> Slick Shoes(-> *when needed* Slick Shoes Toolbelt)->Mortar Kit 4->Rocket Boots [hopefully pointed somewhere without red circles]->Mortar Kit 1-4 behind me while running away. That can usually bait an enemy Zerg into chasing me for a bit while the tag gets to whatever they were thinking about hitting. So, rocket boots are great for trolling. Half a second… yeah, I’m with the ‘weird hill’ guy on that one.  They seem great to me. What I’d so dig on would be if Tool Kit 5 didn’t take so long to cast and it worked in an arc like the necro pull. That would be even more troll-worthy. Or, if they were going to reduce any CD, let it be downstate 3; just lemme get the satisfaction of a good blast before I go. 

    edit: the first reason is breaking contact. Second, chasing down willbenders & rangers. 

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  2. Sorry if this is a repeated question; I've searched and none of the solutions I have found have corrected it.


    I make the HUGE mistake of deselecting DX9 and now all dye/textures in WvW appear dark green - every... single... thing is a version of dark green shades. PvE and PvP are normal. It doesn't matter what outfit I have, what dyes I use. I have run the game with the simplest of graphics options, fullscreen and windowed. Even after switching back to DX9, things are the exact same in WvW.

    I have repaired following Anet's instructions. I have deleted and re-downloaded the client software again. I can't be the only person who's colors in one aspect of the game have gone monochrome.


    Again, in PvE and PvP everything in normal. Only WvW is all green. Any suggestions Anet?


    Thank you for your time. Peace

  3. Coming from an engineer main and not having relied on shroud the same way non-harbinger necros do (for obvious reason,) I treated the harbinger shroud like a holismith’s photon forge - which is just a timed elite kit that takes slightly from health in one manner or another. 
    The rest: I play as a drunken pistol condi engi and it is almost unfairly potent. Add weapon swap to engi mentality and it’s so crazy-go-nutz. (Above poster clearly laid out the advantage to harbinger pistol to engi.)
    (And the wurm just replaces rocket boots’ functionality.)

  4. I've run 4 [edit: 4-10 per day for four days endedit] unranked with this and - though we didn't always 'win' - it was extremely impressive in a particular role: brutal harassment with flaming mobility. This is a great off-meta; thank you for your effort in describing your build.

    [edit: I don’t know if this is a peak performing build but what it offers… protracted 2v & 3v fights, allowing others to take points; auto reveals and skilled, auto stun-breaks and skilled, knockbacks/lockdowns, and quite possibly the most potent trait-effected single heal skill (becoming doubleshotted when trained;) and, gah, so kitten easy to peal teams apart with this build to the point of respawn control for undisciplined opponents. endedit]

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